Rule 34 is my favorite site lol
Honestly, I get really lost when I get into Pony discussions on this I still don't understand all these background pony talk
Okay, question...
Give us an example of how the interaction between the characters are going to be like
The reason it worked for the Inventory game is because the characters were from different games, so how are you going to make this one work?
and I'm guessing it will be you vs ?/mane 6
I would think, if the sales at Toys r us do well, I wouldn't be surprised to see them appear in other stores
and knowing the bronies... it will be sold out (at least the white celestia, Nightmare Moon, and Dj-Pon-3
I usually don't care about these kind of things...but, might as well do one
This is the fanclub for Ponyville's favorite teacher (probably only teacher)
so really, anything can be posted here
Damn, what did those Imagin do this time!!!
Possible plot point about something in later episodes...or Future Twilight bored and wanting to troll her past self (I honestly would do that to myself)