Standard bans from silver 2-gold 5 is: Shen, Malph, Heca, Elise, Kha and Vi. At least on EUW. Might be slightly diff on NA but probably same.
And I'm still around yush ^^
EDIT: I forgot about Renekton and Leona.
Oh my. I haven't seen you in months! How've you been old pal ^^?
Keep playing that Voli. He's super stronk and eats his greens like his mother told him to :3
I used to play on that server a good couple of months ago. And I feel sorry for you since you're stuck on it ;-;
Ranked solo queue on EUNE was a nightmare D:
There aren't too many tricks I think. At least nothing out of the ordinary. And people say he's hard to play?
And he's quite a fast/strong jungler. His E's short cooldown and damage helps alot with it ^^
I play Zed every now and then. He's one of my favourites and his kit just clicked with me. I play him where I can, but mainly take him into the jungle, because getting fed with him is rather easy with some ad and his ulti ^^