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Everything posted by Conred

  1. She not a Mary Sue by definiton BUT i can understand why poeple think she is one and others don't. She is a main character, its understandable why she is focused nad she get more development than others. However she never use strategy with her oponents. Her using mgaic as the deus ex machina whenever she feel to use making her abilities pretty much limitless like with Discord seem to make over powered. Also she is often the one to lecture others about the messages in the show or being the one who is right. Her ascending to alicornhood and gaining a kingdom within 2 seasons made her also very unequal to the other characters
  2. Spike fall for Precocious Crush trope. And in most cases they are never fulfilled. You may have hundreds of kids having a crush on their teacher. Yet not a single one of them ever have a relationship or marry them in future. Since Spike will probably age even slower than ponies based on dragon life span, its even more probable that this relationship end with only friendship.
  3. Well i like to use term "god" to forces that are above Discord,Tirek and Alicorns. Forces that gave them magic or created them, forces that created their world. This term should refer to makers not common users of magic. Every unicorn could be powerfull enough to be a god if that the case. Maybe Tree of Harmony is one of the few gods in Equestria
  4. They are not gods, they are powerfull magic creatures. By this standard Tirek, Chrysalis, Scorpan and soon even Twilight should be considered as gods too.
  5. I would love for them to have a time skip. Either to the point where CMC are grown up or even few generations into the future. With only Discord and Alicorns (also Twilight) being alive from the the old cast. They would only serve as secondary characters since it would feature entire new group of friends.
  6. Actually theres a good chance that Discord is going to be a teenager too. It would make him interact with mane6. And since Big Mac and Photo Finish are teenagers then he could be too.
  7. Also We need to push our Earth standards aside. It is usually look down upon for 80+ and 20+ pairings because one of them is not "in shape" for a relationship or for starting a family. Its an age where body fail to work, health is weaker and chances of natural death is raised. While its still romantic and seen as progressive in tv show like "Modern Family" (Pritchett family) we can understand why we dont usually see cartoons and movies with such age difference. We want to see happy endings with romance leading to family and kids maybe. However, in this case this is Equestria and magic make impossible things possible. You can travel in time, teleport or change shape. Discord fall to the category of a fantastic creature that is implied to be immortal or at least living for a long time. By the look of his shape, how he move and act, also by the look of his ponified version and fact that his hair are black and not grey (his beard and eyebrows are just taken from a goat) we can assume he stuck around his early 30's to late 40's. And since he never had a friend which would imply that he also never had a lover we can see that he is on the same emotional level as Fluttershy(they didn't discover love) I also don't need to mention that there are many fictional characters that are over 100 year old that are being shipped with younger characters by millions of fans in many titles. And you can't blame them because in that case age is just a number. I will give you example of one in a live action movie and in an anime and 2 in a western animation- a male and female. Im sure there are plenty of other examples in video games(Planescape Torment anyone?),animations and movies.
  8. Well she's already shipped with Adagio, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Flash, so why not Fluttershy?
  9. He will not appear in Rainbow Rocks. Based on what Meghan and Jason said, Discord along with Chrysalis and Zecora suppose to appear "in something else". Presumably "Equestria Academy". There was never anything else than assumptions and rumors about him being a janitor. He might be a troublemaking student for all we know. Age in Equestria Girls doesn't really make sense. Even Big Macintosh and Photo Finish became teenagers so its also possible for Discord.
  10. "hottest princess" Are there any bronies that would not see horses as sexual objects?
  11. The redeemings and forgivings in the comics need to end The story with Kelpie was ridiculous, i cant believe it happened
  12. The main problem is not even time that need to be sacrificed for this ship to work. (at least some episode for them to become friends and some episodes for exploring their past would take half of the season) The problem is Meghan already seen the comic and trying to make a shipping just to please the fans and at the same time pushing comics out of canon is not something she would do. Especially since she mention that she wanted to connect comic and tv show universe. Also shipping overall is not something she wanted to focus on. Even Fluttercord may not develop further. Remember Powerpuff Girls? Remember shipping with Rowdy Boys? Or Buttercup with Ace? Did any of the shipping become canon until last episode? I think same will be with this series. Only FlashLight will be explored and only in the movies.
  13. "He WAS flirting" Creator of this episode and head writer of entire show clearly states he wasn't (and i quote "sing of apology THAN ANYTHING ELSE") I don't think is a matter of interpretation or maybe my logic is not working anymore...
  14. Well few days ago Larson had a talk with Dusty Cat and although Dusty implied Celestia for Discord, Larson seem suprised at that ship. He joked also about Daring Do/Discord so for him it seem as much ridiculous. Still he did say that if he had opportunity to write something about Discord past he would likt to explore his past with Celestia (but he also add that not necessarily romantically). He also joked that Nicole only want Dislestia because she want kiss scene with De Lancie xD So basically no. No one is seriously shipping them except one voice actor and it seem there will be no Dislestia in S5 as at least Larson would not be suprised at the question. Maybe in S6 or maybe later or maybe never.
  15. Will at least can someone get to the source like i don't know...Meghan herself instead making theories? http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/07/meghan-mccarthy-responds-to.html#idc-cover I know there is a meme that "Meghan lie" but i think she sound confident enough here. And she never meant for any romantic implications. It was storyboard artist idea. So it is as much a canon shipping as with BG ponies.
  16. He is still learning. He strenghten his friendship with Fluttershy and Twilight. However he is still kind of distant toward others and he still didn't show enough care to defend any of them. I hope there will be times where he do something out of his own heart to help them in need. For now he is kind of neutral toward everything and do not seem to feel empathy toward others. We will see in S5 on how much he actually changed.
  17. People don't hate him because of reputation. They hate him becasue he fail at every narative purpose. Every character should be a story of his own. Able to carry on as a main character in possible spin-offs. Flash is so bland, we could replace him with Donut Joe and had a better romance than this.
  18. Oh but Flash is already perfect They even developed him by making him focused on Twilight and missing her every day. What else do you need?
  19. Hey guys, how about an idea that "Big Macintosh" and "Granny Smith" might be names of a different kinds of apples. That would suggest that "Big" and "Granny" is the part of their names. Granny was her name when she was young and Big was also his name when he was small. So yeah.
  20. Well apparently Dinky is Carrot Top daughter and that writer
  21. Mhmm Cadance wasn't yet born when Sombra was good or evil and banished. She was very young when Twilight was a filly. Her ancestor however might fit your headcanon. Especially Princess Amore who was mentioned in Amy Keating Rogers books. She seem like some kind of great grandmother (or older) of Cadance and she ruled Crystal Empire before Sombra was a king. Maybe she married a prince Sombra and he later become a king that as you said fall after poison joke. Then maybe the curse was broken with Amore death and he become sad until it eaten him out and darkness was the only thing he become
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