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Everything posted by Damonater

  1. Smoking Barrel was once again alone. All he had with him now was 5 bits, his shades, 2 shots of vodka and himself. He walked lifelessly inwards in the village, the shots tucked away under his wing. I can't do it.... Barrel muttered to himself. Maybe this world isn't for me... perhaps I was a mistake from my so called parents... But why am I still here...? Why do I do the things I do...? There must be a purpose... Barrel kept muttering to himself in the icey cold little village. Barrel eventually found the Inn. He was way to afraid to ask for a room... Or even just to go inside anymore. So, he went near to the side of entrance and layed in the cold, brittle snow. It was really cold but it was the best he could do. Barrel took one of his shots of vodka to try to keep himself warm on the inside... But that was only temporary. He was only going to get colder and colder. The empty shot glass rolled over to the entrance. Barrel shut his eyes and wanted to try forget about everything.... He was really sad and scared at this point.
  2. @@Gloomfury, @, ((OOC: My characters accent is Russian. But I do speak aussie irl though )) As Barrel had his head in the snow, softly weeping due to his stress. He felt the other trying to hold his face, looking into his scarred eye that was really messed up. Barrel didn't say anything. He felt like the air within him was sucked out like the soul he had when he was a little colt. Barrel's chances to get either some actual friends and / or some pony special is swiftly going down the drain. He knew that. The eye stopped bleeding.... at least for now. Barrel slowly stood up and put back on his shades. He looked at both of them for a few seconds. He sighed and felt like giving up and going home. Although, he didn't want to fly back. So he had no choice but to stay in the village.... But where? He had had no money, he packed nothing. "I..... I....." Barrel froze with his words. Sure, it was cold but he didn't know what to do or say any more. He still had the shots of vodka wrapped tightly under his wing. Barrel began to use whatever breathe was left inside him, "I.... Am sorry for ruining your evening. I'll just go now..." Barrel slowly trotted in to the snowy night and was now on the search for a good piece ground to lie on. Perhaps next to the tavern? Or the Inn? Who knows... Barrel screwed up his chances with other ponies anyway. No turning back now.
  3. @@Gloomfury, @, After Barrel put his glasses back on, Barrel's mind was all over the place with flooding questions in his head like, "A little competition?" "Pony X? What??" "WHAT ARE FRIENDS THEY SPEAK OF?" Such stress got to Barrel. He felt his right split open and felt a liquid begin to leak from it... But it wasn't tears... When the Emerald green pony went back to the yellow mare. He slowly stood up, "Ermm... excuse me... I just..." Then he suddenly swooped the two shots of vodka from the table with his wing and rushed for the door to the outside. Barrel was freaking the heck out. Barrels heart raced and body shaking for various reasons. Not to mention his stabbed through eye split open in which it left a slight trail behind on the tavern floor and the snow. He hid near the back of the tavern on the outside, in the icey cold weather. Trying to make the bleeding stop. He was freaking out like no tomorrow. He began to cry at the same time.... But will his journey be completed alone or with others?
  4. @, @@Gloomfury, Smoking Barrel was confused as to what the emerald green pony was doing and saying. She had a nice accent though. Barrel raised an eyebrow at her. Err... I am a simple pony. I can not understand the means behind her actions. Barrel thought to himself. He shook his head slightly, "Oh... heh. Umm... Well... I actually do not know my real birth name. I don't think I was a planned thing by my so called 'parents'. However, I did give myself the name of Smoking Barrel a few years back due to my cutie mark. Never really understood its purpose but it is one of my inventions." Barrel explained to both of them. He was hoping that he was doing this whole social thing correctly. He read in a book called "Being Social For Dummies" you need to be truthful and not lie when you are talking to others. "It's okay, I understand..." Barrel said and paused for a moment for his thought, Maybe the green one is telling me to go away? I don't know. I am confused. Erghh... But how do I leave in the middle of talking if she wants me gone? Maybe just move away slightly? AGAIN I DO NOT KNOW THESE SORTS OF THINGS!!! Okay... Calm down... Just dont move and keep doing what you are doing... Barrel's heart began to race, looked a little panicky. Then all of a sudden, his glasses began to fog up. "Heh... excuse me for one moment..." Barrel looked away from the two mares and took off his glasses. His stabbed through eye began to hurt as he took of the glasses. Barrel quickly tried to clean his tinted glasses and held his hoof against his eye.
  5. @, Dammit, sorry.. It was like 2 in the morning when I posted that reply. Will make the changes now.
  6. @@Gloomfury, @, ((OOC: The song he was playing was "Pareidolia Piano Demonstration" By Kevin Sherwood. I aint linking the video here just because of removal reasons)) After finishing his second piece of music, Barrel took his other two shots of vodka with his right wing and trotted over to the mares. He smiled a little at them. He took particular interest in the yellow pegasus. Barrel sat down next to them and placed the shots of vodka on the table. "H..Hey there. Nice to meet you." Barrel said and attempted to smile. Again, he was NEW to the whole talking to others thing. He wasn't sure what to say exactly but he followed his heart in attempts to either making friends for a first time or even meet a special somepony? Who knew... "I er... hope... that I am not interrupting something here... heh." Barrel said neverously to the two. He blushed when he got a little closer to the yellow mare.
  7. @@Gloomfury, @, Barrel finished playing the first piece. He heard no applause though. He then shrugged and then went back to the bar stool. Barrel whispered to the Bartender while handing him 6 bits, "2 drinks for the mares over there." He then went back to the piano and began to play a soft piece of music whilist slightly peaking over there at the two mares. Barrel's thoughts were that if you send them some sort of gift or peace offering first... Perhaps they could be your friend or even more than that? Barrel doesn't know much about the whole being social scene. But he did make an attempt. The bartender trotted over to the two mare that were having a good ol' chat with two drinks. He placed them on the table for them and said to them, "Curtsey of the male, brown pegasus playing the piano." The bartender walked away and went behind the counter again.
  8. After hopping off the boat, Barrel looked around for a little bit. That was until he saw the tavern. He looked at some ponies walk into the tavern and decided to follow them, in hope to either make friends for a first time. Or just to get drunk like normal. But perferably make friends... or even something more if you see what I am saying. "Hmm, well I suppose a few drinks can't hurt. Not sure if they even have vodka in there. Even if they did the same things are just going to happen anyways..." Barrel said to himself as he walked inside. @ @@Gloomfury, Barrel looked inside. There weren't too many ponies at all in the tavern. He saw two mares chatting away and a few more at the bar stools. He then took a seat at the bar stools, "Yes, could I get 3 shots of vodka please? Need to stay warm in this icey cold place." Barrel asked the bartender over the counter. "Sure thing, that'll be 9 bits please." The bartender replied. Now, Barrel never packed anything for this trip. The only thing he brought was his shade which he wears and himself. Oh, and 20 bits. He paid for the three shots and drank the first one quickly. He looked behind him to see a piano that was not being used. "Hey bartender guy, mind if I play that piano over there? Would give the place a bit more of vibe." Barrel asked. "Yeah sure, we were going to throw that out actually." The bartender replied. Barrel carried his other two shots of vodka to the piano and placed them at the top of the classical piano. He decided to play a soft tune for all the ponies to enjoy... Well, hopefully. The icey hooves met with the piano keys but the tones were beautiful. Barrel looked over at the other ponies for a few seconds but then quickly looked away because he didn't want to weird them out by looking at them.
  9. @@Frosty Frost, @@Blitz Boom, @@Summer Breeze, "Oh yeah narr yeah narr mate... she'll be right." Damon stated to frosty to reassure him with his Aussie slang, things will be alright once they get to Summer's house. "The darkness is only one thing. Its the creatures that lurk within them... the unknown... On that bombshell, time to get moving quickly now." He continued to say as he continued to keep up with Summer's pace. Damon scanned quickly around the trees to make sure that there were no creatures waiting to attack them from out of no where.
  10. Smoking Barrel was standing over by the railing of the ship all alone, looking out over to the little icey village. As much as it was cold outside, he needed to get out of his little house in the everfree forest. Barrel only slightly shivered, the cold didn't bother him too much at all. He was more occupied with his thoughts and just thinking about things. He then tried to fix his scruffy, ice covered mane as he continued to look over at the village and think. "Hmmm... Come to think of it. I should have brought some nice vodka to keep me warm on inside. That or a scarf..." Barrel said to himself. "Well at least you got yourself out of the house... Its been too long since you went outside and did something... Hopefully this trip will be good." Barrel then sighed and kept looking over at the village.
  11. @@Akari of Duskshire Oh cool! I shall try to make my first post now then
  12. Hey. Do you mind if I join up with Smoking Barrel? OC link is in signiture. Hopefully my oc is good enough for the rp
  13. "Regret can consume a man so deeply that it will blacken his heart, and swallow his soul.” - Nikolai

  14. @@Summer Breeze, @@Blitz Boom, @@Frosty Frost, Damon looked back at both of the ponies, "Hmm, seems like you guys didn't know him for long then before he disappeared. We had a piano in the house when he was with me. Quite talented even though he had hooves and not fingers like what I have." Damon explained as he show them his fingers. "Anyways, he must of had some memory left over he had created the WunderWaffe and played the piano. I think those voices in his head you speak of must be the memories... But he is heavily infected with one fifteen delusions. I am not sure about myself either... I can feel my memory slip each time I jump between times and worlds." Damon rubbed his head and surveyed the area around him... It looked really dark and creepy to him, it felt like he was being stalked. Perhaps by the creatures that attacked him a little while ago. "Lets get to the safe house. Maybe I can figure out where Barrel might be from there." Damon insisted as he gripped his shotgun tight. Meanwhile.... "Who are you? Get out of my way! Don't make me do something to hurt you..." Barrel insisted for the human like figure lurking in the shadows to move out the way from the exit door. The shadow began to laugh with madness and began to speak with a demon like voice, "The world's destruction lays in your hooves Barrel. You are nothing more than a weapon.... YOU'RE A-" The human was knocked out from the shadows by Barrel. It was one of the scientists that experimented with Barrel. "Ow! God dammit! I think you broke my nose." The scientist said in pain on the floor. After that fatal blow to the face, Barrel looked at the scientist. His head began to hurt with the memories flooding back with Damon. How he was found, the world he grew up in... the events that took place after his capturing. Barrel's head spun and became nauseous... then vomited on the floor. After trembling for a few more seconds, he grabbed the scientist by the coat and put him against the wall. "WHERE AM I? WHERE'S DAMON? TELL ME OR I SWEAR TO GOD YOU WILL NOT LIVE TO SEE THE NEXT DAY!" Barrel asked violently. Then he proceeded to throw across the floor very hard. The scientist was crawling to save his life but Barrel got a hold of him once again. The scientist just laughed and laughed... Barrel couldn't take anymore. He killed the scientist He put the scientist to sleep... perminatly. Barrel then bucked down the door. He was still in Equestria... But where in Equestria...?
  15. I can help ya mate. After all, I did have to learn the basics of using HTML during my Business Cert III class. I wasn't too bad at it man. PM me
  16. @@Summer Breeze, @@Blitz Boom, @@Frosty Frost, "Er yeah... Sure..." Damon replied with an unsure tone in his voice. Seems like that pony could freeze any object, at least that was the vibe Damon was getting from him. Probably thats why they call him 'Frosty' Damon came to a hault as Summer yelled watch out. He raised an eyebrow and got confused as to why they stopped. A bug? or a wolf...? But no, it was the trees. She was about to blindly walk into one. "Ermm, okay sure. I'll look out for them now..." Damon said with a slightly concerning tone. It kind of made him wonder how someone couldn't see the tree in front of them when they are in a forest. But Damon really didn't think much of it though. Maybe her mind trailed off somewhere and wasn't focusing. "So you guys meet Barrel right? All for like 10 minutes or something? What was he like? What did he do?" Damon asked the group as he kept walking along side the two ponies.
  17. Can't wait for the Resident Evil 2 Remake!!

  18. @@Summer Breeze, @@Frosty Frost, @@Blitz Boom, Damon gave a slight facepalm towards Forstys terrible pun and gave a small sigh. He looked towards Summer, "Why thank you Summer. It means a lot. Its better to be here rather than my own world in its current state." Damon said to Summer as she flew around him. "Lead the way then. I'll watch out if anything comes to attack like that other creature tried to." Damon insisted as he was kinda eager to get to this place. To have some actual clean water and hopefully nice food. Yet at the same time, Damon had an objective. Bring Barrel back home. Meanwhile.... Everything was black... Barrel was knocked unconscious by the mysterious person who dragged him away from his new found 'friends'. He began to open his eyes slowly, his vision blurred. He shook his head to gain a more clearer vision. He was laying down on what seemed to be an operating table. But no one else was around him. Barrel went to go move his hooves but was quickly in pain again as he was hooked up to some sort of device. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Barrel screamed in pain. After a few minutes of trying to pull all the cords around him, he gets up but his pony legs shake. "What in Equestria is going on here... Where am I? What happened to me... Erghh... I need a drink." Barrel said to himself as he very slowly walked towards the door and opened it. He saw three separate hallways, one going left... one going right and the other straight ahead. Barrel decided to go left in hope to find an exit to what ever this nightmare was. After a few more minutes of trying to find a way out, he found a fire door. But to his surprise there was someone standing in his way...
  19. I actually do. And I live in Australia where we have stricter gun laws in place. I own a 12G shotgun and plan on buying a .223 bolt action rifle when I turn 18. Or a Colt M1911 Pistol. Only real reason to have them is simply to go trap shooting down at the range, or shoot vermin off some farm land. Like wild dogs, rabbits, etc.
  20. Damonater

    request OC creation help

    Why dont you use pony creator? That way you have a reference for your character when you decide to make art. http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-Full-Version-254295904
  21. As of right now. I would be fast asleep since it is 1:00am haha. But I would be a whole different person in my opinion. Heck, I dont even know if I would even be a brony infact. It's the internet that showed me the show in the first place anyways. But mostly, I think I would be more of a happier person if the internet never came about tbh... I would be out a lot more rather parked in front of a screen. Not to say that I am all the time but hey, just saying I would be out a lot more.
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