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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Damonater

  1. @@Blitz Boom It's actually quite coincidental that my OC's house (or garage) is actually on the borderline of the Everfree forest haha.
  2. Smoking Barrel lays sort of passed out on the floor of his tiny garage just sitting outside of the Everfree forest. Literally on the border of the place. "Here we go again... What's on the agenda for today?" He said while getting himself up and slowly trotting to his messy workbench, many of his unfinished weapon projects. His finished ones are kept hidden away. "Let's see... Piano practice for a few hours..." He paused and hicked a little and not to mention... vomited a little in his mouth. "Errghh... its getting worse every time. Okay, what else is here... Oh!" He then paused and took a sigh. "More of nothing... great." Barrel then put his head down and sadly trotted to his piano where he began to play his tunes. Such blissfulness and lovely notes were being played. Barrel then closed his eyes and kept playing.
  3. @ @Blitz Boom , I'll try to join this RP, My OC is in my sig but haven't edited his outdated bio in years... Anyways, I wont be OP or stuff like that.
  4. Ah, no worries then. Thanks for the reply though.
  5. Is it to late to join? I aint sure if it is...
  6. G'day! I am looking to get some art for my OC, Smokin' Barrel I am looking for my OC to be passed out drunk on the floor. Not sure if it would be "PG-13". But if you can not do that, then simply just draw him sleeping, all cuddled up and what not ;3 Here is my OC: http://puu.sh/liNQQ/91de7dbdbe.png/ http://puu.sh/liNjg/876147d030.png Many thanks, Damo:)
  7. G'day! I am looking to get some art for my oc, Smokin' Barrel (Or Barrel for short) If that's okay I want the art to have Barrel and Apple Fritter together, maybe them kissing or even just my wing over her? Any one of those is fine with me OC: http://puu.sh/liNjg/876147d030.png / http://puu.sh/liNQQ/91de7dbdbe.png (Cutie mark is a Colt M1911 Pistol) And you should know who Apple fritter is haha Many thanks, Damo:)
  8. Life for me is really boring... :|

  9. Hey guys! Assuming that this is my first "official" fanfiction, I figured I needed some critiquing on the first TWO chapters of my story. Just looking for some guidelines as to how to improve on sentence structure and all kinds of thingos. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/298243/oc-i Please do read the story description and author notes before continuing. Thanks!
  10. It would have to be the time I am not at school. But I only have 1 term left before I am completly finished school. How about you?
  11. What the? This topic is 2 years old xD But to answer your question, I like honestly, courage, fearless, etc. I really like those ponies who are honest to me. Telling the truth rather than what they would want to hear.
  12. Thats okie. And the sketch looks quite awesome! If there is one thing to add, it is a vodka bottle next to him if you can. Thanks so much!
  13. @ Yo, mind if I try to get in here too? Or is it too late? :S My oc is in my sig but keep in mind that I have not edited his bio in a while because I am too lazy. So if you have any questions, let me know.
  14. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA no... I haven't... I have had no interaction with girls before.
  15. @ @Pucksterv Hello there! I am looking for some more art of my OC! Username: Damonater OC name: Smoking Barrel Deviantart: Damonater1234 Picture OC: http://sta.sh/0qsggbdcp79 and cutie mark is http://sta.sh/0yzgz458z7l Picture Base: Something like this: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/221/e/3/daring_do_is_indiana_pones___the_redux_by_cooltomorrowkid-d6h6uct.png Something extra?: Him wearing the Raccoon City Police Department Uniform (http://sta.sh/01s9t0mkv7t6) And possibly a gun?
  16. *Sigh* I know what you're thinking... He's just looking for views isn't he? Well, my answer is a no and a yes. No being I want mainly feedback from the quality of the video. And yes being a few views would be nice.... But I am NOT expecting like 100 views or anything haha. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nsp45W3iFj4 1st video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q9Yh810XNPI 2nd video Thank you for any kind of feedback! You are awesome for doing so! /)
  17. I am now 17 years old... Time sure does fly by

    1. catnet


      Hi! =D We haven't met yet, but- happy birthday! X3 Hope this will be a great year for you! ;)


    2. Damonater


      Haha thank you very much :) *hugs back* Hopefully this year will be better than what it was last year.

    3. Noei


      Happy birthday , then.

  18. What kind of weapons can we have? I would think my OC would suit this RP alot.
  19. Damonater

    request shop Dark's Request Shoppe

    I got a request for ya! Could you have my OC being welcomed into the R.P.D by Leon S Kennedy and the S.T.A.R.S Alpha Team (Just type "Resident Evil STARS alpha team" in google to find all the members listed.) Could you make my OC also in the R.P.D uniform as well? You can it Christmas themed if you want, thats up to you though :3 Or you could make 2 versions if you really wanted too. OC: http://sta.sh/0qsggbdcp79 Cutie Mark: http://sta.sh/0yzgz458z7l RPD Uniform: http://sta.sh/01s9t0mkv7t6 Stars Office: http://sta.sh/017gpbenas94 and... http://sta.sh/01z6f5s6zm0f Let me know if you need anything else
  20. @@Pripyat Pony Yeah okay. Just make my oc in a simple pose or something. Hopefully you still have all of the refernces for my oc.
  21. Could you do my OC, Smoking Barrel? Could you make him in the RPD uniform while your at it? Hopefully thats not too much to ask Heres some references you will might need for my OC OC: http://sta.sh/0qsggbdcp79 Cutie Mark: http://sta.sh/0yzgz458z7l Weapon 1: http://sta.sh/0dhv2wspxrn Weapon 2: http://sta.sh/01zhwcntyk4n Drink: http://sta.sh/023d2g8rl99s RPD Uniform: http://img.photobuck...ke/HDFinal5.jpg
  22. Well, I am going to make a request here. I hope you don't get too overwhelmed.... >.< Could you do my OC, Smoking Barrel? Could you make him in Raccoon city? If you don't know where that is from, it is from Resident Evil 2 / 3. Could you make him standing on some debris (Eg, police car) as he overlooks the zombie hordes coming at him? (You could make him either shooting or just about to fire at them) Call it ridiculous and you maybe laughing at it but... I find it cool. If it is too much for you, then I understand... Heres some references you will need for my OC OC: http://sta.sh/0qsggbdcp79 Cutie Mark: http://sta.sh/0yzgz458z7l Weapon 1: http://sta.sh/0dhv2wspxrn Weapon 2: http://sta.sh/01zhwcntyk4n Drink: http://sta.sh/023d2g8rl99s RPD Uniform: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/snakethesnake/HDFinal5.jpg
  23. Could I enter my OC, Dam? If not then I understand
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