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Everything posted by FancyHorse

  1. That's a very relatable feeling. Afraid to approach and speak out for interaction. I would always separate myself from others feeling like that I would say something socially awkward. Being a pony of details totally tolls on my reactions, always thinking what to say and thinking about possibly repercussions. And that's the best part about being here. I don't feel anything is an odd question any longer. I'm sorry if I'm not sounding helpful, just speaking directly from me heart and mind. You aren't alone friend... I understand that sensation.
  2. @ @ Ahaban gives a soft smile, relieved that Mariah has calmed down. he follows along with the fellow ponies to Kelly's home. Quietly to himself he softly hums a soft tone, his tail swaying a bit in rhythm. Gently giving his neck a twist he pops his joints a bit easing his tension.
  3. @ "Very soon. First you gotta clean up." He says gently petting her, "You'll wanna look your best when you meet her." He says, He stands up leading the filly upstairs into the bathroom and begins readying the bath water for her, he looks at his reflection nodding a bit examining the gruff of beard hair under his chin and nose. "I could use a quick shave." He mutters
  4. @ He approaches to the house phone, picking it up. "Hello? ... What am I doing? I don't know.. Talking to an awesome mother." he snickers, "Oh really! That's great! Tell him I said congratulations. I know know... Huh?..." He asks, he looks over to Luna listening to his mother. "Actually... We got time... And yes we... I got someone I want you to meet... We'll be over sometime soon... Okay. Love you." He says hanging up. "Luna. I got some news.." He walks over sitting next to her, "How would you like to meet my mother?" He asks
  5. @ Eulogy was just making his way down when he encounters the sparkling manned filly, "There's my little princess!" He says in his happy tone, he kneels down and picks up the little mare embracing as he continues back downstairs, "Did you have a good nap?" He asks her
  6. @ Eulogy pulls up into the driveway after finally this week of work. He unlocks the door and enters seeing her resting on the couch. He smiles, she had grown a bit height too. When he half first found her, she had been no higher than maybe 2 feet, now reaching up to roughly 3 He smiles at the sleeping princess saying nothing, not wanting to wake her up. As he heads upstairs .
  7. @ He smiles down at the sleeping filly, reaching into the backpack he takes out the blanket he packed carefully drapping it over the little princess. He lounges back onto the grassy hill, Luna resting happily on his lap as he himself begins to drift to sleep.
  8. @ Eulogy also watches up... His mind ever so drifting back into the wild imagination he had in his early youth. So many ideas pondering, as if reality halted for a moment. He reaches his hand out to the moon, "When I was a young boy I always imagined the moon to be a wish granting stone. It could give me whatever I wanted.." He whispers before composing himself he clears his throat. "Yes Luna... It's so much better out here." He says gently petting her.
  9. @ Hmmm Master of Disguise? Reference: Have a good day! If you shop anywhere else I'll have you killed. Tip: From video game
  10. Ahaban continues looking it to the lake, he takes in a deep breathe relaxing. He pulls down his shemag shaking his head a bit waving about his mane a bit to a more comfortable manner. "The only way to become stronger. Is to improve." He says aloud continuing to look at the lake.
  11. @ Ahaban looks back to Void then faces out to the lake, "When I was a young filly I never fitted in with the other pegasi. Most had already grown their wings and earned their marks. I wasn't the fastest flier about... But just because we may think we're lacking in potency doesn't mean we can't improve." He says in monologue
  12. @ Ahaban gives a concerned appeal, he lifts up from the ground and quickly catches up with the mare but keeping a distance. "In war, you're always taught that a battle can never be fought alone.. This isn't exactly a battlefield but... No pony deserves to trot alone." He says to her.
  13. @ Ahaban blushes a bit from the sudden shift as, he is faced with the mare. His face still covered by his shemag and goggles. He removes said goggles showing his brown eyes. He gives a respectful nod, "Umm good day." He says to her in greeting. (Just letting you lads and lasses know I might reply slow, I'm on a mobile device)
  14. @[member= Mrbrunoh01 @[member= RaritySparkleArtist @ Ahaban looks about to his friends and the new mare he is yet to know. "Did I stumble upon something? " he mutters to himself as he watches the scene play out, not yet ready to take part into. He flutters about his wings stretching them a bit.
  15. Ahaban is taken back, stunned by the large changeling but still sensing a familiarity. "Void? ... Did I miss a few birthdays or such?" He asks keeping his simple tone as the two descend back down to the other two ponies below. " الأصدقاء القدامى.Good to see done familiar faces."he says along with his native tongue
  16. Ahaban is flying above in the clouds. He looks about scanning the ground like a hawk, his journey taking him above the Everfree forest. Below he sees a blast of magic occur. Curious he flies low in observation keeping a key eye out for any dangers. (OOC : Watching over you little ponies like an angry spy drone >:3)
  17. Mrf. That sounds so familiar. Do be kind and tell me the answer :3. Reference: "Goooooood Morning Vietnam! Hey this is not a test! This is rock and roll! Time to rock it from the delta to the DMZ!"
  18. Both are particularly fine But I like the new style, gives spitfire that blazing appeal. And makes the mane seem more detailed :3
  19. Eulogy smiles at her pondering on the question, he chuckles a bit, "Maybe hmmm, maybe its happy to see a certain little filly I know." He replies, wrapping his arm around her in a warm embrace. The two remain onto the hill watching up at the moonlight sky. Eulogy could remember this feeling, this sense of completion. He know Luna wouldn't be here forever, but for what time he had, he'll take care of her.
  20. @ His cheeks flush red as his smile widens, he can't remember the last time he had contained this much joy in himself, almost comparable to like say : graduation or getting his first pet dog. But no this sweet little filly was more than that. This was that happiness that every parent felt seeing their child become joyful, even if she wasn't directly his child. He takes the backpack out and takes a seat at the top of the hill watching Luna trot about happily.
  21. Because the book is a walrus. Cuddly pillows? Take the pillow!
  22. Banana taco is answer for dimensional travel. Un momento por favor?
  23. @ "We'll be there before you know it dear." He responds. Turning off from the highway exit he enters onto a county road following into the forested landscape. Taking another turn he pulls along up onto a dirt path, the vehicle rocking back and forth whilst along the uphill journey. After several minutes he pulls off leading onto near a hillside, the view giving a perfect lookout to the city below and to the stars above. "Here we are princess." He says to her and unloads letting her out.
  24. Usually when I sit down, I sit along the edge of my seat, leaning forward.
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