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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. No you don't, I thought so too, but my critique for it is light as it wasn't the episode's focus, Pinkie was gone after the first seven minutes or so, and the overall quality of the episode more than made up for it. I'm thinking of making it an A after some thought and getting some needed critique for my first thoughts for the episode. I'll need to watch it again though.
  2. An excellent and detailed analysis of your thoughts that I whole heartily agree with. You should do more of these man
  3. New England wins. Now we're onto Buffalo

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Lies, there's no such things as fines, he'll suspend you for being generally aware of violating the leagues integrity

    3. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      I've been aware of it for years, Nuke. But Buffalo Man's like Carmen Sandiego; he can't catch me. :P

    4. Nuke87654


      He's not in the razor that's for sure

  4. Roger Goodell, where are you?

  5. Better not lose the football like that Lewis, you're doing too well to be in Bill's doghouse. Nice alertness from Gronk.

    1. Nuke87654


      Still, let's see if we get the td here.

  6. Nice job to hold them to field goal pats. Now, score some more points!

  7. Nice td drive, Steelers. Hopefully my pats can answer in kind.

    1. Nuke87654


      Aye, looks like Ben may have tweaked his ankle

  8. Welcome to NE Pats, Chandler :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654


      It's a td as the ball cross the goal line. If the ball crosses the goal line, it's a td even if the person himself didn't crossed it.

    3. Frostgage


      Julian IncrEdelman <3

    4. Nuke87654


      Steeler fans on reddit bragged about Antonio Brown being so awesome and clutch, which he definitely is, Edelman knows a thing or two about that ;)

  9. To be fair to Steelers fans, that should've been a td, but DHB had to forget where he was and step out bounds.

    1. Frostgage


      Watching Scobee kick makes you appreciate Gostkowski.

    2. Nuke87654


      Oh yeah, Ghost may have some big shoes to fill with Vinatieri leaving to the colts (disgusting traitor, but at least he only misses kicks when it's against the pats :P), but he has done a fantastic job and I glad we have ghost now with his new contract.

  10. Gronk TD special coming up!

    1. Frostgage


      I missed this so much <3

  11. Perhaps, but like I said, it's not as if Hercule is not some weak fighter as he's certainly well in the superhuman category, certainly above alot of people on Earth that aren't Z fighters and similar.
  12. To be fair to Hercule, the only reason why he is considered as such is because he's dealing with planet busters at least in the Z warriors. Compared to everyone else on Earth, Hercule is certainly no joke.
  13. http://takashi0.tumblr.com/post/128799205910/ironbloodaika-doctorwhodisney-dexters#notes Here's a nice look of the Dexter's lab Justice Friends compared to their Marvel counterparts.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuke87654


      You have that for PC?


    3. Megas


      I have it physical. But for some reason every time I try the game start the game it crashes at the loading screen. And it's happened with every computer I've tried.

    4. Nuke87654
  14. Is that confirmed or so from screwattack?
  15. Surprised to see MGS being number 3. Nice list otherwise.
  16. not to mention Spectre horrifically stomps Alucard regardless of what powers Alucard has.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTQIogLBFBs MGR: Revengence got some nice osts.
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Megas


      This is my personal favorite from that game -

  18. I'm sorry to say, but they really downplayed what G1 Starscream was capable of doing, like going at FTL speeds. They erroneously took the calcs from a wiki page, which are notoriously unreliable if not backed by tons of reliable sources, and well, debate sites like Outskirts Battle Dome have shown that G1 Starscream is much more powerful than given credit by screw attack, certainly enough to beat Rainbow Dash. Either way, I wouldn't mind to see RD return, hopefully with a more fairer and proper research to determine who would actually win. I'd also would love to see Twilight in a battle too.
  19. The comics showed that Nightmare Moon and Luna are not only separate entities, but Nightmare Moon is even stronger as Nightmare Moon merely possessed an average unicorn in Rarity and yet was able to beat Luna in a one vs. one fight, granted this was a depowered Luna to make it fair and to point out..
  20. Hey I got good news for you in this vid on who won.
    1. Megas


      Surprised yet somehow not surprised. I thought Wolverine was gonna win, but then I remembered that his regeneration not like Deadpool who can live with his head cut off, plus I figured MGR's cutting mechanics would play a big part in this

    2. Nuke87654


      Impressed as I knew that with Raiden's superior stats that the only thing that can save Wolverine would be if Raiden's muramasa blade can actually damage admantium. Hearing that a similar weapon in the marvel verse is capable of doing just that does allow the equivalency rule to take into effect for Raiden's sword.

    3. Nuke87654


      Happy that Raiden won too :)

  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFm982JyE4A&feature=em-uploademail Here's the latest deathbattle. Come and find who won for your viewing pleasure. Also, Hercule Satan will be in the next deathbattle. Finally, it looks like Deathbattle brought back the lists of pluses to explain what advantage a character had compared to another at the conclusion portion of the video.
  22. Looks like ESPN is trying to save poor Roger Goodell from being further humiliated after having his arbitration reward revoked in court by bringing up more spygate crap

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