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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Not like last weeks episode, though it was under far better control mainly for how many countered their arguments such as I did and generally thought they were looking for drama for the sake of it.
    1. Megas


      awww :(


      Wish her luck on future endeavors

    2. Nuke87654


      Me 2, maybe she'll jump on that dark wing duck reboot that's rumored to be happening.

  2. I don't miss the 2013 as that year was just loads of controversial shitstorms. As for that peak, a couple of things that I missed was how polarizing FIM was as people would talk about it like it's the cream of the crop of discussions in geekdom that are now meeting stiff competition from loads of newer cartoons like Gravity Falls etc. The thing I'll miss the most is the HUB network as I thought it ran things better and was much more caring and interactive to the fandom, something you don't see Discovery doing.
  3. I'll have to watch it again to contrast and compare your opinion before I can give a good assessment for your reaction to the episode in question.
  4. You've been on a roll with these episodes man. Keep at it and continue to add and improve your craft
  5. You could try to enlist an artisan in the fandom to stitch her new cutie mark onto her.
  6. A bit out of topic, but who is betting that Fractured is one ecstatic Diamond Tiara fan after today's episode.
  7. Mine and everybody else's reaction to this episode.
  8. Happy Birthday Captain Trek :D

    1. Captain Trek

      Captain Trek

      Thanks. I just wish I could have the one birthday wish I actually want and get my friend the help he needs...

    2. Nuke87654


      Aye, rather unfortunate circumstances for him to have. Hopefully he'll get the funds he needs soon.

  9. Happy Birthday, Tech Reel

  10. Likewise as she's been losing alot of respect from me with her behavior towards the show post S2 (especially with the EQG that only made that fandom's initial vitriol hate for it worse) and a few other things, including her whining at the EQLA panel. I respect her for her work on FIM and for bringing us all here together for the show, but I wouldn't want her back considering how far the series has gone without her (they've said they stopped using Lauren's show bible for how vastly different the show has become) and I can't imagine Hasbro would be pleased to even think of bringing her back in considering her passive aggressiveness towards them after her departure.
  11. Have a happy 5th year birthday to you FIM!

  12. So we have the best and worst episodes you consider in the power ranger series so far. Funny thing was that the food fight perhaps the one episode I remembered most mainly because I had a video cassette of it when I was a toddler or so to watch it.
  13. My issue with this fight that i've realized is that because RWBY latest season is airing soon, Screwattack and Rooster Teeth are owned by the same company, and they are noted Mounty Om fans, I'm worried they're going to twist or pull some bs explanation like pulling a no limit fallacy with Yang's ability for why Yang would win simply to prop up the RWBY series.
  14. So far this one seems to be your favorite episode of the bunch. I'm loving the dedication you're putting forth in your episodes Keep at it.
  15. My error, I misread a part in it.
  16. Whoa let's not go that far. Marvel, DC, Image, and Tenchi Muyo and a few other vereses has a few Multiversal busters that would beat DBZ. What it does prove is that DBZ verse is one of the more powerful fictional verses out there.
  17. I'd say it's because you're new and doing a topic that not alot of folks here would be mostly interested in. Don't worry, I like what I'm seeing from you and I certainly believe you'll grab your audience soon enough if you keep at it. Believe me, I had to go through this same route in my reviews here too.
  18. It's nothing new to the series as AJ had referred Spike as 'just like a boy' for disliking the gala and let's not mention the entirety of Dragon Quest for gender issues arising from the series. I wouldn't worry too much about it as I'm sure it was Rainbow Dash showing she doesn't care whom she's competing against, and outside of Dragon Quest and an errant line from S1 from AJ, I haven't really noticed any gender issues and I'm glad they're not made such a deal in the series considering how sensitive folks are to political issues nowadays. Isn't that what events like Equestria Games have shown us that such events exist? Also, it would be neat to see an event solely for little brothers to have fun with their older brothers and such if necessary.
  19. Nice review. I would like to ask how the score is related to a letter grade like what would a 5.5 be in this case?
  20. All she said was that she isn't holding back regardless if Big Mac was a stallion or not. How is it demeaning when she's proclaiming she's going to treat him like any other competitor regardless of gender. She's being very much gender equal that she treats all her competitors with equal gusto. I thought it was a clever twist on the trope of guy not going easy on woman in reverse. Also, you think this episode is bad in terms of gender stuff, watch Dragon Quest that was genuinely an episode meant to stereotype genders for the sake of Faust critiquing the gender divide in toys. Because they've said they had a loose definition for it and considering AJ is away on business and Big Mac is Applebloom's older brother thus there was leeway for him to do it. Why can't he enter because he's wearing a dress and a guy who wants to participate and have fun with his little sister?
  21. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-18212-fim-brotherhooves-social-episode-review/ Here's my review for brotherhooves social. Including a rant about the controversy surrounding this episode
  22. Tumblr is always offended at everything to be fair
  23. Oh my bro is going to be pissed hearing that. No way can Yang handle Tifa's time hax and other magic abilities she's going to throw at her.
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