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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Watched it again so I may do a review on it tommorow. To clarify that whole 'unladylike' comment, she mentions in addendum 'or any pony in general'. It does feel like it was meant to indicate for someone to behave well in general. The lady comment seems more of her wishing some proper sports etiquette and good behavior as one would expect from a lady and gentleman in any event.
  2. My mistake. I was picking that up from blog as it held the name Tony Oliver instead and thought that was correct. That will be pleasant to know about you will be reviewing on Tommy Oliver's character and see how that episode turns out for mine and others sake to know.
  3. Hmm, so you like to do reviews too eh? I liked your descriptions and analysis on the characters and other facets about cheesy and cliched show, even if I happened to like it before. Also, what are your thoughts on Tony Oliver (Green to White ranger?)
  4. Nah, I've been letting it simmer like a week after that battle aired. Venting it out right now is all.
  5. I can see the interest, though outside of role reversing a trope, I don't see any thing to indicate this thing of equality issues that I'm seeing in this thread
  6. What I feel about this episode that I will give a more in depth detail in my blog review, but I honestly liked the episode and especially loved the angle they took Big Mac's character in the episode and the lengths he went to spend some time with his little sister he wanted to make proud like he used to. I didn't mind the drag outfit as I felt it handled it well enough, and I liked that humor not dead yet despite how politically sensitive many folks are. As for the cries of the episode involving a transgendered Big Mac, I don't think so as a guy crossdressing =/= transgender, especially in context that he's doing it because he wanted to participate in a contest where there was no stallions or colts involved in an event called 'sisterhooves social'. Speaking of which, honestly I'm still wondering what is this cry for gender equality and stuff. Rainbow Dash's comment I felt was actually very gender equality considering it's a reverse on the trope of a guy declaring that just because he's competing against a woman doesn't mean he has to hold back for her. She's putting it out there that she is not going soft on Big mac in a race just because he's a stallion, I don't see any issue with it. Finally, that whole quote of Big Mac not behaving like a 'lady' quote, I'll need to watch it again, but I honestly felt it was more pointing out that he should've behaved with decency and respect as one would expect from an upper class lady rather than wreck the course like he did in his attempt to win it. Really, I'm kinda disappointed that many people are taking things out of intended context or are taking things more in depth than it really is just so it can appeal to their sensibilities or justify feeling offended or so.
  7. I don't care what Screwattack says about Superman being limitless (when that is a huge no limits fallacy and that argument would've been laughed off from any decent debate website), with those new calcs for Goku, he's going to need his god forms to be able to even stand a chance. Reflecting on it, I now hate that rematch fight they did between Goku and Superman as it felt more like one middle finger to DBZ fans.
  8. I'm getting them from Horse News, an affiliate of 4chan. You may have nothing to worry, but there are many many people on Patreon who have plenty of enemies and have performed many questionable activities on the internet, and many more who do not wish to have their private info exposed for the world to see. This leak from Patreon is pretty much a gold mine for anyone who wishes to perform doxxing or other threats to a person.
  9. I call it as such because we're not talking about a simple hack, we're talking about someone actually taking one's information and than posting it on the internet. Whatever info is posted on Patreon, they took that info and have successfully shown it on the internet. Meaning whatever info is stored there, is pretty much out on the internet for others to see and use. Here's what kind of info was exposed from what people who have explored it have shown was in that 15 GB file: Names Mailing Addresses Personal MessagesEmail Addresses Lists of every backer of each creator DMCA Takedown Logs and IP Addresses Funding Records Tax Forms and more
  10. http://gizmodo.com/hackers-dump-entire-database-of-artist-crowdfunding-web-1734199890 If you have a patreon account, I have some terrible news for you folks to know. The entire database of Patreon has been hacked and information has been dumped on the Internet for other users to use for nefarious purposes. According to Horse News, the hack is so bad that you must assume all of your private info you put on that website has been compromised. Take whatever steps are necessary to protect yourself from this horrific failure from Patreon.
  11. Nice little chapter to take things smooth and to slow things down a bit while fine tuning Melinda's relation with Sonic and Tails for the better. Now I feel is the time for another event in the story or so. Will you try to test Melinda's hope in not spilling blood soon?
  12. We know that her telekinesis is star level as she regularly moves the sun in Equestria every day, massive hypersonic at least as her sister Luna went between the moon and back in a quick bout of time in the Nightmarity arc and the Journal of the two sisters implied Celestia is faster than Luna as she likes to take bouts of flying for leisure (along with implying she's the fighter of the two), has powerful defense against mind attacks as the Fiendship issue of nightmare moon shown she not only was able to stave off the combined might of the denizens of the moon (where one being was shown to be able to affect a city filled with ponies) and was able to fend off another round of mind attacks from Nightmare Moon despite the short reprieve, indicating a possible planet+ level durability in defense against mind attacks, has possible star level physcial durability considering that when Nightmare Moon returned, Celestia was banished inside the sun as punishment from Nightmare Moon, and scaling off whatever other magic spells Twilight and other Unicorns know considering her love for learning magic in her youth and how her mastery in magic was considered on par with Starswirl, a noted powerful mage that has crafted whole new spells, though the show confirmed that Luna's powers in the realm of dreams are not shared by Celestia so we can't count Luna's feats as Celestia's own. Even with all of that, the Emperor is still significantly more powerful than Celestia as Alexer's obd wiki page of the Emperor's feats show.
  13. We've known plenty to the point that compared to someone like the God Emperor of mankind, her power is wanting. She got beat by a powered up bug queen that she normally beats if the comics say, needed the elements of harmony so she and her sister can beat Discord, and had to use the elements of harmony to quickly put down Nightmare Moon.
  14. Nuke87654

    Paradigm Shift

    I agree with your sentiments, Kirigaya.
  15. No it wouldn't. Look at the first page with Alexer's post on the God Emperor's stats, he's rediculoulsy powerful compared to anyone in MLP. The God Emperor beats Celestia in a stomp. She can, it's just not against the God Emperor.
  16. Anyone willing to provide all the news on the Hurricane Joaquin please?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Aye, sorry for late response. Had class.

    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      This one may stay out to sea. We'll likely get the edge of it on the East Coast.

    4. Nuke87654


      So long as it's that, I'll be pleased to know

  17. My brother who is a major RWBY fan actually is disliking the idea of putting Yang out in a deathbattle this early in the series as he believes it is far too soon. He also doesn't like her possible mu's in the form of possibly facing Tex (who he says has far greater solo combat experience than her and is stronger too) Carolina (lesser than Tex, but he still believes Carolina to be better, though she can probably be her more fairer mu), Sakura Haruno (Much stronger, more experienced, and heals for days), Vi (Vi carries two 20 ton gauntlets and uses them like they're her plain old fleshy fists, also her ult is oped), and even Tifa (imagine Yang if she had tons of magic abilities, including time hax). Only one he's not sure of and that is Garnet from Steven Universe as I've told him along the lines of speedy with lightning level dodging speed, but is a glass cannon and has outliers to her abilities. What do you guys think.
  18. Anybody got a tracker for where that hurricane will hit?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Love how many places there are in that state. Lake Winapasake or whatever it's called.

    3. TheMarkz0ne


      Me and my parents have been going there since 2002. They have a place up there. Gilford/Laconia are my favorite places in NH.

    4. Nuke87654
  19. I follow the simple guideline that is always better to be critical about your actions and be motivated to judge for why you're being criticized as such instead of being praised to the point that you're afraid of accepting that perhaps your view is incorrect. Being positive for your abilities is never a bad thing, but you should never let it get to the point that the mere idea that you're wrong or insufficient about something is traumatizing to you.
  20. You know a place where I can customize a water cooled pc specifically so I can add paintjobs to it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. long gone
    3. Nuke87654


      Could you find out from the Linus forums?

    4. long gone

      long gone

      why not ask him yaself? c:

  21. Blasted illness. I'll have to postpone my review later this week, especially with a college work I have to do.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Being sick sucks.


      Get well soon! *hugs*

    3. King Sejong
    4. Nuke87654


      Hopefully I will. Good thing I have those Vitamix to make those fruit smoothies.

  22. Sorry steelers fans for the injury to Ben. Hate injuries to happen.

  23. Congrats Brady on joining the 400 passing to club!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hovershy


      Tom Brady = GOAT :)

    3. Nuke87654
    4. Nuke87654


      And congrats ghost for owning the extra point consecutive record. Best kicker in the league.

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