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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. At some point you got to just wonder whether Lauren has the worst of luck with media corporations, or she's a difficult person to work with after these events happening to her.
  2. Amazing to know how the sports media is declaring how Watkins going out should've stopped the clock with only 2 seconds remaining with only one play the pats know is coming left.

    1. Nuke87654


      While omitting the detail of how the refs literally robbed the pats a TD in the third quarter because the ref got scared of Rex Ryan even though it's clear Brady wasn't even close to stepping out of bounds when he made that throw.

  3. While I thought the episode's reliance on Twilight being struck with a case of PIS in order to prolong what should've been an easy question to Celestia for more tickets is annoying, Amy has proved to be easily one of the best writers on the show in future episodes. I, you, and many others are dearly going to miss her.
  4. Happy Birthday Mandalore Dash

  5. Seriously, I hated how this game turned out with those bloody injuries. I just hope amendola and dobson and brady are alright.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      As accomplishing as the perfect season is, it feels very overrated. If your players are too hurt, then your team will be handicapped.

    3. Nuke87654


      True, only reason why I want my pats to continue winning is for that bye and preferably homefield advantage. Once my team gets those, I will be satisfied to sacrifice the remaining meaningless games for a healthier team.

    4. Wind Chaser
  6. I'd have to say Moondancer followed closely by Rara, distant third Sassy Saddles, 4th Limestone Pie, 5th Treehugger, 6th Troubleshoes, 7th Marble Pie. Holding off Starlight Glimmer till season finale to see what are the results of her.
  7. I'm sure as hell going to miss Amy writing for FIM. What a way to go out, Amy.

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Definitely a way to go out.

  8. Your schedule is fine and good. Do however that is most comfortable to you man.
  9. Another nice fun review from you. Keep it up as I may start to follow you with your reviews. One thing to note that I like is your heavy use of rhyming in the review of the character names. It's rather creative and unique personally. A couple of points I like to add for why I think the 2nd part was weaker than the first was: Nightmare Moon was struck with major Plot Induced Stupidity. Not only was her background clumsily handled as you said, but Nightmare Moon had several opportunities to eliminate the mane 6 or even defeat their plan by going to the castle of the two sisters (she's Luna so she only would need to know it's there as she knows where it's at), or confront and crush them in a fight. Instead it just seemed she chose to do the stupidest route against them. Also the plot point of the mane 6 getting their elements of Harmony was so forced with the clumsy and poor dialogue and that cheesy climax. Keep up the good work man.
  10. Happy Birthday Danfo. Have a wonderful day :)

  11. Ghost with ice in his veins. I just hope Edleman is fine.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      Well, looks like game over for Cruz. How's Edelman doing?

    3. Nuke87654


      Sorry to hear about Cruz being put on IR. Edleman suffered a broken foot ( fifth metatarsal on his left foot) and is expected to be out in 6-8 weeks time. Which should put him in range for playoffs or so so i'm at least pleased he's not out. With the bengals unexpected loss to Houston, that has helped my team to breathe a bit easier.

    4. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      We got Hakeem Nicks back. :D

  12. Nice to see a new fellow reviewer here. I especially love the effort, the length, and the details you lovingly put in this review. Nice use of memes to express your points as well. As for not being able to banish Nightmare Moon again, she needed the use of the Elements of Harmony to do it. Considering how the pilot set up the mane 6 as the new Elements of Harmony bearers, I'd say it was a case of Celestia no longer being able to use the Elements of Harmony to do it.
  13. Annoying to see an injured player.

  14. Actually I think it would've been accepted as such as Starscream was the expected favorite considering it was a well known giant robot from a well known franchise facing off against a pony pegasus from a relatively new show who had budding peripheral fandom but nothing to be overly concerned for if she lost. In fact, it can be said that Rainbow Dash's surprising victory over Starscream helped the brony fandom to grow larger as seeing a pony from a girl show kick a giant robots ass was a sight to see. I know it motivated me to give the show a try. Regardless at how bad Bungie screwed up in researching for weapons for a future setting, generally anything set in the future fiction > modern day real life equivalent.
  15. He can also aim his flame attacks to the point he can burn his foes eyes as he showed against Envy. In fact, the fight against envy in FMA Brotherhood is a good demonstration of Roy Mustang's attack prowess.
  16. Today's episode was essentially Avatar the Last Airbender's divide done better and right.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. theonenamedDJ


      The best part of the episode was the beginning, since I think Fluttershy and Twilight worked well enough with each other, with Fluttershy acting like the straight mare to Twilight's over analyzing. Aw, screw keeping my calm, I DEMAND MORE TWISHY.

    3. Nuke87654


      At least Fluttershy actually was the one who served to solve the conflict. Twilight on the other hand not only felt exaggerated with her love for books, but also of how her role served largely as filler and she really didn't do much other than waste time and hold the feuding families in a stasis field for Fluttershy to give her soliloquy.

    4. Nuke87654


      In fact, I liked Fluttershy in the episode as she not only solved the conflict, but I like her characterization showing something past her social anxiety. I demand more of her animal loving self if that helps add more to her character. Also, Twishy seems to be drastically underrated ship so I agree with your demand as well.

  17. The comics are considered B side canon and everything written in there is treated as if it's part of the show's lore unless it contradicts the show which the show's canon overrides it than. It's been a standard policy of Hasbro to treat every media material on their toy product as canon from the main show.
  18. Because in the Nightmare Rarity arc in the comics, it clear cut showed Nightmare Moon not only as a separate entity, but it powered up a normal unicorn in Rarity to being able to be superior to a depowered Luna in a 1vs.1 fight. It's not that Luna isn't strong on her own, but she clearly has received a power boost from Nightmare Moon when other sources have generally placed Celestia > Luna in power but Luna was able to force Celestia to use the Elements of Harmony to beat her when she became Nightmare Moon.
  19. I think the issue for Twilight's character issues lies in how forced the conflict was. While I can see her getting neurotic and worried if she's not sure what's up or how it works like we've seen in the past, and I did liked the touch of how she can get jealous of her friends even as a princess of friendship, I felt the conflict was forced as alot of Twilight's issues were more self inflicted than anything else.
  20. For those who wish to know this episode today. Sufficiently, it's Feeling Pinkie Keen done right.

    1. theonenamedDJ


      Really? FPK was at least really funny. This one was kind of... uninteresting. A lot of the humor is just Discord doing these inside jokes, which I guess makes sense in a meta way. But I just wasn't feeling this one.

    2. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      I guess we're both in the minority here. I feel really close to Twilight's conflict. I put it as one of the best of Season 5. I'm willing to overlook the weaker comedy for that.

  21. Just a few errant fans who believe Luna is stronger because she beat Celestia using Nightmare Moon forgetting that Nightmare Moon was a different entity that boosted her power above Celestia, and the other few who like to imagine Luna is a better fighter because she's darker and edgier in their fanfics.
  22. I can vouch that it's likely Itachi was restricted in some form against Hiei. One thing OBD loves to do that Screwattack doesn't do is do fights with restrictions placed on certain characters to make things more interesting or fair.. My own ranking is of the same as well. Also, I agree that Celestia is likely stronger than Luna not only because AU Celestia nearly killed AU Luna with one attack (albeit, she caught her off guard), but also because in the Journal of the Two sisters, it stated Celestia loved to study magic which Luna teased her for it, even pointing out she was nearly on par with Starswirl I believe. Thus it would make sense that Celestia would be > Luna in power.
  23. You may wish to ask Fractured on that as outside of retail and online stores and spoiler screenshots of comic pages on derpibooru, I don't know anything else.
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