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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Happy birthday, woohoo

  2. Happy birthday, Fractured

  3. Hey, heard about the latest MLP comic arc. Some and including me say it's not only a worse arc than reflections, but it may even be the worst arc in the whole comic line. One last thing, Radiant Hope maybe the worst pony in the FIM series and I'm not joking lightly about that. You should check that arc out for a read through.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654
    3. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      *chuckle* Ever since the EQG Holiday Special, I haven't read one FIM IDW comic. From how bad several of the arcs were this year, I don't think I missed much. :P

    4. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      But Siege of The Crystal Empire being possibly worse than The Good…? That I must see. ^__^

  4. Whatever course of action you take, I want it to be one that is in your best interest. Whatever you do and wherever you go, may it bring you great joy and happiness from it.
  5. Hopefully it will turn out well in the end after all.
  6. To the point that she was willing to go and betray the ponies who had done nothing wrong, try to revive a guy who had enslaved and tormented ponies that the citizens of the Crystal Empire are still suffering the effects of, and summon a whole slew of villains including a dangerous as hell villain in Queen Chrysalis and her changelings who had tried to take over Equestria before to try and lay siege to the Crystal Empire while she tries to get Sombra back. Finally, she is forgiven of all the crimes she committed and gets off scott free despite committing actions that would've branded her a treasonous traitor by other stories? Sorry but I really was worried about the arc's treatment of Hope's character and those fears came true with how she essentially gets away with alot of crap and gets her way in the end without any real consequence. Also, they're going to try and resurrect and forgive Amore despite how she'll more likely want to kill Sombra for trying to kill her. And even if they succeed, how is she going to react to Cadance and Shining Armor being in charge of her kingdom, would she not want that throne back or so? Forgive me as I know you enjoy the comics, but this arc ticked me off with how it ended.
  7. Not to mention Hope's actions in this arc actually made me want to apologize for giving crap about Celestia's actions in the reflections arc. At least Celestia never went and deliberately betrayed her whole kingdom, imprisoned all of her friends and fellow ponies, and had allowed terrifying villains to go and have a chance to ransack Equestria to their liking all because she wanted to save her beloved in Sombra. Seriously, it made Celestia and AU Sombra's romance and actions in that arc look reasonable in comparison. This arc made the reflections arc look good in comparison, and Whitley had the audacity to crap on Katie Cook for it!? He wrote an even worse version of it!
  8. From what I've seen, you thought Starlight Glimmer's redemption sucked or was too fast? Sombra's made hers look brilliant in comparison.
  9. From what I'm seeing, this latest comic arc in mlp actually managed to make starlight's redemption look awesome in comparison.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nuke87654


      The issue with it is how one particular character, Radiant Hope was written. I consider her probably the biggest mary sue in the FIM series and worst written character of em all.

    3. Cleverclover
    4. Nuke87654


      Aye. More reason why we should just avoid the serious adventure arcs as currently have no writer that can pull it off adequately.

  10. By the way, despite the title, it's actually Red and Charizard for team Pokemon vs. Tai and Agumon of Team Digimon.
  11. While I very much disagree with your negative point on Celestia sending the mane 6 to handle a dragon without their own initiative to go after him or her own direct involvement, I do have to say the rest of your arguments for why the episode's point of feeling too rushed does make alot of sense and does seem to be a strong and reasoned argument. It's not to firmly say that I agree with your high opinion on the episode as I'll need to watch it again to decide really, it does hold some strong counter arguments that can easily sway my opinion of the episode towards your side.
  12. Glad to see you're back with this vid. Speaking of which, it does help establish for why would one want to care about Rusty and how he started out before he became Firestar. It can also serve as a guide for how one should establish their protagonist right off the bat. Here's mine to add, if you wish to know how not to establish your protagonist, the Ergaon Sporkings wiki provides a good example of how not to start your protagonist off.
  13. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-18799-fim-the-one-where-pinkie-pie-knows/ Here's my review of The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows. Come and tell me what you guys think?
  14. One where Pinkie Pie Knows is an episode where I liked the humor, but feel it's narrative would've been better if the surprised wasn't revealed immediately.

  15. Hi Vrabel, Hi Romeo Crennel, Hi Bill O Brian, Hi Vince Wilfork, Hi Brian Hoyer, Hi Patriots South...I mean Houston Texans.

  16. Got to give Hoyer credit for being tough, but I hope he shuts down for the night.

  17. And our starting safety set is hurt.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      It's the exact opposite end of the spectrum from WWE, who overtrain and overwork their athletes to the point of potentially career-shortening injury.

    3. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck


    4. Nuke87654


      That is true as well. Finding that balance is always key.

  18. You know what, Bill may need to fire that special teams coach if they're that in need of edleman and amendola to return them.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Nice job by pats d for stopping the bleed.

    3. Frostgage


      Yeah especially since we got screwed out of a fumble. I love these cornerbacks <3

    4. Nuke87654


      True dat, I really hope that rule to allow everything to be challenged gets approved just so I can see Bill abuse the shit out of it.

  19. Steeler brony fan, I'll have to admit, you couldn't time that pick better than what gay did.

  20. Happy Birthday, Jora.

  21. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-18782-fim-made-in-manehattan-episode-review/ Here's my review on Made in Manehattan. Took me alot longer than I wanted, but here it is!
  22. Rewatched Made in Manehattan and I'm happy to report that i'll do a review on it tomorrow.

    1. baba_booey



      Speaking of which, I really need to review The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows and onwards :P

    2. Nuke87654


      Yep, we got some catching up to do. Been interested in that Undertale game. Nice of you to shed some light on it


  23. Guess whose finished this semester and plans on going back to do reviews?

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