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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Love you Jones <3

  2. Awesome containment, Ninkovich

  3. That one was for lil dirty. Nice juke Gronk

    1. Frostgage


      Amazing start <3

    2. Nuke87654


      Indeed. Now let's hope the team can keep that start up.

  4. Best to worst: Sombra verse: Not only was it the most detailed of the bunch, but with just how many stuff they were able to get away with such as Rainbow Dash's half torn ear, scars, and a prosthetic wing suggesting she lost her wing in battle. Cyberponies are canon. Also it brought so many Gears of War vibes with the desperate struggle Equestria seems to be facing against Sombra's horde. Nightmare Moon Verse: Not only was this one probably first logical AU verse to occur considering she came first, at least until Discord shows up, but it was rather interesting to see and prove that her reign would be one of an ironclad hand by Nightmare Moon rather than death to Equestria as many had thought. Also, bat ponies and seeing antagonistic versions of Rarity and Rainbow Dash was fun to see. Chrysalis verse: This is pretty much a verse where pony kind is going to face enslavement under Queen Chrysalis. Easily the more grim dark of the first three and seeing Zecora being badass and such was fun to see. Also, Queen Chrysalis returns, all hail the G rated succubus. Dead Equestria verse: This is probably the most underrated of the bunch as not only was it a hellish, devoid of life, and ominous landscape, and such aesthetics can only leave a very terrifying impression for what could've caused such an Equestria to occur. You thought the other verses were grimdark? This one is easily the darkest of the bunch and even in the show thus far. Using only minimal designs to show it really hit it home for me and others to appreciate it's frightful beauty. I can see why Starlight Glimmer would start growing concerned for her actions after seeing this. Flim Flam verse: Rather interesting to see how Ponyville and perhaps more goes under the corporate hooves of the Flim Flam business. Never thought they'd be this wicked. Discordverse: Another filler, but it was funny seeing Discord torment Celestia and Luna into being his personal jesters in his chaotic utopia. Probably the actual result that will happen considering Discords might. Tirekverse: Just him wrecking everything. Nothing else to really enjoy it. More like a bad end than an AU verse. Really disappointed they didn't expand on it further.
  5. Seeing how so many folks from Dhx are leaving, I wouldn't be surprised if season 6 is the final season and the series ends with the movie. If so, 6 tv seasons, 143 tv episodes, 4 spinoff movies, countless comic issues and other books, a theaterical series finale movie, and lasting seven years is a good run for any tv series, let alone a cartoon to have as it hits the sweet spot for a series imo (5-7 seasons) where it lasts long enough to have a lasting impact while not overstaying it's welcome.
  6. Ah that law of motion thing. I understand.
  7. Serioulsy, that AU Equestria with Sombra reminded me so much of Gears of War personally.
  8. Perhaps you're right, it probably can be explained with her hate for Twilight blinding her. Especially as she had no idea of what she was causing to Equestria because of her revenge.
  9. Not really as it does make a point of Twilight and MLP's power
  10. Aye, but still when will Starlight Glimmer consider it enough? She had beaten her multiple times and until the end where she finally decides to tear the parchment up, she kept at it. Still I can her a plan a rather self destructive one that perhaps she allowed her hate for Twilight to blind her for it so perhaps I'm thinking too logically about it.
  11. Yea but the issue I have is that what was she planning to do next after she had succeeded. Was she there to purely spite Twilight and if so when will she consider it a just reward for what twilight had done to her? Her plan while good didn't had an endgame I feel.
  12. My favor for this episode is lessening as I had issues with Starlight's obvious quick reformation, pacing issues in the 2nd act, the AU verses posing alot unanswered questions like how they came to be without the other earlier villains from doing their own crap beforehand, how white washed Starlight glimmer turn as a villain was considering it omitted the part where she had a scheme going with the mane 6's cutie marks in the premiere that is never brought up, and what was Starlight Glimmer going to do after her plan had succeeded and Twilight had vanished? Just continuing to go back to spite Twilight?
  13. One thing I've realized, what was Starlight Glimmer going to do after she had stopped the Sonic Rainboom? Wouldn't she had seen those bad futures happening?
  14. Do the rest of S5 reviews after I complete my college semester. Than go back to it while I'll return to doing reviews.
  15. While I certainly don't think it's better than the S1 finale, it may be superior to S4 and 2's finale as it didn't had to rely on PIS moments in order to carry the episodes story through. the AU verses were interesting, especially the first three with Sombra (love the war setting), Chrysalis (Love seeing Zecora being a leader and fighting a hopeless war against the Changelings), and Nightmare Moon ruling with an Iron fist over the ponies to where all her friends are angry servants to her are interesting enough for fan fic writers to latch onto. Starlight Glimmer was great as a villain and was single handily beating Twilight like a drum throughout the episode. Also with Starlight Glimmer getting the reformation treatment, I'll be curious to see what they have in mind for her. However, as with any time travel stories, due to not giving enough time and material to all of them, there were many unanswered questions for how those AU presents had happened, especially at the end where they started feeling like rushed filler at the end. Starlight Glimmer's reformation was too fast. Also, the episode seemed to have whitewashed or forgotten some of her villany as it seemed to change her motivation from achieving equality for all ponies to her vision (considering how she had a plan for those captured cutie marks, especially Twilights, likely got foiled however) to where she appeared more nefarious to being a hurt soul who wished to not be hurt again of losing her friends to their cutie mark and destiny. It's not a bad episode and I certainly enjoyed it to perhaps considering it the second best finale, though that is not certain as I need to reflect more on it, but it's certainly not S1 finales equal in quality.
  16. I'd say Unicorns considering that the most powerful ponies around seem to be Unicorns considering how magic >> everything else in Equestria besides the power of friendship.
  17. So today's MLP Season finale episode revealed several things that changed some things.
  18. See you next season

  19. Is this alternate present a bad thing?

    1. Nuke87654


      Seriously, awesome war, armor, and conflict. This alternate present will generate it's own fan fic verse!

  20. Cute RD pic. Seriously it's adorkable.
  21. Sorry, I meant to say that it's likely I haven't. Sorry for my error.
  22. No, Course I most likely didn't read that part to be frank.
  23. Tune in next time on Melinda chronicles.
  24. Happy Birthday, Unibeat Brony

  25. If Lauren is the kind of person that wishes to have 100% creative control over her product, she may consider going indie as others have suggested. While I can mostly blame Sony for being crap for why she left considering Sony's track record, at some point she either has to accept compromises to her vision or just decide to go indie where she has little issues with creative control normally.
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