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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Updated my Doom review with a few more stuff under positive #3

  2. No worries man. We live to learn new things everyday to be better.
  3. I apologize for my late response, but you should have no fears as this: http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2094399/max-safe-temp-290.htmlshows your cards temperature range is 94 Celcius. Your graphics card isn't even breaking a sweat at 34 Celcius.
  4. Fixed that issue a bit with my blog

  5. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1573/entry-17291-doom-video-game-review/ Before I do my Borderlands review, I'd like to do a review on Doom first. Please come and discuss what you guys think and offer your thoughts, both positive and critical of my review please.
  6. Other than a poor start, this episode really touched all the right spots for me to feel good about this episode.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot. ^.^

  7. Loving that Twilight can merge herself inside a book and can look into the past without using time travel.

    1. Jeremiah


      why use time travel?

    2. Nuke87654


      Remember It's about time. Here she can use a spell that she can see into a past event at her choosing apparently.

  8. The setup maybe contrived, but I'm liking what the episode is taking us. Twilight looking in a mirror darkly here.

  9. A really contrived setup for the episode.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Because Spike makes a remark about how Twilight was a lousy friend, and suddenly Twilight realizes that was such the case and decides to make amends for it.

    3. Nuke87654


      Than her old friends behavior is so forced that itself is contrived they would be so friendly towards her, though she is a princess so I guess they're more impressed how Twilight their old friend is an Alicorn Princess.

    4. Nuke87654


      But, thanks to Moondancer's apperance, this may turn the episode around greatly.

  10. I'd say between 20-24 (I know I'm cheating). The reason for this is because of this scene from Pinkie Pride: In this image, Rainbow Dash's cake is shown 21 candles. Considering how fanon has Rainbow Dash among if not the youngest of the mane 6, this likely indicates that the rest of the mane 6 is likely in their early 20's and at oldest mid 20's.
  11. As of this time here, it is Murcia day!

  12. http://gamesnosh.com/tales-of-symphonia-coming-to-steam-early-2016/ A PC version of Tales of Symphonia coming in 2016
    1. Megas


      Now bring it to the Wii U :P

    2. Nuke87654
  13. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-17238-fim-party-pooped-episode-review/ Updated my review by adding a new negative point to the episode. Pushing it to a C grade below it's original C+ I had for it.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Negative number 5. It originally had four.

    3. Cleverclover


      Hmmm, good point. However, my guess is that we'll probably never hear from the Yaks again. XD

    4. Nuke87654


      Perhaps, and if so, this makes the episode look all the worse for it's decisions with they Yaks.

  14. Hmm, looks like I may have to make changes to my Party Pooped review after seeing 2nd opinion's point on the morale and the Yak's behavior in better detail than mine own.

    1. Nuke87654


      I'll look to Lizard Wizards or a more positive reviewers take on the episode to see if it offers some counter points to it.

    2. Jeremiah
    3. The Coffee Pony

      The Coffee Pony

      I still have no idea where I stand on that episode. I liked it and it was fun and all, great character development for Pinkie but still the Yaks just annoyed the hell out of me in this episode and from an analytical standpoint the pacing was getting messy near the end.

  15. Aye. Let us wait and see what other info will be presented before the official release of the movie.
  16. Since I was a military brat, I lived in Germany during my father's tour in Germany. We were stationed in Illesheim or so. As for Breman, it looks like a lovely city. It is a beautiful example of a phoenix reborn and became something wondrous after it was turned to ash from what had happened to Germany from WW2. Thank you very much for showing this wonderful city of yours to us, Hypnosparkle.
  17. What has me interested in is that explosion the Human Twilight caused. Could it lead to some collapse of dimensions ala like what we saw in the Reflections arc in the IDW pony line up. Also, why is Sunset Shimmer presented as Human Twilight's rival, that is another thing I will be waiting with anticipation in the upcoming months.
  18. According to the Journal of the Two Sisters, Celestia was implied to be the stronger of the two sisters. Also, Nightmare Moon was shown to have provided a significant power boost to anyone who it posses, it what allowed Rarity, a normal unicorn, to be able to beat a depowered Luna in a fight. Also, Celestia was shown not to have fought her sister but rather she tried to avoid her fire, heck she even said this: Princess Celestia: Luna, I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It is your duty! This shows that Celestia had no intention of fighting back. She used the EOH more likely as a quick means to defeat Nightmare Moon and have a chance to try and rescue her sister from Nightmare Moon's influence. As I mentioned from the comics, Reflections arc showed Celestia has a power form that she didn't used against Nightmare Moon on the show.
  19. The two characters I've presented to you are the comic content creators Katie Cook and Andy Price's OC ponies respectively. These pony ocs were first shown in the show in the episode Princess Spike. Is that good enough to show the comics are canon?
  20. That was said mainly to keep those who hated how the comics are portraying the series complacent. You can ask Coffee Pony, a long time Transformers fan, that whatever official material Hasbro put forth for their brands universes such as comics and show, it's considered canon unless it were to contradict the main one such as the shows, than the show is considered above it. I consider the comics canon regardless and I don't see the point for expressing that you haven't read the comics to be a valid point. I haven't read the new ones since last year but that doesn't' stop me from considering any of the future comics canon. Besides, it's not just the comics that said Celestia's more powerful, the Journal of the two sisters, written by Amy Keating Rogers, also implied that Celestia is more powerful. No, Andy himself was being very specific when he said that so long as the show doesn't contradict the comics, whatever material the comics put forth is canon. I would trust his word on the matter considering who he works for. Star Wars expanded universe canon, before Disney nuked it to high hell to replace it with a new one, was considered canon and a part of the Star Wars universe so long as it doesn't contradict the movies or material officially supported by George Lucas such as the Clone Wars cartoon show canon itself. It merely expanded upon the many characters and timelines in the Star Wars verse that the movies and other materials themselves were too insufficient in number to be able to do.
  21. https://mobile.twitter.com/andypriceart/status/461550768492150784 That evidence doesn't explain how she got the ability to be nightmare moon but her first time rebelling against her sister as Nightmare Moon. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/02/clarification-on-mlp-comics-vs-show.html More clarification about the issue on Eqd. Essentially, the comics are 'B' canon to the show's 'A' canon. Similar to the relationship the expanded universe and the movies and other official media of Star Wars share, so long as it doesn't contradict anything the show considers as canon, then the comics canon can coexist in MLP gen 4.
  22. The comics established the background for how Luna got Nightmare Moon form an outside source and it is not something she can achieve on her own. Until the show says something different, it is canon. Because she was giving her sister a chance to stop her madness only for her sister to attack her in turn. Then she decided to banish her to the moon before anything else can happen. As for the first two episodes, it was pretty much implied that she likely lost on purpose so she can pull a gambit where the mane 6 can become the new elements of harmony bearers just so she can free her sister from Nightmare Moon. Celestia: Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it. Twilight Sparkle: But... you told me it was all an old pony tale. Princess Celestia: I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well. Princess Luna!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Sorry, I made a deal with the devil and i must pay the price for it.

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      I guess...*le sigh*

    4. Nuke87654


      Trust me, I'm just as disappointed too. I wanted the German women to win instead of my country's own women's soccer team.

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