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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. So Luna's dream powers are unique to her eh. Celestia does not have it.

    1. Jeremiah
    2. The Coffee Pony

      The Coffee Pony

      Luna Superior, Celestia Inferior!

  2. So Luna having Nightmares makes her happy?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Poor Spike not being considered important to Luna's dreams :(

    3. Jeremiah


      haha, Spike thinks he is important....

    4. TheLegoBrony


      luna is important to the NLR

  3. While I can understand the complaint and will critique that episode if they do go down that same route they did with Shining Armor in A Canterlot Wedding, however I have more faith they'll learn their lesson and develop it more naturally where she and him aren't this 'BBBFF that sends letters over to his LSBFF that we never heard of till now' but show that while they're close, they're not that close to be having that in their relationship (not because of bad blood but personality preference).
  4. Interesting answer for the panels answer for what would've happened if the Sonic Rainboom never happened.

    1. Megas


      Pretty excited to see that

    2. Sky Knight

      Sky Knight

      Interesting, it would make for a great Episode I think.

    3. Nuke87654


      Hopefully it would indeed guys.

  5. So if what Horse News is saying is true from the animitronics shown at the SDCC, Fluttershy has a brother apparently.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Rainbow Power will be used in tommorow's episode apparantly. Good to know they're not a one off deal if true.

    3. Nuke87654


      Starlight Glimmer breaks into Twilight's castle.

    4. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Wait, no spoilers. D:


  6. How do you guys think about this new image?

  7. Interesting to hear this perspective. Your other post on the matter further sheds on this topic to where I now understand better on the anger the Metroid fanbase has for this game. I will apologize to calling the Metroid fanbase selfish for their anger, even if I do think it got excessive still, but now I can see the justification for the fandom's negative reaction to this game.
  8. ^^ Sorry folks, It's not Season 6 that will end at the year but rather the 2nd half of Season 5 will air at.
  9. As Megas said, it's a combination of players disappointment the next Metroid Game isn't a full fledged Metroid game starring Samus, especially one to redeem the series after how divisive Other M was to the fanbase, their selfish entitlement, and fear of change to the Metroid franchise considering this will be the first Metroid Game where Samus won't be the main protagonist. Personally, I think while they have a right to be disappointed the next Metroid game won't be the one they expected, but to go to the lengths they're going just because of how the next Metroid game is is rather silly and foolish. Personally, I'm more upset that apparently the Metroid Prime Trilogy and this game are in their own separate universes away from the main Metroid games.
  10. She'll still work in MLP in some capacity I believe, it's just she'll likely have to take a reduced role in order maximize her work's performance in other fields as she has to jumble with more than one toy franchise now.
  11. I'm not quite sure how that can affect her other than she'll get a larger pay and more stuff to work with. Hopefully this could mean that MA Larson would take over Meghan's role in MLP FIM since I don't think she can be as involved with the show as before.
  12. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1573/entry-17089-borderlands-video-game-review/ Thanks to MountainDrew, added a negative point to my Borderlands review.
    1. MountainDrew


      Thanks :) And if people get upset over my observation then oh well.

    2. Nuke87654


      Aye, but I don't see too many chances for that. Even so, I welcome an informed opinion.

  13. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1573/entry-17089-borderlands-review/ The winner in my video game choices for me to review, Borderlands 1, is up. Please offer your opinion in how my review went and if wish to add to my review in both negative and positive fashion. I welcome either one and other matters of discussion in my reviews.
  14. Happy birthday, Asbel Lhant. May today be a great one for you.

  15. I'll hold off on my mlp review in exchange to complete my borderlands review, which won the contest for which game I review first.

  16. Hmm, perhaps I should give this moba a chance. One interesting thing to note, DOTA 1, the moba that gave birth to the MOBA genre was originally a Warcraft 3 mod. Thus the genre now has come full circle with Blizzard's entry into the genre.
  17. https://mlpforums.com/topic/132530-heil-hitler-fuckers/#entry3916295 A lovely troll has graced us once more folks XD
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nuke87654


      They still have /mlp/ on there, mostly so they won't have to deal with the mlp fandom infecting their boards

      Personally, I think it's just some troll from /pol/ is all. No coordinated attacks or the like.

    3. Nuke87654


      Perhaps it could be a /b/ as well

  18. What Japan faced at the Women's soccer finals with this theme playing.
    1. Nuke87654


      Congratulations to the american women soccer team :D

    2. The Coffee Pony

      The Coffee Pony

      I guess you can say America nuked Japan again!

    3. Nuke87654
  19. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1573/entry-17291-doom-video-game-review/ Thanks to the onenamedDJ, I've updated my Doom review with another part to add to positive number 3 in my review.
  20. Nice review and a brilliant point on the Descartes quote and reference especially. I agree that despite the forced start, this episode is one of season 5's better episodes.
  21. I'd hope that person was a troll, a moron, because making such an accusation doesn't cast himself in a favorable light. For the most part, I thought Doug Walker is fine and an inspirational reviewer to many on the Internet.
  22. I need to have this in my 3ds collection when I get one
  23. If Dow 2 weren't my first entry to wh40k, I'd probably like Dow more. I do need to give it another go. I'll also give destroyer 40k a try by your recommendation. Here's a blog showing the match: https://mlpforums.com/blog/1572/entry-13483-im-on-a-vid/
  24. Nice game, even if it ended in loss. More reason I'm proud to have installed that mod in my game. Care to watch my personal experience in Dow 2's elite mod?
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