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Magical Anarchy

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Everything posted by Magical Anarchy

  1. Dragon Quest was my favorite Spike episode. it was funny, and it defined Spike as a character..in my opinion
  2. Oh oh! I got one. A a friend of mine raged so hard on MK DS that he broke his DS. Good times... I don't rage, just silently turn whatever system off and leave
  3. Sherlock walks into a bar. John just laughs at him, and walks around it.
  4. For MLP, I'd say TwiDash. I like it, and "Testing Testing 123" helped. Lol
  5. Good point. I really didn't know what to call them. Lol
  6. Yep! Oh and I looked some stuff up, and found that Attack on Titan is waiting for their second season.
  7. Hey so with Season 4 finished, its time for the 4th great Pony Hiatus, and that got me thinking if there were any other Hiatuses that are also currently going on right now, along side MLP? As of right now, I am sitting with the Doctor Who hiatus from season 7 to season 8, and also Sherlock's hiatus from season 3 to season 4. (God damnit, Moffat) -QuartermasterBrony
  8. Welp, here ya go then! This is a really terrible picture, but what the hell! Ok
  9. Heh. I just began watching AoT...AWESOME!!!

  10. First I read the comments Then i watched the video Then I lol'd That guy is a special kind of ignorant...and that was hilarious to watch...
  11. Flogging Molly (Irish Pub Rock) Da Vinci's Notebook (Acapella comedic style) The Blaggards (Another Irish Rock band with a Folk twist) Thats all I can think of for now...
  12. I think Goku would take this, but not easily. They would give each other a rin for their money
  13. Probably I'll be wearing my Rainbow Dash beanie. I have glasses (majorly bent), I'm pretty short, if I take my hat off, I have REALLY curly black hair, sorry if this doesn't help... Anyways what will you look like?
  14. Well in "Somepony to watch over Me" , Applebloom faces down a chimera-like monster, And there is Discord, who also seems to draw heavily from a "Dracon" like figure, I think they'll add more refences
  15. Hey there! Welcome to these here forums! Anyways I see you play Minecraft..what's your mc username? If I ever see you, I can say hello
  16. Yeah! I'm attending Brony Fan Fair as well! Hope to see you there!
  17. ^you make it sound like a punishment lol Ghost Ponies, i think, would be cool to have, and even an episode with them, I wouldn't mind.
  18. Thanks SCS, I was confused a bit. Yeah, I'm still deciding since Nightmare Nights has Tabitha St. Germain. Brony Fan Fair looks cool to. Too much!
  19. Hi Cam! Welcome to our humble abode, the MLP Forums! I see you are another Applejack fan, and for that you've earned my respect! Applejack is best pone by far, anyways have a great time!
  20. I KNOW RIGHT? The whole time I read that book. i was either laughing (because its bad) or falling asleep. Nice to know someone agrees with me
  21. Probably World War Z...that was so bad i laughed all the way
  22. Hey guys, I have a question. Is anyone on the forums attending either Nightmare Nights in Dallas or Brony Fan Fair in Austin? Just wondering, since I planned to go, and I wondered if anyone on the forums was going as well. Links to both conventions below (Note: Apparently the Brony Fan Fair site is hacked so just be cautious ) https://nightmarenights.net/ bronyfanfair.com/
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