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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Glike

  1. VINYL IS A CHANGELING CONFIRMED. It explains why she's mute! (I'm only half joking btw )
  2. Alright, it took a few hours but I was able to recognize the lyrics to Twilight's song as follows: Sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep.. Sweep sweep sweep sweep.
  3. Aye! Some people may see this as a hypocritical and inconsistent moral, but personally I think it's great that the staff are basically saying, "Each problem is unique and different. A tried and true method that works for one thing may not work for another." It's brilliant and really adds depths to the moral rather than having a flat single-sided lesson. It's great that they chose the other side of the coin!
  4. Alright, who wrote this episode? I want that person to write every episode ever. That was the hardest I laughed at MLP in years. The jokes were spot on and well-timed, we got some Coco, Vinyl had a somewhat important role and it didn't even feel like pandering but rather it felt natural, continuity was great, the whole flashback/interview style was great, and the whole Smokey Raccoon story was amazing. I had extremely low expectations for this episode, and it exceeded anything I could have imagined! 10/10!
  5. Starlight spent a Hearth's Warming with Twilight and friends.. it doesn't get much more adorable and happy than that. It's also nice to see that she could relate to Snowfall Frost, it's like when we find a character we can really relate to in a show or story and it helps us grow attached. To some this may seem like a filler episode, but I see it as another great step in Starlight's reformation arc. If you haven't done so already, I implore you to listen to all of the songs from the episode again and just picture all of the lyrics directly regarding Starlight. I think AJ's song was especially pertinent. "Some hurts never go away," the line about defenses and walls, the point of view line.. it all really has a close correlation to Starlight. I know that's the point but I personally thought it was done wonderfully. It didn't feel forced at all and it was a good reflection. Fantastic episode!
  6. Darn it, I'd love to explain all the correlations between Snow and Starlight but I'm on mobile and I don't want to type that much. I think the most significant is Luna telling Snow about how her actions would have drastic consequences even though she didn't entirely know the full extent her plan would bring. Similar to how Starlight was mostly oblivious to the horrible alternate realities she was creating. There was also another line that stood out but it escapes me at the moment. I'll edit in or post it later if I can remember it. Great episode!
  7. I could see Suri returning being somewhat likely. Especially ever since the second half of last season Rarity has been getting a lot of time to shine. Not to mention the slew of Manehatten episodes we've been getting. Heck, Suri had a cameo in The Gift of the Maud Pie.
  8. I know, but if we're talking pure bloodlines, Cadence does not have any blood from Celestia/Luna's bloodline. She is a princess, no doubt about that, though. It's just she doesn't share royal blood.
  9. Technically not even that. Cadence never had any royal blood in her as well seeing as she was also turned into an Alicorn.
  10. I actually kinda wanna see him again, as unpopular as he is. I'm sure he'll still be a jerk, but in the season 1 finale it kind of seemed like they made him the rude, ungentlemanly archetype character. I'm curious as to what royal duties, if any, he has as prince. Sure, Shining Armor is a prince, but he's also captain of the Royal Guard. So whenever we see him he's usually being Cadence's husband and/or doing Royal Guard stuff. Blueblood has no other such obligations so I'm curious what his day to day life is like.
  11. THANK YOU. I absolutely cannot stand Lightning Dust. She seems to be such a fan favorite, and while I can see why she would have her fans I myself can't bring myself to like her.
  12. Well, ever since Sombra's reformation in the comics anything's possible. But if we disregard the comics, which could be overruled in the show, I definitely believe Tirek is irredeemable. I'd say any pony that even makes a genuine effort to change (a la Discord, Starlight, Trixie) have a good shot at being redeemed, whereas those who do nothing but betray others and have a taste for extreme power would be nigh impossible to redeem.
  13. And by Pony Joe, Starlight, Princess Ember, etc. Basically if you're not one of the main six characters you have a shot with Spike.
  14. I know he's not the only one that wears clothes like that, but I can't help but see Starlight as Miles Edgeworth while she's wearing that. Which is good because Edgeworth is absolutely awesome.
  15. The song gives me a Disney vibe. This Day Aria 2.0 anyone? I am completely okay with this. And since we know there's supposed to be another song in this, is it possible this is this season's musical episode? I'm all for a Hearth's Warming musical!
  16. Glike

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Don't make me choose! ;-; Batman always has the best villains. Ermm.. oh man this is tough. It's a tie between Harley and Deathstroke. Same!
  17. I get chills during that preview. It looks like Starlight (this is obviously the story Twilight tells) is conjuring up Windigos? I feel that the tale Twilight is telling is about a pony who used to evil who then saw the light of good, probably after a warming experience during Hearth's Warming (hence the title)? I think this is the best possible story for Twilight to tell Starlight if that is the case.
  18. Glike

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Jirachi 'cause wishes. Same.
  19. Glike

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Ehh, I used to. When I first read it I thought the writing was the most amazing thing ever, but I hadn't yet immersed myself in the world of My Little Pony fan fics. In comparison to plenty of other great works, Cupcakes is surprisingly mediocre. Do you have a favorite MLP fic?
  20. @@Dark Horse @@Stardust Balance @@Blitz Boom Yeah, I'm totally up for picking right back up where we left off. :3 And don't sweat it, Dark. I understand having things that are higher on a priority list.
  21. NOOOOOOO!!!! Oh wait.. *puts on Steven Universe shades* Eh, this is nothing. Hmm.. *puts on Gravity Falls hat* Bring.. it.. on!
  22. Glike

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Donkey Kong 64. It's not even that great a game, but I have fond (yet vague memories). I think I was around 4 or 5 when I played it. I've always played with my Dad, and he would try and screw me up on purpose while I played. X3 And that music when you start off in DK's treehouse always instantly floods me with a sense of nostalgia. It's the most overwhelming nostalgia I can experience and it will never get old. And the boss fight with that mecha armadillo thing or the puffer fish. Ahhhh... Do you have any similarly nostalgic experiences that never fail to make you remember?
  23. Does a mid-40 year-old doctor stop having new life experiences because he's achieved his dream job and he's finally settled down with a family? Does the President automatically stop learning and become exempt from mistakes once he's elected? These characters, wherever they may be, still have much more to live up to. They only seem to be in their late teens/early 20s (in human years, not horse years), so there's still plenty of room for mental development. Twilight is still very flawed and has a ways to go, not to mention there are so many different kingdoms and countries for her to try make allies with. Rarity has definitely expanded her business rather quickly, but even then we've hardly even seen what goes into decision-making in her field. We could still get some insight into that. Now Rainbow Dash will have to establish herself within the Wonderbolts and we can finally see the Wonderbolts dynamic from within and not just from an outsider's perspective. Heck, the whole living arrangement and group mentality thing sucked me in during the new episode. AJ and Pinkie's families coming together is definitely something that they've touched upon that could make for a great arc to come. Maybe someday the Apple family and Pie family can start working together and help give insight to the other family on farm techniques. Fluttershy definitely strikes me as an activist, maybe she can find an environmentally/creature-friendly organization like Greenpeace or PETA (a more moral and responsible version )? We still have a lot in store for Starlight. I don't, I think we have much more to touch upon. We've barely scratched the surface. Yes, characters have achieved their dreams, but when you reach a huge goal, especially at such a young age, do you just drop everything and stop? No, this is just the beginning. There are so many further opportunities that await you, and it's up to you to use your knowledge, experience, and friendships to help yourself as well as support those who have always done right by you. So, I believe we have a lot next in store.
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