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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Unr3alGamer

  1. I play a mix of bot games and PvP. My name is the same as my profile on here, Unr3alGamer
  2. When I started watching MLP, my favorite was RD. Now, I don't have a favorite. I love all of the man 6 equally.
  3. If we're being specific here: Hated: Rainbow Falls (2/10) Disliked: Somepony to Watch Over Me (4/10) Power Ponies (4/10) Meh/Guilty Pleasures: Simple Ways (6/10) Leap of Faith (6/10) Trade Ya (6/10) Liked: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies (7/10) Castle Mane-ia (7.5/10) Flight to the Finish (8/10) Filli Vanilli (8/10) Twilight Time (8.5/10) Testing, Testing, 1 2 3 (8.5/10) Loved: Pinkie Apple Pie (9/10) Inspiration Manifestation (9/10) Three's A Crowd (9/10) Bats! (9/10) Rarity Takes Manehattan (9/10) Equestria Games (9/10) Maud Pie (9/10) Daring Don't (9/10) For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils (9.5/10) Princess Twilight Sparkle (9.5/10) Pinkie Pride (10/10) Twilight's Kingdom (10/10)
  4. That moment when a cute girl is standing awkwardly close to you inside of an ice cream shop, and you're suspecting why.

  5. Thunderstorms are a gift from God where I live. It makes me more relaxed and more focused on what I'm doing.
  6. Xbox: Jesturd PSN: ColoneliH8Gumby Consoles I own with multiplayer games: Xbox 360: COD BO2, COD Ghosts, COD: WAW, BF4, Titanfall PS3: Borderlands 2, Minecraft, Black Ops 2 PS4: Resogun, BF4, Killzone: Shadowfall, Blacklight: Retribution, COD Ghosts, Games I'm going to get: PS4: Destiny, Uncharted 4 Currently playing: BF4 (PS4), Uncharted 3 Uncharted is the best of the best, seriously.
  7. Does anybody have a PSN ID along with a PS3 or PS4? If so, leave your ID on there as well as some games you like to play or plan on getting.
  8. I want The Winter Soldier to come out on DVD already!!!

  9. If it can be anything then I would take something that if I fired 1 shot it would end the war instantly.
  10. I'm only 15, and I haven't asked anyone out yet. Once I get a job and I'm able to drive a car, then I'll consider it. Although I want to at least make friends with someone before asking them out so it comes more naturally rather than just walking up to someone and say "You want to date?".
  11. (This may sound awkward, but) I'd like to meet more female fans of MLP: FiM. There's a surprising lack of them from what I've seen.

    1. Unr3alGamer


      Hello, Destiny.

    2. K.K. Slider

      K.K. Slider

      I wish there was too just so dudes wouldn't treat them as much like special snowflakes, especially at cons!

  12. In my personal opinion: S4>S2>S3>S1 I'm not going to be a Faust fanboy when watching the show, because I really don't understand the Season 3 criticism. All I see is nit-pickers or over-analysis when it comes to the season 3 hate. Here's the thing: Was it Lauren Faust that attracted us to the show, or was it the content inside the show itself? But onto the actual topic itself, Season 4 is my favorite season. It had a good balance of episodes for each character (even the CMC) thanks to the Rainbow Power story arc. It also completes the mission of filling in the holes dug out by Season 3. Like Ulrik Raben said earlier, S1 and S2 were Phase 1 of the show, and Phase 2 was S3 and S4. After the Season 4 finale, it's clear that the writers knew exactly what they were doing this entire time. There were A LOT more episodes I liked than I disliked, and while I enjoyed the first 3 seasons, they had their share of bad episodes. Season 2 was my favorite, until this season. I would go a lot more in depth about this, but I don't feel like typing many big paragraphs right now.
  13. I want to see How To Train Your Dragon 2, but the last movie I saw was Godzilla. It was decent.
  14. Friendship is unnecessary for survival, but it gives value to surviving.

  15. Okay, here we go: - I don’t like reading books - I don’t wish to become a politician - My views on politics range somewhere in the Conservative/Libertarian part of the scale, but I don’t get too involved in those kinds of conversations. - I am a non-denominational Christian, but I don’t try to shove my views down the throats of others - I am heterosexual - I am not anti-gay, but I do oppose the idea of homosexuality, not just because it’s against my religion, but various other reasons (if you want to know, PM me). I respect gay people in the same way I respect people who don’t share any of my other views, I just disapprove of their lifestyles - I don’t believe that people are born gay, but people are gay as a result of experience. Numerous people have changed their sexual preference before, so if they really were “born gay” that wouldn’t make much sense would it? - I believe the United States is in support of gay marriage and homosexuality (including trans, bi ,lesbians ,pans, etc.) because our country is heading in the same direction as Rome once did, which can only be a bad thing imo - Many people do not know of how few homosexual people there actually are (seriously, only 2-4% of the world population from my readings is LGBT) - I am not a fan of DC comics or DC in general (except for Batman) - I am a big fan of most Marvel heroes - I have mixed interests in genres of video games - I like talking with friends for hours on end - I like American history and classes/subjects that involve logical thinking - I am curious about people’s views on everything and the reasons behind them - I am a logic nazi - Xbox has better multiplayer experiences, PS has better single player experiences - I like watching movies in theaters - I sometimes over-analyze things to the point where my conclusions are simply not true - MLP: FiM is my favorite cartoon on air - MLP: FiM is the only cartoon I care to watch nowadays (because most of them either suck or don’t interest me) - I don’t have a favorite overall TV show - I hate a majority of today’s popular music - I like music from: Owl City, U2, Journey, a bit of Imagine Dragons, Some from Gotye, Coldplay, Some from Phil Collins, a bit of Tears for Fears, a bit of Linkin Park, and of course, from FiM - I think Frozen is the most overrated movie of all time - The Avengers is my favorite superhero/action movie, and my favorite movie - The Dark Knight Trilogy is my favorite movie trilogy - The Original Star Wars movies are my favorite sci-fi movies - Captain America: The Winter Soldier is my favorite political/thriller movie - Toy Story 3 is my favorite animated/kids movie - The Harry Potter series of movies are my favorite fantasy movies - Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is my favorite spy movie - I am not a fan of comedy, romance, horror, or science fiction (Star Wars is the only exception to this) - I like the mystery genre, but there’s no mystery shows/movies that stick out to me - I never liked romance stories, even the hilariously bad ones (Twilight) - I have never been interested in Pokemon - I don’t like Anime - I have never read manga - My favorite characters in TV shows, Video Games, and Movies are: Walter White, Daryl Dixon, any of the Mane 6, Bloo, Spongebob (from seasons 1-3) Gruncle Stan, the 11th Doctor (even though I’m not a fan of Doctor Who), Nathan Drake, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes, Wolverine, Professor X, Harry Potter, Han Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Indiana Jones These are more of details about myself than unpopular opinions.
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