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Vemillia Nightshade

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Everything posted by Vemillia Nightshade

  1. It's a heat wave over here right now. It' been a 80 degrees or higher for a while with considerable humidity.
  2. Welcome and Greetings, @Asuna Yuuki! It's so awesome you decided to join us! We have plenty to do here, so don't be afraid to jump right in!! It's quite alright to be shy on a new forum community, but I assure you that we are friendly here and are willing to help you along the way. Speaking of help, if you have any questions about the site or issues with programming, the Site Questions & Tech Support section is the best place to go if you are unsure who to ask personally. If you like to talk a lot, have no fear, you can visit the Beyond Equestria sub-forum. There is a Life Advice section there if you ever feel like you need to talk to some ponies about personal things. We will be happy to help you through it. As a fellow fan of Fluttershy, I say 'yay'. I would like to invite you to give the Fluttershy Fan Club a look. You can meet other members who love her cuteness and her want to be a tree~ I hope you enjoy your stay and make plenty of friends~
  3. The beast has returned. I'm honestly looking forward to the new Disturbed album.
    1. The Cynical Lone Wolf

      The Cynical Lone Wolf

      Same, but Breaking Benjamin has returned also

  4. Link: https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11403009_10153530041682384_6808268181857068754_n.jpg?oh=97de4da83608a4abc4832551ccdf332b&oe=55ED0340 It's offical. Disturbed has returned after a long hiatus. They are currently making Immortalized and they recently posted their Official Music Video, The Vengeful One, to tease the album. For dedicated fans like myself, this has been long awaited. Here's to the new album and hopes that it'll be successful. May the beast rise once more~
  5. Well, it's official. I'm getting Arkem Knight tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vemillia Nightshade

      Vemillia Nightshade

      Well they are able to have his DLC since Arkham Knight is a M rated game. Blood and Death for all~

    3. Jeremiah


      actually it might be M-rated becuase they might of add a certain scence for A death in the family let me show you: (spoilerzzey) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MIKn-4b9Lw

    4. TheLegoBrony


      I love your profile pic there Vemillia

  6. Yeah. Coffee in it's hot and cold forms are both rather good if made well. I typically have coffee with whatever meal of the day depending on when I wake up. Breakfast is the best time for me to drink it, but I sometimes have it with my lunch of I really slept in. As for tea. I'll agree, it's good with most fairly big meals. I personally only drink brewed tea for stress relief and god know I get a lot of stress too from day to day bull.
  7. There is no need to be ashamed, you were only blissfully ignorant to the finer details due to misinformation is all. There is not need to apologies for something you had no involvement in. I do recommend looking around and looking at Pinkamena tagged things. You will come across true Pinkie Pie/Pinkamena fans that will be respecting both forms of the character. I cannot say myself that I'm huge fan of Pinkie, but I do respect her character whether she is happy or sad. In some ways, she reminds me of myself. Though, I cannot openly say that I know any Pinkamena related things outside the 'Cupcakes' stuff, but I am sure there are some out there if you look hard enough.
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