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Dj Manjaro

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Everything posted by Dj Manjaro

  1. I like it, well done. I like the ear rings, nice touch. As well as the scarf. To add my bit of nitpickey criticism, her left back leg could use some work.
  2. yea, that just ends up happening... It's kind of become a fundamental part of my art style. Everything has exaggerated thin points.
  3. So this is what I did today instead of my homework... It was a day well spent. Trying to figure out how an equine would Melbourne shuffle was actually kind of tricky... what with their reversed joints in their back legs.
  4. This is a drawing I did to go with a new song of mine, .As with all of my other work, this was drawn with Easy Paint Tool SAI. Criticism welcome.
  5. Twilight Sparkle enjoying a good book and a warm cup of joe from her favorite mug. Kinda bummed the really light shading doesn't show too well, but oh well.
  6. This is great! i like the boarder. Very fitting for her special talent. You got her eyes and eyelashes just right. I really like her mane.
  7. "Many misunderstand my motives. Many believe that I just want ponies to like me, while I'll admit it is a great upside to what I do, it is not what drives me. Many believe that I only make ponies happy by being a crazy pink blur. No, it's a great tactic but it is not my only tactic. My motives are to make my friends -- and I consider nearly everypony to be my friend -- happy. Whether it be just by remembering a birth day, being crazy and taking someone's mind off of a tragedy... Or say -- vowing to appreciate the night sky that a particular pony worked so hard on to make so beautiful; regardless of the weather. A good friend could have prevented 1000 years of suffering." -- Pinkie had Twilight whip up a spell to allow her to stand on clouds, and had Rainbow Dash fly her up to a cozy cloud floating carelessly above the overcast sky. All to keep a promise she made to herself to admire a certain pony's work.
  8. I usually like to draw Twilight as almost anorexic. Simply because she is the type of pony who would probably skip meals often to spend more time on whatever she's working on. Although more often than not it's forget, rather than skip.
  9. Like with all of my digital artwork, I use Easy Paint Tool SAI.(Insert unnecessary sentence here to fill in the remaining characters.)
  10. Absolutely.I started out with a rough sketch. Using plenty of lines to make sure my perspective and proportions are right. Then I made the background, cleaned up the lines, and filled in the base colors with the airbrush and a steady hand. (less bumpy edges.) Last thing was to add the lighting effects, like shading and highlights. I used 3 or 4 multiply layers for the shading. The darkest shades were for edges while the lightest were for general areas like the stomach. I used a red tint for the shading to match the background. I used 4 Luminosity layers for the highlights. Like her eyes, hair, and parts of her body. Voila! About 3 hours of work. If you have anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  11. She knew it would happen one day. I mean, she'd been working with some of the most powerful spells nearly all her life. She knew she'd eventually screw some major thing up and end up somewhere around this point.... doesn't make it any less terrifying though. So what do you think?
  12. I would say it took me around 3-4 hours. Not including the half hour I took to watch some Scrubs...As for what program, like with all of my art, I use Easy Paint Tool SAI. Containing 33 Layers, 10 of which are lines, 7 are lighting effects, and the rest color.
  13. My ponysona in a Steampunk style. Being on the brighter side of average, Sylenth is quite the inventor. Being a perfectionist has its perks, nearly everything he completes is a work of art. However, not a whole lot is completed, as much is scrapped for bigger and better projects. Sylenth also has a fairly low tolerance for closed-minded ignorance. But, show a desire and an ability to learn and he will take you under his wing, sometimes literally.
  14. I was lucky enough to be able to attend Brony Fan Fare in Austin TX a few weeks ago. While I was there I got to meet 2 of my favorite artists of all time, Aphex Angel (Ask Stalkerloo) and GiantMosquito (Ask Doctor Adorable.) I got to draw a hoof on a Stalkerloo Drawing and I sat next to GiantMosquito during a panel. During which we compared drawings. So there's that. One of the things I love about this fandom is that you can go to a convention for it and at least 40% of the attendees will have sketch pads. I being no exception. While I was there I got 3 drawings done. Serene Fluttershy Smiling Sylenth (My Ponysona. This is what I drew while I was with GiantMosquito) Pinkie's Dream Last but not least, here's another drawing I did while at school. Serene Dash
  15. For your first mane 6 character, this is great! Your first is much better than my first. As long as you are going for show accurate, I'm going to go ahead and nit pick because small details make some of the biggest impacts. The back of her mane should be a bit longer as it almost touches the ground. The front part of her mane should extend out a little less, as in it should start curving inward just a little bit sooner. Her ear should also be a bit wider. Last thing I want to add is that her legs should curve forward just a little bit more. Other than that, this is great, the overall body shape, cutie mark and wings are all spot on. Also her eyes give off that sense of innocence pretty well. So there's my two cents.
  16. Nothin' like relaxin' under a tree with a great view of the valley. This is my first real venture into creating an actual background.
  17. I hadn't really thought of making more TF2 ponies, but now that you mention it, I might. As for coloring it, probably not. This is a black and white drawing through and through.
  18. School has started back up for me, so that means more hand drawn art for you. What I frequently end up doing to help get through the day is work on one drawing throughout the day, from class to class. Today's drawing is of Fluttershy as a Medic from Team Fortress 2.
  19. Here's a wallpaper friendly version of my 'Nature's Mage' drawing. I'm not sure which looks better though, with or without the text. With Text Without Text
  20. These are amazing. I've seen a lot of your work and I just want to say you are one of my favorite artists.
  21. I use Easy Paint Tool SAI, as well as the Bamboo FUN Tablet by Wacomb.I would recommend SAI to anybody, as it is much simpler than Photoshop and has some incredibly useful features like the ability to easily rotate the canvas and pen stabilization. Its blur tool is also much more potent.
  22. Hello everypony! I have returned! While I was in Minnesota on the way back from Canada, (by car) This image came to me after seeing some of the beautiful foliage. I sketched it out in the car as to not forget the image and finally got the chance to draw it today. Fascinated by the pegasus' ability to manipulate the weather, Twilight Sparkle has spent years to master the art of Mother Nature's magic. She has since been given the title, Arch Mage of Nature's Magic at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. (Click To Enlarge)
  23. Yes, yes they do. They also say Aboot (about), and oot (out). In fact, after a while, I started instinctively picking up the accent. A skill/curse I have.
  24. So, as you may or may not know, I am currently on vacation in Canada. So I've been away from my tablet and will be for the next few weeks. However, just because I'm not doing digital art at the moment, does not mean I'm not drawing at all. So on that note, have some hand drawn Twilight Sparkle, enjoying a warm cup of joe on a cold winter morning.
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