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Everything posted by Stormlight

  1. Welcome to the forums Have a fun time around here
  2. Hey! Welcome to the forums :D

    1. Stormlight


      Also...I just noticed we have the same birthday date 0_0

    2. Sunset Skies

      Sunset Skies

      Thanks! I noticed that too :o

  3. Welcome to the forums dude! Have a wonderful time here :)

  4. You recieve a leg! *inserts a bag of jellybeans*
  5. The music itself is really cool, once you hear the lyrics though, it will make children cry
  6. Welcome to the forums! Hope you have fun making new friends
  7. Well, everyone has their own opinion, even if we sometimes have to disagree to them. It doesn't really matter for me, since there will be a hater one day or the next. But when it becomes a problem where people can get verbally abused, that's when it's NOT okay.
  8. Welcome to the forums Yay, a fluttershy fan! Here ya go http://mlpforums.com/topic/4731-fluttershy-fan-club/
  9. Second, because Snowflake Frostflame wouldn't get along with me Would you rather die quickly but go to hell or die slowly and go to heaven?
  10. You get a bucket of crabs *insterts blown out speaker*
  11. Welcome to the forums! You can get out of the Blank Flank title when you post five or more posts anywhere except sections where it says your posts will not be counted Enjoy your stay here.
  12. You recieved a fossil *inserts a copper coin*
  13. You recieve a bobblehead of your OC! *inserts gold-plated coin*
  14. Welcome to the forum! Hope you make new friends and have a fun time here
  15. Strawberries. Chocolate covered ones are my favorite sweet treat
  16. Flight, cause duh Would you rather have to speak one language for the rest ot your life or constantly going in and out of different languages without control?
  17. Pretty much self-explanatory Each person will come up with there own "Would you rather", and the person below will choose one or the other, then giving another question to keep the ball rolling. Sample: Me: Would you rather be a dog or a cat? You: A cat, because I would love to leap around and relax. "insert Would You Rather here" So on and so forth...let us BEGIN! Would you rather have long toenails or long fingernails?
  18. What I'm wearing? Clothes (Just kidding, a tank top and shorts)
  19. Of course not! Crying is what makes us human. There are times where it is accectable, like at a funeral or a sad movie/book, but it is NOT when trying to beg for something you want from a store, because maybe your mom couldn't afford it or another reason.
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