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Everything posted by NeonTheChangeling

  1. first time i have talked to my father since i told him i was a brony,and what does he do? call me a faggot

    1. gamecubeguy214


      Well that sucks.

    2. Monsoon


      Hmm tell him he's a sad excuse of a father if he can't look past a simple thing like that and yea that does suck being a brony shouldn't be anything to admit to anyone sadly a lot of people are not open minded :/

  2. why has nothing really happened today

    1. TheLegoBrony


      for me it went quick 4 hours out with friends, 3 hours taking a nap and 2 hours taking a bath

    2. NeonTheChangeling


      now i really want a bath

    3. Mikepokemon9


      :P boring but pretty fast day
  3. i managed to destroy a lawnmower

  4. i always question my sanity,then realize im insane,and realize how awesome it is to be just a little f'ed up in the head

  5. why is skype so dead today

  6. i forgot my greetings to america *AHEM* "good morning america,what are we offended by today"!

  7. my exact thoughts? "boy i need to adjust the carbuorator (or however its spelled) so it stops ruining my spark plugs,oh and check the tire for leaks and check the seals for oil,and tighten my front brakes,oh is this forum asking something?oh it is!
  8. *yawns*good morning every pony,its 4:45 am and i cant sleep

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NeonTheChangeling


      is the forum so addicting people just cant sleep?

    3. TheLegoBrony


      yes I think it is


    4. NeonTheChangeling


      hmm,dont think there is a fix to that

  9. whats yalls thoughts on pickles

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NeonTheChangeling


      i like pickles,but i eat whole pickles and it gets awkward

    3. Mikepokemon9


      i don't like pickles *hides from flying objects*

    4. Wingnut


      Pretty good but I don't go out of my way for them.

  10. i wish i could draw art for others,but im bad at keeping tab and remembering,so i just draw on my own time

    1. Show previous comments  48 more
    2. NeonTheChangeling


      *wraps my hooves around you*

    3. TheLegoBrony


      *nibbles on your neck licking it aswell*

    4. NeonTheChangeling


      a-ahn~ (lets continue communicating on a pm,my computer is lowing down from all the messages loading

  11. dat gta banner doh

    1. TheLegoBrony
    2. MickeyAdaptus



    3. TheLegoBrony


      @mickey - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  12. feed of love of course,what else would i do i grew up on a small ranch in the middle of nowhere
  13. im so lonely,im so lonely,and rather hungry

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NeonTheChangeling
    3. TheLegoBrony


      oh I slept like a baby unicorn got up at 11:00am and its 16:16pm

    4. Sunwalker


      Feeling lonely really sucks... But at least we can talk here, talking online may not be the ideal solution but it is the least we can do here :)



  14. my two bags for school with my art book and coloring pad (my cousin got me the coloring pad,so i keep it close,though i rarely do anything with it behind it my computer bag and in front my 07 macbook bro and to the left my bookbag
  15. if i ever get one (not likely) i will totally ride around on my dirtbike with it on
  16. a born and raised catholic here (Fought about my religion stance with my parents for years,but i stopped fighting and accepted it
  17. here is a list 1: the swing broke and i went face first into a car 2:my dirtbike went out from under me and i went into a tree 3:i fell off a roof 4:a tire fell on my chest 5:i flipped OVER my dirtbike and went across the road 6:a car t-boned my dirtbike (there is a trend with me and that dirtbike) and i got a sprained ankle and a mild concussion 7:landed chin fist on brick stairs 8:had a three inch nail go through my hand 9:had a three inch rusty nail go through my foot (doctor repeatedly noted how much i get hurt with tools 10got knocked out in gym 11:in fith gradegot into my first and only fight so far (im a freshman now) where i was being choked ,so i kicked the dude in the nuts,didnt help much 12:fell off my bunk bed (EDIT:add crashing into a tree AGAIN
  18. i ride my dirtbike for alot of the day,trying to meet new people,or find new trails
  19. i never do anything for my birthday,my parents dont let people come over so my birthday is usually spent sorting,or driving my dirtbike in search of offroad trails by myself
  20. "ready for all,yielding to none" a marine corps motto i live by
  21. that makes two of us,i used to have a 4 wheeler,but i traded for my dirtbike
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