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Cosmik Vek

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Everything posted by Cosmik Vek

  1. So, this was a good episode to say the least. This one introduced us to Quibble Pants, a caracter who really did not seem to like the other Daring Do books because of some realism issues. Himself kinda covered some of the bad aspect of this episode, mainly due to the fact that he was a bit too harsh on that aspect of the books and he kinda got repetitive at some point in the episode and it kinda got ols. But I do understand that the writers wanted to showcase a caracter that is like someone who really can critic a lot of the things in a story, just like some diehard fans in this fandom. He kinda covered the side of this fandom that likes the earlier episodes and that is truly accurate. And that, of course, all led to this greatly executed moral that everyone can look upon, because it does make a point in that some of us like things in a series that some of us might dislike and Quibble said it all by himself, and that helped his caracter I'd say And it was certainly funny at part, like some of Quibble's remarks early on in the adventure (before they somehow got really repititive), and it kinda got immersive after a while (in the Daring Do adventure that is) Also, I'm surely not the only who liked the end-credits there, it kinda maked me remember of some other cartoons who did that already. So you know, it was kinda good, but not the best for sure TL;DR: Quibble Pants might have been too harsh and repetitive on the realism and all, but his caracter was realistic and they surely nailed him in some way. Then you add the humour and the immersive Daring Do adventure, then yeah, you got Stranger Than Fanfiction, a nice episode. Rating: 8.5 to a late 9/10
  2. To Become Shelter & Salvation - Lykathea Aflame
  3. The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner - Iron Maiden
  4. some people in there needs to stop shoving things in other people's faces. won't say any names though, because I'm polite... though, hope I'm not the only here who feels this way. don't want to rant about it though.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cosmik Vek

      Cosmik Vek

      people complains about things from subjects that does not reach me, and that makes my vision of them really bad while negativity flows in my whole body. get it now?


    3. Monsoon


      I know where you're coming from

    4. thegoodhen


      Is it something naughty?

  5. The Ivory Gate Of Dreams - Fates Warning
  6. I'll try to be available when the next OSW will take it's place, I'll also try to be part of the selection of players for the unlimited access in December. I hope that the game will be at a really great state when this happens, because since the latest OSW that I participated in (not the latest one for sure), I thought that the game had some great potential besides some flaws brought by the servers lag caused by understandable causes (too many players in one area for example).
  7. Cosmik Vek

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Collapse and Recharging The Void Still the greatest songs of 2016, if not of a generation. From an album that holds the same title as these two.
  8. Underneath The Waves - Strapping Young Lad
  9. DJENT DJENT DJENT DJENT DJENT DJENT BENT BENT BENT BENT BENT BENT POPOPONIES ARE MY ONLY FRIENDS IN THIS LIFE but then we sail on seas on tears, in research of our goal in life, his name is djentson djentelmann YES HE IS, THE ULTIMATE LORD OF CHAOS MAGNUM OPiUm Twilight Sparkle, I summon thee, queenlord of darkness and ultimate chaos, I spawn thee, supreme godess of destruction and blackness! Rainbow Dash, I offer thee to the queen of death, the lord of djent, the lord of friendship but does it djent? we don't know... Mortals as we are, across the symptoms and anomalies of this web created by the spider known as Djent. Rememberthislunacy atdawn dataextract2of19-14%donecongratsforthewinsonletscelebratethisvictoryattheshrineofourancientgodknowasdj3nt93223222422442242syntaxerrorcouldnotcompleteinitialprocesspostingposttothread(this){}
  10. This baby* comes out on Friday and I'm planning on downloading it so I can taste the virtuosity and technicality of this great band once again. *Great Is Our Sin by Revocation Four songs from this upcoming jewel: Communion: Monolithic Ignorance: Crumbling Imperium: Profanum Vulgus:
  11. Serpent Moves - Coroner got ninja'd at the last second damnit The Cognate House Of Courtly Witches Lies West Of County Meath - Absu
  12. Sons Of Northern Darkness - Immortal
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