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Everything posted by IvoryDreamer

  1. "Giant robots shouldn't fight!" ~Steven Universe

  2. Hello everypony and welcome to my musical musings! This blog will be a place where I post what I am currently working on, be it compositions, piano covers, maybe vocal covers, and whatever I can get out of reaper. I am not a experienced writer so part of my hope for this blog is to receive feedback and tips on my works. For my first post I'll be simply showing an eight bar phrase that I composed. Feedback is welcome. Woek.mp3Woek.pdf
  3. @@Nightmare Muffin, What I meant by saying it wasn't her fault was that she had no control over her situation. I don't remember where this happened, but principal Cinch told her not to talk to the canterlot high girls. If this happened before she talked to flutters then I see her justified in running because Cinch held her future hostage. I will admit there were times I thought she should just say "Why are you glowing" or something like that, but I felt she never had the mental state required to stop ask such a question, what with the future hostage thing, and the games. That was a really stressful time. For both Sunset and Twilight. If Sunset was willing to talk and listen the movie would have also ended clean and quick, but she was stressed that pony twi was not responding. Taking it out on SciTwi. And the question on whether or not twi should be forgiven is really a subjective one, and belongs to the characters. However, there is one objective reason that is important. The characters wouldn't realize this, but forgiving her and letting her stay would be the healthiest thing for Twi. She would be less likely to go all power crazy again because she has people she cares about and wouldn't want to risk hurting them. If the situation arose that she needed to transform we would now see a similar transformation to the one Sunset had when she saved Twi. What would we get if the Shadowbolts were more fleshed out? compared to humane 6 they didn't do much more than them, And we already know so they seem more fleshed out. If we watched this movie with no knowledge of either school then neither would get that much characterization. If they made another movie with the Shadowbolts I'm sure that they would get more screen time. I don't think it was a bad movie or plot. it may not have been the best movie out there, but it wasn't bad. All the reasons you wrote are outweighed by the enjoyable-ness of the movie.
  4. It is not SciTwi's fault. Everything she did in the movie was a culmination of what her life in school was like. She was a recluse, socially awkward with some anxiety thrown in, and all the kids her aged treated her poorly. Especially sour sweet. Why would she trust anyone other than herself? Flutter Shy could have gotten angry, I know it's Flutter Shy, but SciTwi did not now her. Also being scared is not a free pass, but it does dictate how some will act in a situation. When you are scared adrenaline starts pumping through the body, causing the fight or flight response. There was nothing to fight so she took flight and ran. She could have acted more logically in that situation, but that is exactly what she couldn't do because of the adrenaline. If she had training to deal with stressful situations she may have been more calm. However, she is just a high school student with plenty of hormones going through her body. Further increasing her irrationality. When Sunset Shimmer was evil she was way worse the SciTwi. She enslaved the entire school and tried to conquer Equestria. At most Twilight took some renewable magic out of the humane 6.
  5. I was at a point where I would have said yes definitely. Not because I was depressed of anything, rather I thought going to any alternate world would be amazing. Nowadays it is more of, "Unless I can travel the entire multiverse, I would rather live here because I can see all the worlds"
  6. My heart beats hard because of the adrenal response to stressful stimuli.
  7. Cranky old man voice "Back in my day, we had ponies learning the magic of friendship. Not this amoeba jousting nonsense" My take on what the future of TV might be
  8. Depends on what we teach them. It might be un-watchable compared to the TV of their time, but they might appreciate it.
  9. Hello pony's of the MLP Forums! I am Ivory Dreamer. I am looking to both improve my talents and help out my fellow musicians. Weird sales pitch: What I can do: I can play the piano. If you looked in the spoiler you will see that primarily I'm offering to play music that you have written. At my skill level I can play Fur Elise, Pirates of the Caribbean(Jarrod Radnich's version), and Lullaby for a Princess. So not much is out of my reach in terms of learning. Edit: I probably should put a link to one of the songs. Here it is https://soundcloud.com/ivory-dreamer/fur-elise My equipment: I have a Roland keyboard with a large sound library, reaper as my DAW, and I also have a midi cable and quarter inch audio cable. If you are interested: Either send my a PM, or reply below. Questions are welcome. Weird legal stuff...
  10. Why Steven Universe! Why must you release so slowly! D:

  11. @@RivkaBobble, The crunchyroll premium is if you want to see the episodes right when they come out. Otherwise you can wait a week then they will be available for free. Since you are starting shippuden you will not need the premium for a while. The one thing I'm unsure of is if you need flash to use crunchyroll.
  12. If you wan't to watch a comedy anime about a girl who is also a squid watch Squid Girl. If you like a show that has love polygons, incredible character development and people living in the ocean, watch Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea. If you like dark fantasy adventure with magic and great story, watch Full-metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. If you like oceans voyages that take place in space with a little bit of romance, watch Space battleship Yamato. If you like the idea of being trapped inside a video game, watch Log Horizon. Watch Space Dandy. Just watch it. It's about a dandy guy in space. What more do you want? I can definitely recommend more, but I think should do it for now.
  13. Well It's a birthday day for me :)

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      YAAAAAAAAAAY =)=)=)=)<3

  14. I'm on the fourth episode of Hunter X Hunter. I am enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. I am loving the character interaction between Leoria and Kurapika.
  15. Your missing Lapis Lazuli >:| Though my favorite between those four would be Amethyst. Gotta love them purple ones XD
  16. I now know who Sour Creme's parents are! :WARNING: Spoilers from "Story for Steven".
  17. I was just thinking about the first episode. You know, the one with the big Red Eye? I enjoyed the continuity when they mentioned the Eye in Marble Madness. However, I realized that this episode captured my attention. I find that interesting. Right from the start I was already loving the show, (maybe love is a little too strong but you know what I mean). The moment that I remember the strongest is when they fire the cannon and Greg is in tears. I think that is what convinced me that this show has merit, and not just another stupid cartoon. Also, Greg's character is portrayed really well. It is not often that a father is written well in a series. ... I just realized that it was the second episode... Ah well I enjoyed Cookie Cat too. XD
  18. Very good season premiere :D /)

    1. DashYoshi


      Yes it was! =) (\

  19. A conspiracy theorist is right? Everyone run for the hills!! D: I do love Ronaldo though, he is so goofy. Speaking of polymorphic space rocks I do hope we get to see the gem homeworld soon. That will be a fun episode, potentially heartbreaking, but fun nonetheless.
  20. Ohh new banner! I likey! :D

  21. The Lego movie resonated deeply with my inner child. I was the Spaceship guy. I built spaceships left and right for most of my childhood.
  22. I think Sour Creme is related to Onion. They both have lighter than normal skin colors, along with the dad of course, and their names make a pun! There is a a chip flavor called "Sour Creme & Onion". So yes it can be true that he lives alone considering his dad is away at see most of the time.
  23. Well it is an emergency so his usual tendencies might not necessarily kick in. :shrug: I agree with you on the other two points
  24. Of course there is. The internet is just going through some awkward teen years. Yeah that probably is Sadie's mother, but what about Lars parents? The way that screen shot is laid out seems to put everyone together according to relationships. So either Lars is related to Onion, Mr. Smiley, or he just lives alone.
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