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Everything posted by MickeyAdaptus

  1. I am on a booping spree! Check all your profiles and browser tabs because before you know it you will be next to get booped!



  2. "You are both right, but I have to admit here, I never wanted to be a hero, I never intend to a hero, my intention has always been to preserve the lives for those who are still left, all those victims who are scattered across the stars, with no way out. I know you guys don't particularly care for those who I used to live with before, but they mean as much to me as you guys mean to me, dead or alive, I will always care about all of you." "But I am not trying to prove myself to anyone, or play hero, I am merely doing the task that every one of my race wants to do, work towards a better future. And I still have a personal grudge against these monsters, they killed and infected more then you can count, I intend to exact my revenge, because I don't want to forget that these creatures used to be someone else, and by killing one, I put that very person's soul to rest.." Jack said. "But you did learn me something very valuable Luna, I have helped all of you without the use of fighting, and i will never stop helping any of you." Jack said to her with a smile. He then looked outside. "Guys, we won't last forever here, there are too many to escape from this town from around, but I do know a way where we can bypass that. I will need your help tough Luna." Jack told her. He then looked at Festus. "Festus, do you want to help as well or rather sit this one out? I won't judge you if you rather recover for a moment rather then wanting to jump straight into action again." Jack asked him. He, however, remembered something. "Luna, have you told Evelyn about where you were going? It doesn't really matter if you haven't since I am going to tell her about the situation regardless, she would definitely want to know why I am no longer around the camp." Jack asked Luna.
  3. Welcome to the forums :)! Also, i saw your work and it was really awsome! I hope you have a good time here man :).
  4. "I am here as well, but I should have known it would end up like this, it seemed such a good idea to in an empty town, only to find out it was a breeding ground for infected, hence why so many are getting attracted." Jack said. He then wandered to one of the not yet destroyed windows and looked outside at the ongoing battle. "And yet I cannot help but wanting to join this fight, I have this sudden urge to kill our enemies, all of them until there is nothing of them left... After everything, they have done to me, to my friends and family, to all of us. I don't know it is whether i am infected and its effects are influencing me." Jack said "Yet at the same time... I don't want to die, not that i have much choice regarding my situation, i feel conflicted, having trouble to to hang on to who i am..." he said, then walked up to Luna's side, and rested his head on her side. "I don't know what i am, a martyr, a hero, a coward, i don't know what i am anymore, i only do things because i feel the need to do them, yet i always do things wrong in the end." Jack to Luna, almost pleading to her for comfort.
  5. I think this was my biggest panic attack ever... I could barely breathe, everything felt really bad, an intense fear was gripping me and i had the feeling everyone was going to abandon me, that everything was going to get wrong..

    At one point i was cruwled up in my beddd where i was tottallh turned inside myself, everything was really bad, it was crazy, i felt like my life was over.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Foxy Socks
    3. MickeyAdaptus



      Well, I'm the opposite of that and that's not really good either =/

      Sorry to hear that man :(



      Thanks man

    4. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus


      Sorry to hear that man :(

      I appreciate it, but no need to be sorry for me, it's one of my tiniest problems, and most of the problems are directly or indirectly caused by my own personality. 

  6. The shooter gritted his teeth "You expect me to feel sorry for you? It is because of your people that my family and friends are dead! It must be nice living in such a fancy paradise all day with family around you, doesn't it? Atleast most of you still have families! Nothing you say will make things better because words won't bring my family back!!!" He roared. At this point, the person was blinded by rage, but his accusation was directed to the fact that because of not only the arrival of the inhabitants of Equestria that drew this much attention to their enemies but Jack's presence as well. And because of this drawn attention, the enemy started a sweeping campaign amongst countless of area's, search and destroy teams that where trying to hunt down the group, killing any survivors they could find, thus on locations they would never have bothered to look if it had still been the calmer situation before any of the news came in. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Aside from a deep bullet wound and a partially broken ribcage, i think I am alright. What about you Festus?" Jack asked Festus Suddenly he heard something, or more specifically, he heard countless of sounds, lots of movement and occasional growling, but it was not the sounds itself that made him tense up, it was for the fact of how many there were. "Guys... We need to hide, now!!" Jack shouted as he started to sprint towards one of the buildings, he was just in time as an almost sea of infected started swarming the town, and for a good reason, the town itself happened to be a big breeding ground for them, and seeing as individuals had decided to invade their territory, they where attacking back in full force. Jack pushed an infected away who had almost bit him in the neck and he jumped straight through a closed window, shattering the glass as in he flew inside with a loud smack. ------------------------------------------------------ The shooter itself suddenly noticed some infected climbing into the building like monkey's, he started shooting and killed about 5 until they overwhelmed him and he then got killed, a tragic ending to a tragic experience. But his death did prove a bit of distraction as it had distracted some of the infected that where closer.
  7. Wondering if there is going to be a Christmas banner for the forums?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MickeyAdaptus


      Oh man, that doesn't sound good :o

      I do hope someone wants to make one for the forums, it would definitely bring up the Christmas hype here!

      Is there a topic on where people submit their banners? I haven't been able to find one xD

    3. Fhaolan


      Nah, you just send them along to one of the Admins in PM. We take it from there. :)

    4. MickeyAdaptus
  8. It was at this time, that something happened, at first it was not very noticeable, but later it became more apparent for her, something was trying to enter Celestia's mind. Slowly it went into her mind, not entirely, but it was shifting its presence, it was trying to look trough some of her memories, but made no direct attempts to take control of her mind itself. --------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, somewhere in the outskirts of Ghastly gorge, where most of the space marine forces and had setup some sort of encampment there, among those space marines was one in particular. This space marine had red shoulder pads, but the rest of its armour was clad in a blue colour, and instead of a helmet, it seemed to have an open-faced helmet that was connected with wires to his head, or more particularly, his mind. It was a space marine Librarian, which is a Psyker/Magic-user of a space marine chapter, and while space marines where very distrustfull of magic users, Librarians where an exception as instead of using the warp for their powers, they instead use their minds, and with that it draws the warp powers to their minds rather then to reality itself, wich made a huge difference. "Dorias, do you sense anything?" The space marine captain asked his Librarian. "I am sensing a few large presences, 4 of them having an outstanding presence in the warp compared to the regular person, i am identifying one of them now, but as yet i haven't found anything, this will take a while, since this very person seems to have a strong physic presence." The Librarian replied.
  9. Welcome to the forums! And I absolutely love your OC design!
  10. The shooter seemed to hesitate a bit now but then got angry again. "And how can I trust you? We have all heard the news! Because of you and your group, we are all going to die, since your group attracted the attention of The Strakir, leading all of them to us! Do you have any idea how many of us are going to die, because they are all looking for all of you!! And we have to pay the consequences while they are sweeping us all down with their search!" The shooter said with anger. "You and your people claim to be allies of us, yet you mock our culture and religion, claiming that they are nonsense and absurd! We live by our traditions until our very deaths, and none of you will be squandering them any longer! So give me a GOOD reason why i shouldn't attack you here and now, because that Eldritch person has been siding with your people, the very people who are causing this very problem!" ---------------------------------------------------- Jack quickly started using his magic to keep some of the infected at bay from Festus, so that he wouldn't be overrun by to many, while at the same time he also tried to protect himself from the infected. Electric magic shot from Jack's his hands as he unleashed his magic upon his enemies. "Thanks, Festus, for a moment there I wasn't even sure I could handle this myself after I saw them approaching!" Jack told Festus.
  11. "You vile abominations! You murder our parents, attack our loved ones and stain our beliefs with your presence! We don't want any of your radicality towards our culture here, so go back to your own planet and cease your influence campaign! We shall never bow to any of you!" A voice rang out, that was implied towards Maple, but his accusations where implied to her entire race in particular. He was not aware she was a robot because of the far distance he couldn't see her that well. And then he started shooting at her, 5 times, only 2 of the 5 shots hit its mark, but they didn't do much against her plating. But there one was one factor that made this situation seem rather awkward, the speaker of this voice was an 11-year-old... --------------------------------------- Jack saw the infected was about to hit Festus, so he quickly tackled the infected, and the 2 rolled over the ground, but Jack was faster in getting up and killed the infected quickly. He noticed that Ember was starting to get overwhelmed, the same for Festus, and he had an idea. Jack ran inside one of the buildings and grabbed what he had seen earlier, a propane tank. "Ember, Festus! Get out of the way, I am going to blow them up!" Jack called out to them. He threw the propane tank in the large group of infected, when he had seen Ember and Festus move out of the way, he fired a magical blast, straight at the propane tank and it exploded, it was a good thing that Maple was standing far away, so she wouldn't be affected by the explosion. Jack jumped to the ground and covered his head, and while about 26 infected had been killed in that explosion, about 15 more were coming on the way. "Damn it.." Jack cursed silently as he released that while he had done a good job at clearing out all those infected, he would get overwhelmed in a matter of seconds. But he drew his knife and got ready for the next attack to come, as he was a bit overconfident that he could handle this one.
  12. Sortiarius Planet of the Sorcerers - Daemonworld of the Thousand Sons traitor legion "The Fenris system burns! The void around the wolfs homeworld seeds with warp fire. We stand now on the precipice of vindication! Vengeance! Justice! At long last!" Came from the Sorcerer known as Ahriman. "Traitor! Did you think we have forgotten your betrayal Ahriman? Did you believe we would forgive your sins?" One of the other sorcerers called out. "Enough!" A voice boomed through the room. It turned out to come from the Primarch Magnus the Red. "You are all my sons, born of my blood, some loyal and faithful through the ages, some wayward and treacherous, walking their own paths. But the crimes of the past mean nothing, all paths have let back here, the blade of faith hangs upon Fenris. Together we shall drive it deep into the icy earth of that worthless world!" "These miserable echoes of Leman Russ will face a legion renewed with arcane might! Conclaves of sorcerers will shatter the fangs battlements, unending hordes of ashed dead Rubrici will harvest every soul within its fallen walls. "The wolves my lord, they-" A sorcerer tried to ask but was interrupted. "Will break, Fenris will burn, it seas will boil. And the dogs of Russ will howl over the blackened bones of their worlds funeral pyre! "At long last my sons, we will take vengeance for Prospero! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The space marines did not like the news of magic, hearing that magic was essential to everything on this planet left them very wary of this. "Magic is essential? That is interesting to note, we will keep our eye out on that." The sergeant said through his helmet, he ordered his men to lower their weapons as well, some did reluctantly, especially with the mention of this much magic use and reliance on it. "These aliens are only praising the ruinous powers with their witchery, soon we will be walking on a daemon world instead of this because of their excessive use of this so-called *magic*......" one of the space marines muttered. "Brothers, we move out!" The sergeant called out as the space marines started moving back into the forest, regrouping with their other units.
  13. "I can't... I have to fight, I cannot let those monsters get away with this. We might be fighting our enemy for the same reason, but i also have a personal blood debt against them, and i won't let them get away with this." Jack said as he looked at the ongoing battle. "Listen, they need your help, this is far from over, that gunshot alerted all those infected nearby and are swarming the place soon, i cannot let a bullet wound hold me back, not when others need me. Just follow me in this one alright? I know what i am doing, in fact..." Jack thought for a moment. "Alright, i got a better plan... We got a shooter somewhere nearby, i couldn't identify who or what is was, but it wasn't our enemy, no golden eyes, its movement, it was a survivor i presume. And since you have such a robot body, you can shrug off those bullets rather easy. Could you find out who the shooter is and deal with him? I am counting on you here, can you do that for me? Ember and Festus are already keeping me safe with what they are doing." Jack explained to Maple, knowing it would be their best bet to do it like this, that shooter still out there and could attack them at any moment.
  14. "It... I think it hit my ribcage or something, I have been shot before but this bullet really got deep, can't..." Jack grunted a bit and let himself lean a bit more against Festus. "I felt a good amount of tissue being destroyed from the inside, I believe this person shot me with a hollow point bullet, we are dealing with someone smart Festus..." he said, but it was apparent that Jack's adrenaline was slowly starting to wear off, when he got hit, he had been in the thick of the battle, and thus the impact pain wasn't as much, but now he felt a terrible pain. He then heard Maple call out, and saw Ember fighting nearby. "We are behind cover near a brown wooden storage hut, nearby where Ember is fighting!" Jack called out. Eventually, he saw more infected coming, they where jumping among rooftops, and other places, it seemed these type of infected were alot more agile and had sharper claws which allowed them to climb on walls.
  15. Jack was in the thick of battle, but after lots of fighting, he killed the 4 infected. "That is good news Festus, i-" Jack suddenly interrupted as he snapped his attention at one of the roofs, his eyes narrowing to slits as he was looking at something, or so he assumed. "Something is not right, there is someone up there." Jack said with a worried voice. It was then that sound of a gunshot rang out for miles, and a few well-placed shots came near them. One of them almost hit Festus in the head, it still missed but it was very close, one of the other bullets hit Jack somewhere in his upper body. "DAMNIT!" Jack cursed out loud as a sharp pain came in his chest. 'The bullet is still in there... I will get it out later.' he thought. Jack looked again quickly at where he had seen the figure before, but it was gone and was no longer there. "Great... Just great... First infected and now some random individual opens fire on us like that, probably a lone survivor." Jack said as tried to stop the bleeding a bit, but to no avail. But what was even worse, that gunshot had attracted more infected, and where going to arrive soon. "Here we go again, bullet wound or not, it won't be my end." Jack muttered as he slowly walked to one of the buildings and leaned against it, his sight focused on where the gunner had came from.
  16. "You got that one right!" Jack said back with a smile. "Make the shots count and make these cretins pay!" Jack said to Festus with a sudden rush of determination, which was very different from his once shaking and scared feeling, something was bubbling inside Jack, a feeling he could not explain. Suddenly more thumps on rooftops could be heard, and out of nowhere, one of the infected suddenly leapt straight at Festus from behind, he tried to tackle him to the ground, but Jack quickly ran towards the creature and stabbed at its troath, and then pushed the now dying infected away from Festus. "That was a close one, these sure are fast." Jack commented as he looked around warily. It was then that suddenly 12 of them charged at the Jack and Festus at the very same time, some appearing from different angles. Jack, however, decided to take a risk and charged straight into one of the infected and started slashing at it wildly, but at the same, one of the other infected slashed as Jack's back, wich in turn, Jack headbutted the infected behind him with the back of his head, only for him to then attack the infected like a madman, more infected decided to attack him, 3 at the same time. But for weird reasons, Jack was not retreating, on the contrary, he was fighting all 4 of them now without so much as a regard for the damage that they where doing to him, the insane amount of adreline he was getting was dimming down his his painfull feeling to an great amount. 5 infected tried to charge Festus, 2 coming from a rooftop while the others charged at him from 3 different directions. The situation sure did go tense very fast.
  17. Because Chuck Norris would have used our planet as his toilet paper if that were the case Is mayonnaise an instrument?
  18. "I think infected, this town would be affected by the virus decades ago, but that doesn't mean this couldn't a trap, this entire location does make for an good hideout, considering our enemies would never think of looking in an already infested place..." Jack mentioned. He drew his knife and started to slowly walk outside, his eyes narrowing. "You had best use that fire signal now, but do it outside. Just listen to those growls, an infected doesn't make those, no, i think we are dealing with evolved ones, those who has mutated beyond their usual case and had become something else, hybrids perhaps? Who knows, all i know is that it is dangerous here, for all we know they actually have the cunning of ambushing us, wich will result in a trap. Not to mention, it i is night, a perfect time for any predator that can see in the dark." He said. Suddenly he heard a very loud shriek, causing Jack to stumble backwards, but regained his balance after. "Festus, you had better do it now... I will try to hold them off, if anything, i can no longer run the risk of getting infected, this makes for an good advantage.." Jack mentioned as he to was shaking a bit, but not as much, he was trying to locate the creatures, but at the same time was waiting for Festus to make the signal. Jack knew from experience that the slightest encounters like this can turn out worse then seen beforehand.
  19. "I can see that you are afraid Festus, and i don't blame you for that, really. Infact i used to be just like that when i first started entering such towns, these places are actually a common sight from where i come from, so i am used to it." Jack said as he placed a hand on his shoulder. "If it helps, you will eventually get used to it, sure it might take a good while, but the places where all of you have been so far outside Equestria where really mild compared to where i came from. And also, i still know-" Jack however was interrupted when he suddenly heard loud thumps from nearby roofs, things jumping from building to building. He could even see some figures jumping over the roof, but he couldn't quite make out what or who they where. "Hold on, i heard something." Jack said as he held up his hand. He started listening for a bit longer. "Yeah, there is someone or something nearby, or rather, multiple individuals, be on guard Festus." Jack said as he drew his knife and was looking trough one of the windows like a hawk.
  20. "Would be pretty amazing if it were made out of gold." Jack laughed as well. "But i am not sure what we will exactly find here, i do know this place is known as Morshall and has a pretty disturbing eerie and background from what i have heard, but i presume those are just rumours, i doubt we will find anything to do dangerous, a large pack of infected at the very most, wich we can escape from." Jack explained. As they where getting inside the town, it was a disturbing sight to say the least, littered and burned corpses, very old buildings, broken streetlights, wrecks of vehicles, it was all there, but it was the fashion in wich it was all there, the corpses where not just lying on the ground, they where on numerous places, some on ropes, others being killed by spikes, some even had met the tragedy of getting burned, it gave off this feeling like a massacre had been going on. "Well... I can safely assume that this town really had suffered alot." Jack noted as he inspected some things. He pushed a bit against of the spikes, in wich a dead body was on, but suddenly it started screaming, roaring like madman. Jack stumbled a bit back, but then realised what it was, the person had been infected before he died. "That is an very dark way to die..." Jack muttered, imagine how he would meet his end should something go wrong. "I think we should look trough the buildings, see if you can find anything alright? I will check in this one."
  21. hl32.jpg

    Gabe, just what are you doing?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      I kinda like the knife in his left hand. If the false edge is also sharp, it can be a pretty good people opener.

    3. MickeyAdaptus


      True dat, i agree on that one. Funnily enough, Gaben actually has an entire knife collection, he showcased it during that very interview.


    4. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Some people collect stamps, others knives. Still better than Nazi memorabilia.

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