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Mesme Rize

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Blog Comments posted by Mesme Rize

  1. How exactly does "hypnotic roleplay" work? 


    There is really not a whole lot that seperates it from other Roleplays you might see. You choose a scenario, pick your characters (OC, Canon, 1x1, group roleplay, dosen't matter.) and you start. Hypnosis has to be a theme of it though.


    It dosen't always make sense, but i always did these because they where fun and quite silly sometimes. :P

  2. Thinking about it, I've heard that some people are more susceptible to it than others, so maybe it wouldn't work on me, but I'd still be interested none the less. 


    How do you actually go about hypnotising someone? I know the stereotypical way is with a watch on a pendulum, but from what I've read it is more a case of directing their thought processes (I could be completely wrong with that though XD)


    It sounds like your session was a pleasant experience though, again something I would be interested in trying (if I was susceptible). The closest I have had to that was a meditation session, in Germany of all places. It was really relaxing, but that may have been because it involved sitting in a comfortable environment with my eyes closed, so who knows if it was the meditation or what lol


    There are alot of factors how to hypnotize someone and alot of different methods. My hypnotherapist used a little lamb on me that i should always follow. He slowly moved it from left to right, while he was saying very soothing words to me. You have to word these things correctly, or the one hypnotized won't be relaxed.


    I come from Germany and had my hypno session in my town. Never meditated or anything, so i can't really say anything about it. But i think there is a difference between them.

  3. That was a legitimately interesting read, I've always been fascinated with hypnosis myself, but not nearly on the same level as you - I'd be more interested in how it works (as in the science behind it, not necessarily the method). If a hypnotist ever offered to hypnotise me I'm not sure if I would. One one hand it would be an experience, but on the other I don't like the idea of all my defences being down (not that I have any deep dark secrets or anything, but you probably get what I mean). Out of interest, have you ever been hypnotised (or would you want to be)?


    Still, I doubt that this is the end of your career on this site - just think how dull life would be without our varying interests!


    Also, your avatar reminds me of something...what could it be????




    Thank you for the comment. :)


    I also like the science and method behind hypnosis and i also tried to do it myself a few times. But i never hypnotized anyone successfully. To hypnotize anyone is very hard, because you really have to let yourself go for it, or it wouldn't work. You sound like one, where it would never work probably.


    I was hypnotized once when i was 19. I took a hypnotherapy session to relax myself and because of general curiosity. It feels like you're asleep, but you're still aware of the voice. It was a very blissful and relaxing feeling.


    My Avatar is basically a classic Kaa inspirated avatar. :P

  4. Well, I'm glad someone likes them, I guess? Personally, I just really don't like really like anything Collins era Genesis except for maybe "In Too Deep". I have no idea why I like that song, but I do.


    Well, some people prefer the more prog rock oriented Gabriel Era, which i also really like. I guess the Collins era is a bit off putting for some, because it's so commercial. But commercial dosen't always equal bad for me.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Holy crap, I remember Widget. Next you are going to post Denver!


    But yeah, I can't stand to watch He-Man for the same reason. Things look so much better through the veil of nostalgia ...


    When Denver came on, i usually turned on my big bros SNES and played a link to the past or Contra 3/Super Probotector. Never had interest in that show.


    To be fair, i like to watch He-Man and the masters of the universe. :P

  6. Since I was a military brat, I lived in Germany during my father's tour in Germany. We were stationed in Illesheim or so. 

    As for Breman, it looks like a lovely city. It is a beautiful example of a phoenix reborn and became something wondrous after it was turned to ash from what had happened to Germany from WW2.


    Thank you very much for showing this wonderful city of yours to us, Hypnosparkle. 


    There are alot of cities in germany that rose like a phoenix again, not just Bremen. But the city center of Bremen is really something that you can't see in alot of other german cities, since we saved most of the stuff from the war times. Other cities weren't so lucky.


    It was a pleasure for me to show this wonderful city Nukey. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  7. He seemed way too defensive / sensitive too be on any kind of internet forum in my opinion. I remember commenting about some gameshop owner firing a guy and he was verging on the point of abusive too people who had any form of opposite opinion too him. 


    I won't go too deep into this, but Candy probably also had some deep problems in his life, that made him very sensitive. I won't go into details about what i know, because that was between me and Candy, but he really needs help and i don't mean that in a spiteful way, but in a genuine concerning way.

    • Brohoof 3
  8. So, if this is your hometown, were your grandparents in Bremen around that time?


    Yes, they where. Both my grandmothers and grandfathers survived the war. My grandfather on my mothers side was part of the Wehrmacht and got away from war prison. He was forced to join the army during the last year of the war, because Hitler was losing his soldiers and barely anyone wanted to join freely.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. It's amazing how life goes on even as huge chunks of the city lie in ruins.


    I guess after four years, you kinda get used to it.


    True, but life was still hard at that time. Some of these ruins where still there till the 60s and it no matter how often you see this, it's still depressing to see that.


    Most of the stuff that was in ruins is rebuild today, but the port was the worst and most of the stuff from that time, is not there anymore.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. What? No mention of the Glockenspiel House? :wau:


    It is remarkable what survived the RAF and VIII raids considering Bremen was a target for years. 


    No. The Glockenspielhaus is in the Böttcherstraße and that is a very small road. Putting one of those ancient cameras there would be quite the task. :P


    Yeah, i mean unsere Lieb frauen kirche was partially destroyed, but they rebuild it like before. Our big Cathedral (which you see at 0:12) is still the same as in this vid, as well as our Roland Statue and our Rathaus. Our port took it the worst though.


    I think we where kind of lucky that those things remained unharmed, because they make our city what it is.

  11. I recently watched Jerry Peets "Story is king" video and he said something very interesting.


    "There is no bad idea, just bad executions." And he has a point. A show about 6 ponies, learning about friendship sounds like a stupid idea on paper. But the creators used this idea so well, that they actually made an excellent show out of it.


    Some Bronies judge too fast again, without even seeing the end result. I saw kind of the same thing with Pinkie Pride, where the some people where bashing it, just because it had a celebrity VA in it. It's actually one of my favorite episodes, not just for Weird Al alone.


    Let us wait and see.

    • Brohoof 3
  12. Nice list overall, but i think Castlevania also belongs in that list.


    Played the traditional once on the NES and SNES and Rondo of Blood, which has become a cult classics among gamers. You also shouldn't forget Symphony of the night, which is my favorite PS1 game and one of the greatest games of all time, establishing a genre which is now known as metroidvania.

    • Brohoof 2
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