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Mesme Rize

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Blog Entries posted by Mesme Rize

  1. Mesme Rize
    (Before i start, i will say that i am not a racist in anyway and that i only try to bring people together and not try to devide them. I love you all guys. )
    I would like to start this blog, by showing a clip from Morgan Freeman, saying what he thinks of Black history month:
    Mr.Freeman obviously dosen't like the idea of a black history month and i must agree with him. Infact, i don't think Black history month dosen't unite the people but rather divides us actually more as humans.
    I am a german of polish descent, because my great great grandfather came over here from poland, because he was searching for a job. In a certain way, i am also a bit polish, but i don't ask for a german-polish history month, because polish that live here (and there are alot) are also part of german history.
    There have been alot of black people in the past that have fought for people of every race to come together, like Muhammed Ali, Bob Marley, Martin Luther King, etc. But these days, i don't see any sort of progression in it and i instead see hatred on both sides, just because of different opinions. Like Mr.Freeman said, racism will only end when we stop talking about it, not by building special places ethnic minorities. Things like that only divide us more and kills a peaceful society.
    I remember a long time ago when i went to highschool. I was sitting besides a black kid, which in Germany there are not alot of. He was one of the few good friends i had in that school and we really barely talked about our race, because we couldn't give less of a shit about it.
    Minorities don't really need any special privileges and we can only achieve peace, when we just start to not give a shit about our backgrounds.
  2. Mesme Rize
    Ssssssssso small and walking all alone in thissssssssss forest...
    Let me help you be lesssssss alone...
    you can keep me company...
    you jusssssssssst need to stare into my eyessssssss...
    my big beautiful eyesssssssss...
    that'sssssssss right...
    jusssssssst stare...
    back and forth...
    back and forth...
    don't worry anymore ponycub...
    i will keep you sssssssafe here with me...
    you can ssssssleep ssssssssafetly in my coilssssssss...
    my comforting coilsssssssss...
    you wanna sssssssleep in my coilssssssssss right?...
    good little pony...
    you feel sssssssso tired now...
    your eyessssss are ssssssso heavy...
    hard to keep them open...
    hard to keep looking into my eyessssssss...
    don't be afraid of me...
    you can sssssssleep peacefully till morning...
    jusssssssst let go of your fearssssssssss...
    good ponycub...
    you can trussssssssst in me...
    ssssssssssweet dreamssssssssss.
  3. Mesme Rize
    People have dreamed of an ultimate peaceful world with no worries, no war and absolute harmony. But when you actually think about it, most people don't really understand the true meaning harmony and rather mistake harmony with peace, considering ultimate peace is not achievable in a realistic way in our known universe.
    It all starts with turning on your Television and seeing war around the world, which for many people consider as a consider as a conflict. But conflicts don't just happen on the battlefield, they happen in our everyday life, be it in our jobs, when we are sick, when we argue with our friends and family, wherever you essentially go.
    Now you probably say, that it would be better to just go along with what the other say. But that is not good. A good argument and conflict can make you stronger physically or from a social standpoint. Believe it or not, if we look inside of our bodies there is a big conflict going on as we speak. If anyone of you have a microscope, try to squeeze out a little bit of blood and you see under the microscope that there is a big conflict is going, between millions of red and white blood cells. Without this conflict, our Body just can't work and Life as we know it would just not exist on this planet.
    war and peace must coexist in the same universe to create harmony, else this universe wouldn't work.
  4. Mesme Rize
    I know what you're thinking: "These are not the ghostbusters." Well, yes and no. You see, this is Filmations Ghostbusters made in 1985 by the same studio that gave you masters of the universe and bravestarr. The show came out a year, after Sony released the huge blockbuster hit Ghostbusters and is actually based on a mid 70s live-action show also called Ghostbusters. After Sony released their own Ghostbusters cartoon, Filmation went to court against Sony and forced sony to change the name of the show "the real ghostbusters."
    The Show follows the ghostbusters, the leader Jake Kong, who always gets a twitchy nose when a ghost is nearby, Eddie Spencer, who is cowardly and clumsy and tracy the gorilla, who ironically is voice by Lou Scheimer, the boss Filmation. Together, they spend most of the episodes, they fight against the robotic looking Prime Evil the evil master of Hauntquarters and his evil spooks as they try to conquer the world.
    The series has the typical 80s cheesiness that you would expect. Silly cartoon sounds, lots of horrible one liners and of course a PSA after every episode ends, we need to hammer this moral in as much as we can. Still, there is a certain charm in it i can't explain. It's probably my nostalgia blinding me, because i watched this when i was 5 with my big brother. It's stupid and i think others who don't have nostalgic feelings towards it won't like it.
  5. Mesme Rize
    Everyone who isn't busy today, is very welcome to join me in my WWE 2k17 stream today. I will play some online matches for probably around 2 hours. I sadly don't have a microphone yet, but i can speak with you in the chat between matches.
    Hope you're all coming.
    EDIT: I might be able to use a mic after all, so come in if you want to hear me trashtalking during gameplay.
    EDIT 2: Stream is cancelled. I will try it again tomorrow
  6. Mesme Rize
    Guardians of the galaxy has certainly become one of the most surprising box office successes in the last couple of years in 2014. A Marvel comic, which was certainly one of the more lesser known series, has become one of the more quotable movies recently (I AM GROOT) and is personally one of my favorite superhero movies ever. When i heard that Telltale will make a game from them with an original story, i was very excited since i was already a fan of Telltales the walking dead and the Wolf among us.
    I can say that, atleast after the first episode, this game really delivers. It already starts great, with ELOs livin thing playing in the main menu, as Starlord constantly listens to his 70s mixtape on his 80s Sony Walkman.
    The characters are all spot on as you remember them from the movie, meaning Rocket is a greedy racoon, Drax dosen't know what a metaphor is and Groot...well, he's Groot. You control Starlord, as he goes on adventures with his friends, while you make your own decisions in the story in typical Telltale fashion The graphics have their typical telltale flare. Very cellshaded with faces full of expressions.
    I would like to say more, but i don't wanna spoil the first episode for you. Go buy it, if you liked other telltale games before and love the movie and wants something to hype you up for the second movie starting.
  7. Mesme Rize
    When this game came out in late 2012 on the PS3, peoples opinions where mixed, but most people said that it was a decent effort. So with the Remastered version being released now at the end of November for the PS4, i kinda though "Why not make a sequel with more characters that are actually known for their Playstation titles?" I mean i never played this game and will certainly pick up the remastered version, but the fact that characters like Big Daddy from Bioshock and Isaac Clarke from Dead Space are in this game, eventhough their games are multiplatform dosen't make sense for me.
    So i decided to pick my top 10 characters that should be in the next All-Stars game (if there will be one of course) I will only pick Playstation exclusive characters, or that are atleast synonymous with the Playstation brand. Heihachi for example is for me, because eventhough Tekken is Multiplatform now, Tekken got his Fame during the PS1 and PS2 days.
    So let's begin.
    Abe (Oddworld Series)

    Considering that he was one of the earliest Mascots for the Playstation brand, i was shocked that Abe was not considered a playable character in this game. He could slap others in Exodus and he could use a chanting ability, that could maybe be used in this game, like Kirbys copy ability in smash bros. Since Oddworld has made a comeback recently, it would be a good promotion too to include him.
    Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)

    Considering that our hero Cloud is having fun with the smash bros crew, i thought Sephiroth would be great for this game. He is one of the most iconic bad guys in video games and Final Fantasy VII was pretty much the reason for alot of people to get a PS1 and pushing JRPGs into the mainstream. He could maybe be a bit OP, considering his sword has such a long range, but maybe there is a way to nerf that.
    Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot series)

    This is probably the most obvious choice for me in the whole list. While Abe was some sort of a mascot, Crash Bandicoot really was THE mascot for the Playstation brand from the Playstation 1 days and for some even till this day. Not to mention, Crash is able to tornado punch, has a bazooka, can belly splash, etc. So saying that he would be a bad fighter is not an excuse. With the remasters coming this summer, this would give Crash even more boost.
    Ellie (The last of Us)

    Since Nathan Drake is already in the game, and Crash Bandicoot is also a request from me, why not finish the triangle of Naughty Dog games?
    I think Ellie would be the best choice from the last of us, which for some people is one of the best games ever made. She has a knife, molotovs, nail bombs and all those other handy gadgets. She is also immune to spores, so maybe her special could be something like a spore bomb that drains the opponents life away.
    Lara Croft (Tomb Raider Series)

    Another obvious choice. Lara Croft made it cool to play video games back on the early days of the PS1. She was the first known women in video games who had sexappeal, could kick butt and was incredibly charismatic. Lara could control very agile and of course she has guns and alot of melee attacks. She deserves to be in the sequel.
    The Prince (Katamari Series)

    Okay, i must admit. This is not a 100% serious suggestion. But still, Katamari is still a great series and i love the PS2 and PSP titles, which are addictive as hell. I think he could be a joke character, where he uses his Katamari and roles characters up.
    Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2)

    Considering we're talking about an iconic character from one of the most Iconic Survival horror games ever, needs to get him on the next game. I think Pyramid Head could be like a slow character, but at the same time very powerful and creepy. I think they could also distort the screen like in Silent Hill to confuse the opponent.
    Sora (Kingdom Hearts series)

    Kingdom Hearts proved to be Squares biggest franchises on the PS2 (Behind Final Fantasy of course) So Sora has to be in it, since alot of Kingdom Hearts would probably buy the game. He would probably be a generic sword fighter with the keyblade, but maybe you can also use Soras summoning skills to summon some disney characters like Dschinni or SImba, it would be cool.
    Spyro (Spyro the Dragon Series)

    While not as obvious as Crash Bandicoot, Spyro was also a famous Platformer on the PS1 and certainly still has a large following of fans (hey @Dark Horse ) With a four legged creature breathing fire, it's a bit hard to figure how he fights. I guess he would move faster thanks to his wings and he would probably have better health by shielding himself with them. I never played the games, but i know they mean alot to certain people.
    Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)

    Yeah, i know Wander is another generic Sword fighter, but we need Wander in here, because SotC is a PS2 classic. I mean, Wander killed a bunch of colossy with his sword so wander would be perfect. He could also bring his Horse and charge at his opponents and maybe even summon the colossy on the stage which would be total chaos.
    This is my list. Have more suggestions? Don't agree with mine? Comment below, let me know.
  8. Mesme Rize
    I will take a break from the Forum for a bit. Right now, i am way too much into personal stuff, playing games mostly and i just don't feel like coming to this place right now.
    I don't know how long i be gone. MIght be one day, or one month. I need to see about that.
    SSSSSSSSSee you around guyssssssss.
  9. Mesme Rize
    This is a show that recently came through my mind and that i haven't seen in almost 2 decades.
    Starship Sagittarius (in japan called Uchusen Sagittarius) was a sci-fi anime that aired in 1986-1987 for 77 episodes.
    The series depicts the adventures of four astronauts who travel through space and visit many planets. On each planet they have an adventure. Each adventure seems to have a sort of morality, like the importance of friendship or about the state of the enviroment.
    It had alot of humor in it, but it also dealt with very mature themes at some points. like war, the dangers of nuclear wars, protection of the enviroment, slavery, alcoholism, etc. This all sounds very serious but it*s done in a way that kids can still watch this.
    I just recently found the japanese dub with subtitles on it on Youtube with all 77 episodes. It's a very interesting show to say the least.
  10. Mesme Rize
    During the last 2 years i always tried to be the best guy that i could be and i always try to help anyone out if they have any sort of problems. But then there are these episodes that i have from time to time, where i feel like that nobody appreciates me and then i feel totally different.
    I sometimes have a feelng that i could just stand up and feel angry, because i feel like the whole world has turned against me and that the whole world is talking badly behind my back. And then there are other moments, where i have the same thoughts and i just feel a very deep depression inside me and i am afraid that i could lose everything that i hold dear, or maybe these people never liked me in the first place.
    I really work hard to get rid of these feelings and i really improve myself. But then they come back and i feel i screwed up everything that i have accomplished. I then wish that someone comes to me, saying how much i mean to them and what not. It's a really terrible feeling.
    I know that i should always trust my friends, but it's not always easy to battle with these inner demons.
  11. Mesme Rize
    This is incredibly impressive. Theantilove from Deviantart has plotted out the locations of each location of every disney and pixar movie. Of course, the map is missing some movies that came out in the last few years, but it's amazing nonethenless.

    Little Mermaid: Caribbean
    Although the author and original story are Danish, the wildlife is clearly tropical. There is simply no way to have that type of flora and fauna anywhere near Denmark. It is very reasonable that The Little Mermaid movie could take place on the Danish colony, now known as the US Virgin Islands.(thanks so /u/theflyingbarney) Another big clue is the fact that in the beginning of the movie the storm is referred to as a "Hurricane." Something Europeans knew very little about. (thanks to /u/Cheesecakejedi)
    Brother Bear: Northern Canada, Alaska.
    The people in the movie are cast as Inuits, who inhabit both northern Canada and Alaska.
    Meet the Robinsons: US/Canada.
    Lewis mentions being from Canada but the tone of the family seems like they are American.
    Bambi: Northern US/Canada.
    Though originally a German story, the collection of animals clearly indicates North American wildlife. [from the bambi wiki] ""Disney took the liberty of changing Bambi's species into a white-tailed deer from his original species of roe deer, since roe deer do not inhabit the United States, and the white-tailed deer is more familiar to Americans.""
    Fox and the Hound: Northern US/Canada
    Although the feel of the movie definitely seems Appalachian, there are simply no Grizzly Bears in Appalachia, which would put the movie more north.
    Chicken Little: US
    Generally Midwestern American feel (corn fields are present) but no specifics given
    Home on the Range: Western US
    The movie takes place on a cattle ranch with several noticeable arch formations shown throughout.
    Lady and the Tramp: North Eastern US
    Small town America feel. Shown celebrating Fourth of July. A song sung in the beginning of the squeal puts the movie in New England.
    A Bug's Life: Texas/Mexico Border
    Due to the rainy season present in the movie and flight the grasshoppers take to summer in Mexico puts the movie close to the New Mexico/Texas southern border.
    Icabod Crane: Sleepy Hollow
    Explicitly stated
    Oliver and Company: New York City, US
    Explicitly stated
    Pocahontas: Virginia, US
    Explicitly stated
    Incredibles: Midwest/Chicago, US
    My logic for The Incredibles is based mainly on the design of the city. The city definitely does not have a West Coast or Midwestern feel, and my top two choices where either Chicago or NYC. I went with Chicago based on the following comparisons:
    The elevated trains: The Incredibles vs Chicago Where it is true that NYC has elevated trains, Chicago is much more well known for them and the style of the ones in The Incredibles reflects the Chicago style.
    The streets: The Incredibles vs Chicago Again, a definite Chicago feel, Chicago has a much more industrial feel to the city streets. City Profile/Water Front: The Incredibles vs Chicago I think this one speaks for itself. Parks/Foliage: The Incredibles vs Chicago
    . In response to the Emeryville idea. The city is referenced twice: 1. The street names are real Emeryville street names 2. When Hellen activates the GPS in Bob's suit the GPS zooms in on the San Fran area. So it's impossible for it to be both his home town and where Syndrome's secret hideout it. Especially given the long plane ride they must take to get there.
    Toy Story: Small Ohio town
    The idea here was to place the Toy Story movies near Chagrin Fall, Ohio which is the popular theory for where they are located. It is based on the idea that it is the home town of Lee Unkrich(co-director of several Toy Story movies), and there is a Go Tigers sticker in Andy's room. (The mascot for Unkrich's high school.) The weather is also consistent with Ohio in that they get a heavy blanket of snow at/around Christmas.
    Bolt: Hollywood
    Explicitly stated
    Cars: Arizona, US
    Radiator Springs is found on Route 66, significantly East of Los Angeles, which would put it somewhere in Arizona.
    Lilo and Stitch: Hawaii, US
    Explicitly stated
    Princess and the Frog: New Orleans, US
    Explicitly stated
    The Rescuers: New Orleans/ Bayou, US
    Explicitly stated
    Dumbo: Florida, US
    Where he is "born" and a bulk of the movie takes place
    Emperor's New Groove: Peru
    Explicitly stated
    Up: Venezuela
    Explicitly stated
    Three Caballeros: Mexico, Brazil and Argentina
    Explicitly stated

    Robin Hood: England
    Explicitly stated
    The Great Mouse Detective: London, England
    Explicitly stated
    Sword and the Stone: England
    Explicitly stated
    Winnie the Pooh: England
    Although the real life bear that Winnie the Pooh is based on is from Canada, the books are actually set in Ashdown Forest, Sussex, England.
    Alice in Wonderland: England
    Although never explicitly stated in the movie, the writer was Englishman Lewis Carroll.
    The Adventures of Mr. Toad: England
    Explicitly stated
    Black Cauldron: Mythological Wales
    The author, Lloyd Alexander, was inspired by Welsh mythology.
    101 Dalmatians: London, England
    Explicitly stated
    Peter Pan: London, England
    Explicitly stated
    Cars 2: England
    The last and big part of the movie is set in England.
    Brave: Scotland
    Explicitly stated
    Snow White: Germany
    The movie is not explicit enough to definitively decide its location, so the original work of the Brothers Grimm puts it in Germany.
    Sleeping Beauty: France
    This movie is based on the Charles Perrault version of this story, there is an abundance of fleur de lis, and the French national anthem is played to announce the arrival of Princess Aruroa. (thanks to /u/DrRegularAffection)
    Pinocchio: Italy
    An Italian story and they are near mountains by the sea.
    Tangled: Germany
    The movie is not explicit enough to definitively decide its location, so the original work of the Brothers Grimm puts it in Germany.
    Cinderella: France
    When they revamped It's A Small World, Cinderella was placed in France (next to the Cancan dancers and Eiffel Tower) with Jacques and Gus. Video Relevant @ 2:35. Also, one of the new Mickey shorts takes place in France and at one point we see Cinderella. (thanks to /u/rustylime)
    Hunchback of Notre Dame: Paris
    Explicitly stated
    Beauty and the Beast: France
    Explicitly stated
    Aristocats: France
    Explicitly stated
    Ratatouille: Paris, France
    Explicitly stated
    Hercules: Greece
    Explicitly stated
    Atlantis: Mediterranean
    The movie never explicitly states where the Atlantis they are heading for is. The best approximation would be the more historically proposed location which would be in the Mediterranean Sea. A common misconception with this location is that it should be Iceland; however Iceland is the location of the Shepard's Journal, not Atlantis itself.
    Frozen: Norway
    The presence of Norwegian architecture, art and landscapes (namely mountains and fjords) put in the movie in Norway.

    Tarzan: Nigeria/Gabon
    Although never explicitly stated, due to the wildlife and the proximity to the coast, the movie would have to take place in either Nigeria or Gabon.
    Lion King: Kenya/Tanzania
    The location of Mt Kilimanjaro and the Serengeti are located here.

    Jungle Book: India
    Explicitly stated
    Mulan: China
    Explicitly stated
    Aladdin: Saudi Arabia/Iran
    Explicitly stated

    Rescuers Down Under: Australia
    Explicitly stated
    Finding Nemo: Great Barrier Reef
    Explicitly stated

    Dinosaur: Pangea
    Treasure Planet: Alternate Universe
    Wreck-It Ralph: Cyberspace
    Although the arcade has a location in the real world, the characters live in cyberspace, which is an alternate universe to ours.
    Monsters Inc.: Alternate Universe
    Wall-E: Future Earth/Space
  12. Mesme Rize
    I always get the question by other big disney fans, who always ask me "what is the better motto for life: Bear Necessities or Hakuna Matata?" I think people go at it the wrong way, because here is what i always answer:

    "it depends on what economic system your are living under. With communism, all you need is the bare necessities, because that's what you are getting from the goverment. But Hakuna Matata, you will always run into alot of hardship under capitalism, because you might not make alot of money, so it's like whatever, no worries."
    So yeah, that is that. Just looking too much into the messages of movies from my childhood again.
  13. Mesme Rize
    I gotta admit that i am sometimes very flattered when someone comes up to me and says: "Hey, that OC looks awesome and very original." Or if someone wants to roleplay with me, so we both can have a good time. I like the fact that i get this attention and it also gave me a bit more confidence in myself, when it comes to showing off my interest in hypnosis and snakes and a few other stuff.
    But there are a few people out there (which i out of respect won't mention) that go a bit too far with it, that take the roleplaying a bit too seriously and take it to certain areas, that i don't want to go into. I am not saying that i don't want to have anything to do with them. I am just saying that these people should consider that behind my ponysona, is a 27 year old man, who dosen't play a character 24/7 and also has other things on his mind.
    TL;DR it's great that you are interested in me. But don't go too far with it. I am sure we can become good friends then.
  14. Mesme Rize
    You know guys, it's really incredible. We just received our main goal in our Making Christmas Merrier donation drive of 3000 US Dollars and the year ends in 20 days. When it started, i was a bit skepitical, since it came so fast, but i was really proven wrong.
    But then i realized why this is all happening. It's Christmas Time.
    It's the one time when we all act a little nicer. We smile a little easier. We share a little more. For a couple of days we are the people we always hoped we would be. It's really a miracle because it happens every Christmas. And if you waste that miracle, you're gonna burn for it. I know.
    You have to do something. You have to take a chance and get involved. There are people that don't have enough to eat and who are cold. You can go and greet these people. Take an old blanket out to them or make a sandwich and say, "Here." And if you give, then it can happen, the miracle can happen to you. Not just the poor and hungry, Everybody's gotta have this miracle! It can happen tonight for you all! If you believe in this pure thing, the miracle will happen and you'll want it again tomorrow! You won't say, "Christmas is once a year and it's a fraud." It's not! It can happen every day! You've just got to want that feeling! You'll want it every day! It can happen to you! I believe in it now. I believe it's gonna happen to me, now. It's a good feeling. It's better than I've felt in a long time.
    Have a Merry Christmas. Everybody.
  15. Mesme Rize
    RD: Hehe...s-stop it Mesme. T-That tickles.
    Me: Hehe, it's over soon. if you behave, you'll get a nice lollipop in the end.
    RD: S-Stop Patronizing me...

    Just a silly idea i had. Yes, i am turning 27 in 9 days. Yes, i obviously play doctor with my plushies. No, i don't have any regret, eventhough i probably should.
  16. Mesme Rize
    Hello, i am Dr. Messsssme. I cure all of your sicknesssssses, from little knee scrapesssssss, very annoying flusssssss, or if you jussssssst come for a routine checkup. Come to me and you get a Lollipop at the end.
    So yeah, i also have some interest in Medicine, so Mesme also is a Doctor from time to time.
    Thank you to Crecious for this wonderful pic.
  17. Mesme Rize
    I am bored, so i'll make this list of my current steam games. They are all in alphabetic order. Here we go.
    80 Days
    Age of Empires II: HD Edition
    Age of Empires III: Complete Edition
    Another World (Out of this World)
    Atari Vault
    Audiosurf II
    Back to the Future: The Game (Episodes from 1-5)
    Baseball Stars 2
    Bionic Commando
    Bionic Commando Rearmed
    Bioshock 2
    Bioshock Infinite
    Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain
    Broken Age
    Brothers - a tale of two sons
    Brütal Legend
    Bully: Scholarship Edition
    Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
    Camera Obscura
    Castle Crashers
    Castle of Illusion
    The Chronicles of Emerland. Solitare.
    Crazy Taxi
    Crusader Kings II
    The Darkness II
    Democracy 3
    Democracy 3: Africa
    Devil may Cry 4: Special Edition
    DiRT 3: Complete Edition
    DmC Devil may Cry
    Double Dragon Trilogy
    Dragons Lair
    Dragons Lair 2: Time Warp
    The Dream Machine
    DuckTales Remastered
    Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
    Duke Nukem Forever
    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    Euro Truck Simulator 2
    Europa Universalis IV
    Fable Anniversary
    Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
    FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 Remaster
    Game Dev Tycoon
    Golf with your Friends
    Gone Home
    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    Half-Life 2
    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
    Half-Life 2: Episode One
    Half-Life 2: Episode Two
    Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
    Half-Life Deathmatch: Source
    Half-Life: Blue Shift
    Half-Life: Opposing Force
    Half-Life: Source
    Her Story
    I have no mouth, and I must scream
    Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
    Injustice: Gods Among us Ultimate Edition
    Jet Set Radio
    The Kings' Crusade
    Knights of Honor
    L. A. Noire
    Legacy of Kain: Defiance
    Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
    Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
    Lego Harry Potter
    LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
    LEGO The Lord of the Rings
    Life is Strange
    Life of Pixel
    Mafia II
    Majesty 2
    Mega Man Legacy Collection
    Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition
    Monkey Island 2: Special Edition
    NiGHTS into Dreams...
    Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
    Oddworld: Abe's Odysee
    Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator
    Out There Somewhere
    PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+
    Papers, Please
    Peggle Deluxe
    Peggle Nights
    Phantasmagoria 2
    Pinball FX2
    Pirates! Gold Plus (Classic)
    Plague Inc: Evolved
    Please, dont Touch Anything
    Poker Night 2
    Police Quest Collection
    The Political Machine 2016
    Portal 2
    Press X to Not Die
    Pro Evolution Soccer 2014
    Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
    Read Only Memories
    Remember Me
    Resident Evil 4
    Resident Evil 6
    Resident Evil Revelations
    Resident Evil Revelations 2
    Rise of Nations: Extended Edition
    Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
    Rocket League
    Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum!
    Scribblenauts Unlimited
    The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
    SEGA Bass Fishing
    SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics
    Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
    Sid Meiers Civilization III: Complete Edition
    Sid Meiers Civilization IV
    Sid Meiers Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword
    Sid Meiers Civilization IV: Colonization
    Sid Meiers Civilization IV: Warlords
    Sid Meiers Civilization V
    Sid Meiers Pirates!
    Sim City 4 Deluxe
    Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
    Sonic Adventure 2
    Sonic Adventure DX
    Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
    Sonic CD
    Sonic Generations
    Sonic Lost World
    Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I
    Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II
    Sorcery! Parts 1 & 2
    Space Ace
    Space Channel 5: Part 2
    Space Quest Collection
    Spec Ops: The Line
    The Stanley Parable
    Star Trek: 25th Anniversary
    STAR WARS Battlefront II
    STAR WARS Empire at War: Gold Pack
    STAR WARS: Dark Forces
    STAR WARS: Knights of the old Republic
    STAR WARS: Rebel Assault I + II
    STAR WARS: TIE Fighter Special Edition
    Super Meat Boy
    Surgeon Simulator
    Tabletop Simulator
    Team Fortress Classic
    This is the Police
    Tomb Raider I
    Tomb Raider II
    Torchlight II
    Total Extreme Wrestling
    Town of Salem
    Train Simulator
    Tron 2.0
    Tropico 4
    Ultra Street Fighter IV
    Universe Sandbox²
    Victoria II
    The Wolf Among Us
    Worms Armaggedon
    YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 4 The Ride
    YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 6 The Lost Gold

    If you have any questions, ask away.
  18. Mesme Rize
    Look who jumped into my coilsssssss. It'sssssss the sssssshy and nervousssssss little Tender Tapsssssss. He won't have to worry though, assssssss my hypnosissssssssss will keep him calm and relaxed, assssssss me and my new friend, will have ssssssssome fun together.
    Thanks to my good friend Hypnopony, for this great pic: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Mesme-s-Entertainment-641997018
  19. Mesme Rize
    After this season, which in my opinion was the second weakest season (third one is the weakest) i have come to the conclusion, that there is not alot of things left for me, that really keeps me hooked, because our main characters, most of the time this season, didn't had that much progress and some of the best episodes in this season, where actually about side characters.
    Let's look at some of the good episodes this season:
    The Crystaling
    Gauntlet of Fire
    No Second Prances
    A heartswarming tail
    The Times they are a changeling
    Dungeons & Discords
    Buckball Season
    The Fault in our Cutie Marks
    To where and back again
    With these episodes, i see a very strange trend here. Our Main Characters, are not the main protagonists in here. They are all replaced by side characters, like Big Mac, Maud, Thorax, Spike (he is a side character for me and always will be) Discord, Starlight Glimmer (she was handled like a side character) etc. While the Mane 6, the characters which where build up tb care the most about, are stepping aside.
    It's not only that, but the ones that do actually feature the mane characters as the focus, are actually kinda bad.
    Let's look at those episodes:
    Newbie Dash
    Applejacks day off
    The Cart before the Ponies
    28 Pranks Later
    I am not saying all are bad. Saddle row review was probably the best episode of this season. But you also have episodes Flutter Brutter, which just made me just made me shake my head.
    I think it's kinda clear for me, that these writers just don't know to do with the main characters anymore. Rainbow Dash is finally a wonderbolt. Rarity has now 3 botiques in Equestria, Fluttershy is not afraid anymore, Twilight Sparkle came into her own, as a Princess and the CMC have their Cutie Mark. What else can you do, when the main goal of this series has been accomplished?
    Also, some people will probably say "well, what about Scoots disabled wings for example?" They will never tackle this, because they always have played it safe with serious topics. Scoots wings, the question if Twilight is immortal, AJs supposedly dead parents and also if the Mane 6 will have a love interest. These are all stories that are not for this show to tell.
    What i hope for, is that they bring Season 7 to a close, as good as they may can, bring out the Movie, which i hope is a good ending for the show and then a few years down the line create a whole new show, with new main characters that can grow and that we can fall in love again.

    If you don't agree, that's fine by me. But i think it's time to close the book, that opened 6 years ago.
  20. Mesme Rize
    Just came up with these barrages of basic wrestling questions, that pretty much everybody asks me at some point, so i put them here in one blog, without any big intro or something.
    So, let's begin.
    20. Who is the best announcer of all time?
    Jim Ross is the undeniable number 1 announcer of wrestling. His knowledge is second to none and he has been in this business for 40 years. Joey Styles is great too though.
    19. Best PPV of all time?
    Wrestlemania X-7 blows everything out of the water. Austin vs. Rock, HHH vs. Undertaker, TLC II, Vince vs. Shane, Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit, even the gimmick Battle Royal was kinda nice for nostalgia reasons.
    18. Best wrestler on the mic ever?
    Ric Flair is the best promo ever. Give him a mic and it rains gold and everybody listens to him.
    17. Best faction of all time?
    The Four Horsemen are the greatest faction in wrestling history. And i talk about the original group: Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, Arn and Ole Anderson and their Manager JJ Dillon.
    16. Least favorite wrestler ever?
    I would probably say New Jack. not Necessarily because of the things he did in ECW, but because this guy is a first class a hole. He fought with several fans during several wrestling shows, even attack a 68 year old.
    15. Favorite wrestler?
    It's a tie between The Rock and Ric Flair. Flair probably a bit more though, since he is the better wrestler of the two. But Rocky is just incredibly entertaining.
    14. Best entrance music?
    Ikari no Yushin from Jushin Thunder Liger. Whenever this music plays, i get incredibly pumpedm which is always the case With Jushin Liger.
    13. Best tag team ever?
    This is another tie, with The Road Warriors and the Dudley Boyz. Both where very dominant during their peeks and both have won many tag titles in different promotions. The Dudleys became famous through the TLC matches, while the Road Warriors became famous through the Scarffold match at Starccade 86.
    12. Greatest women wrestler of all time?
    I am a big Lita fan, so Lita is my pick. But i must say, that the current NXT women are incredibly good.
    11. Best bump of all time?
    Mr.Perfect did the best bumps in history, no question.
    10. Best finisher ever?
    No finisher in the history of wrestling, was more over then Jake Roberts DDT and this will forever be the case.
    09. Best weapon ever used?
    I was a big fan of the Singapore canes in the old ECW days.
    08. If you could have a dream match with any 2 wrestlers (alive or dead) who would they be?
    Since the day i've been a wrestling fan, i always dreamed of the day that Shawn Michaels and The Rock would get in the ring and battle it out.
    07. What do you think the wrestling world would be like if WCW and ECW werent bought out?
    I could imagine that indie leagues like TNA and ROH would've never been build. But i also think that if WCW and ECW would still be here, that the wrestling audience would've still left after awhile, because the monday night wars where just a fad. Would the product be different today? Maybe. But i can't say for sure.
    06. What wrestler do you wish had a run as world champ?
    I am a bit bias in this, but i wish that Claudio Castagnioli (AKA Cesaro) Would become champ at one point. I met him once personally 8 years ago and he is such a nice and cool guy.
    05. Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan?
    Ric Flair. Hogan couldn't lace Flairs boots on his best day.
    04. What 2 wrestlers have the best chemistry together?
    Steamboat and Flair have the best chemistry of all time. If you watch their 3 matches from 1989, you know why they are all 5 star matches and considered some of the greatest ever
    03. Greatest ring entrance?
    The Undertaker. Him coming to the ring is always special, because he has an aura like no one else
    02. Greatest wrestler of all time?
    Flair is the greatest ever. 16 time world champ. The biggest rivalries, with Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage, etc. Wrestled all over the world and had all the big matches.
    01. Greatest match of all time?
    I never have one match that i would consider the greatest ever, since i saw so many great matches. So don't ask me.

    (You can also answer those questions, in the comments, in your own blog, whatever. )
  21. Mesme Rize
    Let this sink in guys...AJ Styles, a guy who fans used to call "Mr.TNA" is the new WWE Champion. I have waited 14 years for this moment, to be reality.
    I still remember me and my brother fetching the TNA Tapes from the Asylum years when i was 12. I saw AJ back then and all i can think was "who is that little devil?" Between all the other unknown stars at that time, AJ was the guy who sprung out the most.
    I followed his whole career. He had legendary matches in TNA with Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Abyss, Sting, Kurt Angle, etc. and he won the NWA title 3 times and the TNA Title 2 times. He then went to New Japan in 2014, where he defeated Kazuchika Okada in his very first match, to become IWGP Heavyweight champion and became the leader of the bullet club. He had legendary matches with guys like Minoru Suzuki and Shinsuke Nakamura, where he was able to improve his style, to get used to the fast japanese style.
    When he came to WWE This year in January, some people where actually thinking that he would get buried. At the beginning, it seemed like it, losing his feuds with Jericho and Roman Reigns. Then he had his feud against John Cena, which lead to his great match at Summerslam, which to the shock of most, he won clean, against a man, who is notoriously famous for burying talent. And now, he is the WWE Champ.
    Ladies and Gentleman, i think i don't exagerrate when i say, that AJ Styles can truly be considered, one of the greatest of all time.
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