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Sh Pie

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Everything posted by Sh Pie

  1. I was disappointed with this episode. Rainbow Dash was immature. Firstly, she ignored rule #1. In real life, "look both ways before crossing the street" is essentially this rule and it was suggested to prevent injuries. Spitfire made it very clear to look both ways and Rainbow Dash deserved to fall in the trash. Secondly, Spike called her Rainbow Crash in Season 1 episode 9 and she didn't retaliate so where the hay did that backstory come from? Anyway, getting angry about nicknames is ridiculous. Real names hurt way worse. Rainbow Dash had the opportunity to fly with the Wonderbolts and she screwed up with her sudden inferiority complex. If she really sucked, she wouldn't be wearing that uniform. Pinkie was great though! The cotton candy scene and Rainbow Trash pun were awesome moments that prevented this episode from being irredeemably bad like Season 3 episode 9 and Season 5 episode 11.
  2. Oh no! Trixie's back! Fortunately, this episode has addressed the problem that her "redemption" after conquering Ponyville wasn't earned and Twilight's concern is understandable since a former villain is probably not the best role model for another former villain. Starlight, like Discord, still has antiheroic tendencies like humorously forcing Big Mac to talk against his will and that's great since friendship takes time and Starlight is still learning the basics of friendship and how to use her omnipotent unicorn magic for the good of Equestria. With great power comes great responsibility, after all. And that's a lesson she will inevitably, but gradually, learn. Nevertheless, the lesson Twilight was supposed to learn would be more justified if she didn't have a legitimate reason for not really trusting Trixie. Furthermore, Starlight thought she was actually helping ponies by stealing their Cutie Marks whereas Trixie consciously oppressed ponies and begrudged Twilight all for her selfish and petty gain. And she stole Pinkie's mouth! What did Starlight learn this episode though? She's new to the Mane cast so she needs friendship lessons fast! Trixie had a more conventional redemption so at least I can respect her a little now I guess.
  3. This was an intense Spike focus episode with action and dragons. Spike saved Equestria again and he's officially not the only nice dragon since Ember accepted his friendship and humorously defied giving the change of heart speech that is prominent in this show. I enjoyed this episode just like all the other episodes this season. Ember's armor looked cool as well. Pie Sister Surprise Swap Day.
  4. This was a decent CMC focus episode and the first time since they got their Cutie Marks. They appeared in 2 consecutive episodes following Season 5 episode 18 just to establish continuity but now they're back and the new arc for them is no longer about getting their Cutie Marks but helping other ponies get theirs. For Applebloom, this episode was about finding a new purpose in life due to the fulfillment of her previous one and since she has little in common with Sweetie and Scootaloo besides being best friends and former blank flanks, she experiences the most difficulty. Tender Taps is a nice new background pony and he's a blank flank. Applebloom helped him get his Cutie Mark in choreography by encouraging his confidence. With the CMC splitting up to find more blank flanks three times faster, I speculate that Sweetie and Scootaloo will have a focus episode each before this season is finished.
  5. My two favorite mane ponies and favorite background pony in my favorite place in Equestria. Damn, what an awesome episode. I enjoyed the comedy from Pinkie, Rarity and Maud and the moral of "it's the thought that counts" was delivered very effectively.
  6. Good to see the show's back! Starlight gives me vibes of Twilight from Season 1 since she is new to friendship. Spike highlighting the importance of the lesson was very funny humor. Sunburst isn't a jerk anymore. His reunion with Starlight was awkward and they both have things they regret. Cadence's and Shining's filly is cute and surprisingly more detailed than Pound and Pumpkin. Extremely unconventional villain but still cool.
  7. This was an amazing finale for Season 5! Starlight Glimmer staying the antagonist until the end was a great idea, it allowed her the time any cunning antagonist needs to plot their revenge. The alternate realities show that friendship really is magic and the fate of Equestria depends on the friendship between ponies. Starlight started to accept that after Twilight showed her the last future and offered another chance. It wasn't a Cutie Mark that stole her friend, Sunjerk was just being a jerk if he abandoned her like that. The humor was funny as well with Pinkie eating that cake when nopony was looking. I'm glad Starlight can start over and I hope to see her return in Season 6. Especially to see how having stronger magic than even Alicorn Twilight will affect the story. She can learn how to use it responsibly like Discord not spreading chaos when there are no more Elements of Harmony. Now I just need Lightning Dust to get redeemed.
  8. This was a pretty good episode. Svengallop made Countess Coloratura popular but he's selfish and doesn't care about charity, only personal gain. Coloratura can rebuild her career without him. AJ saw how he treated her and Pinkie and she exposed him for the egomaniac he is.
  9. This was a solid episode but it needed better interaction between Twilight and Fluttershy.
  10. This was an emotional episode with a lot of perspectives to look at. Twilight wasn't in on the joke so she didn't find it funny. Nor did I except for the orange puns. Although it was ultimately her decision to waste her time rearranging her books again while her friends were having fun, if somepony did in fact ask her to join them, she probably would have. Since she feels obliged as the Princess of Friendship to participate in social activities regardless of the thousands of schedules she writes and follows regularly. But then she jumped to the conclusion that Discord had brainwashed them. In her attempt to hide her jealousy from herself, she became delusional and inadvertently insulted her friends, questioning Discord's honesty and the ponies' sanity. Since she was unable to understand the joke even after the re-enactment and assumed that fun, friendship and bonding with Discord was the result of chaos. I think she learned an important lesson about acceptance and everything was resolved in the end, more or less.
  11. Rainbow Dash laughed at the concept of Fluttershy being scary but she's probably the scariest pony of the Mane 6. The Stare, Mean Fluttershy (Season 2 episode 19), Flutterhulk (Season 4 episode 6) and Flutterbat!
  12. Awesome, this episode featured Maud and we got to meet the other Pies as well. AJ learned to accept the Pies' Hearthswarming tradition. I enjoyed this festive episode. It rocked. See what I did there?
  13. I used to hate Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for bullying the CMC but after this episode, I forgive them. Diamond Tiara didn't want to disappoint Spoiled and that's why she committed all those bad deeds. Her cutie mark represents positive leadership and it shows when she stops trying to be her mother and bossing ponies around for selfish reasons. Silver Spoon was just following her lead. She wasn't truly a bad pony either. The CMC got their cutie marks for crusading! Amazing milestone for the TV series. I didn't expect that and I was surprised when it actually happened. Although I had a feeling they would get them this season, it was still really unexpected! Next CMC focus episode, I guess they will go crusading for other ponies' marks.
  14. I always enjoy Manehattan-based episodes. It's such a unique and lively city in Equestria. The story was nice as well with Rarity and AJ helping out Coco, the familiar background pony, and renovating the play to bring the city ponies together again. AJ learned an important lesson that you don't have to be a city pony to improve the city pony community. Rarity was amazing once more.
  15. I knew it was Wind Rider all along!
  16. I would've watched this episode earlier but I didn't know the hiatus was over until recently. It was a great Rarity focus episode and a good start to the second half of Season 5.
  17. There was a lot of awesome stuff in this episode like Super Spike mounting Giant Derpy, Flutterbat, Princess Big Mac and the Golden Oaks Library. The story was good as well.
  18. This was a good episode about Twilight trying to be a better friend to her old friends and it featured a nostalgic location and flashback from episode 1. Starlight is watching Twilight, probably thinking how to beat her and the magic of friendship.
  19. Sorry everypony but I didn't like this episode. The yaks overreact way too much and it's ridiculous that a sled can transport Pinkie all the way from Yakyakistan to Ponyville while visiting Crystal Empire and Manehatten. It was also travelling in a straight line so those regions of Equestria would have to be aligned (which they aren't). Princess cameos are becoming really common now, they used to be reserved for important episodes. Twilight needs to calm down.
  20. There hasn't been a Spike focus episode since Season 4 so it's cool to have another! That Spike portrait would look great in Rarity's house. I didn't know so many bronies disliked Spike focus episodes. I only dislike Spike At Your Service.
  21. Now that's how you do the 100th episode milestone! Maud, Braeburn, Lightning Dust and Daring Do weren't in it but otherwise it was great. Derpy and Gummy were especially awesome. I like obscure background ponies like Bon Bon and Lyra more now. Undercover agent? Brilliant!
  22. The return of Gilda since episode 5. The Cutie Map sent Pinkie and Rainbow Dash to restore their friendship with her. It's nice when ponies (or griffons) are redeemed like that. I can't forgive Trixie though. Now I'm waiting for Lightning Dust to get redeemed. I like Lightning Dust.
  23. A Discord focus episode featuring my favorite background pony, Maud! Best episode of Season 5 and one of the funniest overall. Rarity's reaction to losing her outfit in a vacuum, Discord's joke about Twilight's mediocre flying ability, Discord getting pwned by Maud, that cute Smooze thing and how Celestia was basically responsible for somepony almost being exiled to the Mexican dimension and twice ruining Rarity's outfit. If she only knew.... Only thing I didn't like was Tree Hugger, especially her rugged mane. I bet Zecora could have filled her role in this episode without being an annoying stereotype.
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