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Rogue Ruffian

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Status Updates posted by Rogue Ruffian

  1. I think it is time to retire from the fandom. Still love the show, but the community is no longer a place for me.

    1. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      Sad you go, but it's up too you, good luck outside *Huggles*

    2. Autumn Mist

      Autumn Mist

      NOOOOOOOO...who will have engaging and meaningful conversations with now? You're like the most sane and deepest person I know in the fandom!

  2. Bizarre life goal - commence!

  3. At times, one must admit that there is no further reason to try.

  4. I do not fear tomorrow, nor grieve for yesterday, for this is but a moment, and too shall pass away.

    1. Autumn Mist

      Autumn Mist

      Preach, brother! <3

  5. First thing bought, payed for, and on the way! Yay! Let's see - 4 more to go!

  6. Two facts of life. 1. The weak will always outnumber the strong. 2. The weak will always hate the strong.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Let's suppose it is so. But what to do about it? Accept as the way of Nature? Purge the weak? Make them strong or die trying? Let them be governed by the strong, for only they can be good leaders? Diagnosis is only the first step on the road to health.

    3. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Well, I'm not a fan of purging, as crushing those whom you can simply because you can is the greatest proof of weakness. The vast majority of conflict is caused by weaklings trying to prove they're not weak.

    4. Autumn Mist
  7. Big purchases to be made, Youtube show about ready to go into production. Will feel good to be teaching again!

  8. I tried to care, I really did.....but they kept on talking.

  9. Whatever you do in life, at the very least, don't be boring.

    1. Envy


      So... Don't be like me? T.T lol

    2. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Hey, I'm not naming names, here.

    3. Envy


      That's...not helping. lol

  10. At times, one must admit associating with those hostile to knowledge puts one's own knowledge at risk.

  11. It's about rocks. They're all about rocks.

  12. Why are glasses so flippin' cute? Oh well, they are.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Evilshy


      Because I wear them, obviously.

    3. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I do to, but only because I can't see a damn thing without them.

    4. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      I wear them, too - I'm not the cutest, but on other's they work great.

  13. My brain is so tired I'm fairly certain it's squirming out my ear to go and sleep.

    1. VinylWubs


      I can understand that feeling.

  14. Valentine's Day - looking forward to the yearly tradition of Little Caesar's and romance anime tonight!

  15. Hello, everypony! Been away for a while, feels good to be back!

  16. Trying to write......yeah, failing miserably.

  17. Thus begins the night of epicness. Here's to getting everything accomplished in the next 8 hours!

  18. Following up Candle Cove with some other creepypastas. Never was a huge fan of these, as many I've read were quite poor. These ones are excellent, though.

    1. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      i think it depends on the writing and the author that makes it a good story or not depending

  19. Huge psychological horror fan - how did I never hear about the Candle Cove story before?

    1. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      iv'e heard that story before

  20. Soooooooooooo bored.

    1. The Real Minty <3

      The Real Minty <3

      Join me, we may be bored together

    2. Tom Snyder

      Tom Snyder

      I know the feeling.

  21. Cleaned a lot, sold a ton of stuff, and bought new board games! All right!

  22. Silly question - I know I have enough posts, but where is the Debates forum?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Uh....I must be blind or dumb. I can't find it anywhere.

    3. guest243535531ty43
    4. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Yep, found it. Everfree Forest - struck with mental, that's me.

  23. Just made a huge pan of no bake cookies, vacuumed, and cleaned the kitchen. GRRRR!!! MANLY!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      I understand. *sheds manly tears*

    3. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      *Also sheds manly tears - tears made of solid steel in the shapes of AR-15s and pints of Guinness*

    4. guest243535531ty43


      Don't worry. There's always colorful talking ponies to make you feel even more masculine:

  24. Another crack at the MLP:CCG tonight.

  25. Looking forward to picking up some new board games - Merchants and Marauders, YEAH!

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