Well no. Its more cloaked in a fictional world where there some form of different climate changes, but most of the focus will have focus on areas where its desert. And they sorta differs in groups and environment. Although not so much different, it has sand, slight green fields and some snow, but mostly sand. Basically people in this world live in places where there is sand, they may pass by green fields and snow, but its out of focus and is background and of non importance to the story. It will focus on different groups or creeds of people. Lots of details and aspects of their world would be noted ^^.
I guess if i had to use an example "Lord of Lords Ryu Knight" anime. As an example. Although i imagine it will be more cloaked warriors with swords and creeds. But just to get an idea of the environment. Although i want there to be a main character who may be rogue (Aka not so into groups, more independent) and be with some friends or something "Not sure yet what their role or objective is yet though." ^^