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Everything posted by Finia

  1. I always find this vid adorable. "Boop"...tries again "Hoof block" ^^ Well i usually think of boop when you use your "hoof" at somepony's nose, instead of bumping snout to another pony's snout ^ _ ^
  2. Do you think it hurts?. If one imagine humans pressing their nose at another nose. Although a snout might hurt less though i guess. Maybe they are so soft and squishy that ifs just nice ^^
  3. I just hug and nuzzles with all i come across. But what would one define as a hater? Somebody who disagrees on some topics, or someone who just makes a fuss and call all bronies "Bleep and bleep" etc? Either way, i'd try to just be overall friendly, and the person can have his opinion and maybe one day that person will have a nice chat and join the gang
  4. Meh... its some music i listened back then when i was really into modern rock. Although even then i wasnt that big fan of them. But i dont think they are terrible. I was like into stuff like Three Days Grace and Seether just to mention some examples.
  5. I heard a rumor that in terms of season 5 later on that Fluttershy's brother will show up. Which is an interesting idea. What do you think he will be like?
  6. Yes. My OC whipped another OC. But that OC enjoyed it. So it was consensual type of pain ^ _ ^
  7. The hayburger joint. Everypony loves hayburgers
  8. Yep. Its in these cases where non consent boop is fine
  9. Sounds adorable and nice ^^. Yeah. I love this image and i am not ashamed off it ^ _ ^. Nice fandom, nice people and a cozy show. Great all the way ^ _ ^
  10. Like lets say you have this nice pony wallpaper of them playing on the beach. And someone will walk upon you and laugh at you. (Or its in your head) So you are scared of being open about it, or to ignore it when they walk upon you. Have others those type of feelings that you usually hide stuff like this, because you are scared of reactions? Or do you just ignore it and let them see your adorable pony wallpaper when you do your work and stuff ^^
  11. I am afraid of dogs. I consider them tame wolves. But i still dont trust them. Even if some can be nice i just have bad experience with it, in terms fearing some of them.
  12. Owners of the stable heard him yelling "Rainbow Dash" it seems.
  13. Basically the person was committing beastiality on a horse. If animals could talk and consent i dont think this would be an issue. Sorta feel sorry for the person to be honest though. I mean one gotta feel really humiliated if this stuff happend to anybody. http://joyreactor.com/post/1804715
  14. Googled it <3 ^^ Here is the person who made it though. http://lulubellct.deviantart.com/art/Gay-Poni-284084619 And thx ^^
  15. Hiya everyone ^ _ ^ I might've converted over to being gay. "Nuzzles all"
  16. Hi. I just thought i'd make a topic on gay chat. So everyone who wanna talk about being gay and all that stuff. Here is the place you can let out your feelings about it ^ _ ^
  17. I am curious to try out those Zelda games honestly. I somehow managed to get a CD-I emulator to work, but i have such issues with the control input. Other than that it has nice graphics
  18. I think i have converted to being gay... i just.. like those... "Blushes"

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. thegoodhen


      *Drinks glass, leaving the liquid* Thanksies! :3

    3. thegoodhen


      Lol you are kinda funny tho. xD

    4. Finia


      "You are welcome" leaves a friendly hoof on your shoulder ^^"


      (Thxx ^^)

  19. I feel i am on my way on converting to being gay... i just... love the.. Well... "Blushes"
  20. Easy. Subtitles. There would be one. Take South Park for example. It was never dubbed when it came here. But i guess some who hate to read dubbed it. So maybe over time some will dub it, but it will originally be in arabic. Which is the effect. They will say "But the original sounds friggin better". Which is the main idea of this world, to give it a flow of that
  21. Well no. Its more cloaked in a fictional world where there some form of different climate changes, but most of the focus will have focus on areas where its desert. And they sorta differs in groups and environment. Although not so much different, it has sand, slight green fields and some snow, but mostly sand. Basically people in this world live in places where there is sand, they may pass by green fields and snow, but its out of focus and is background and of non importance to the story. It will focus on different groups or creeds of people. Lots of details and aspects of their world would be noted ^^. I guess if i had to use an example "Lord of Lords Ryu Knight" anime. As an example. Although i imagine it will be more cloaked warriors with swords and creeds. But just to get an idea of the environment. Although i want there to be a main character who may be rogue (Aka not so into groups, more independent) and be with some friends or something "Not sure yet what their role or objective is yet though." ^^
  22. Might be off topic from this wonderful topics on games. But i just sorta wanna put this in. Have you guys wondered why people in the new testament never have a last name. Like Peter, Paul and Andrew just to mention a few. (Didnt exist yet). Unless if you where a aristocratic roman citizen or of a higher class or something. Which is why they say stuff like "Jesus of Nazareth" "Paul of Tarsus". As a way of identifying people. I've always wondered why non had last names to be honest
  23. Interesting. Although the reason i know its a church is because the Japanese Zelda game called it that (Although the evil wizard is also a priest apparently in the game. But so is the guy in the church "Which i always assumed was a priest instead of a loyal sage") I guess its due to Nintendo's non religion policy that they usually dont add it on. For example they didnt use Temple before Ocarina of Time, since it had connection with religious themes. Kinda glad it wasnt called palaces in Ocarina of Time though But i've seen a catholic church though, and from my knowledge there should be a gigantic cross on top of it. Or at the top of the entrance. Other than that i think they did a good job creating the atmosphere of it. And i remember always being glad to come out of the rain in the beginning of the game, kinda like real life at the time. Which is ironic because now i love rain since i havent gotten it for so many years
  24. I got one. Zelda A Link to the Past has a church. I mean as a kid i couldnt speak english very well, it was a secondary language. So i just called it a church because of the benches and the altar etc. I was basically right But the english version called it a sanctuary. One of my favorite games! I think they stopped with the medieval themes after Ocarina of Time i think, in terms of religious influence, that cathedral aka Temple of Time was the last stop. It seemed however that i checked out some older Zelda game. Apparently in the first game there was an item called the Bible (Was also translated too as the bible in english in the japanese version. But that was changed to "Book of Magic") Basically if you get this item along with the wand you can create fire with a flick of the wand. Edit: Also.. i've always wondered what that is supposed to be. I dont believe it seem normal to have a Jesus figure that way with stretched out hands. I assume it can also be an angel on top of the building. And inside at the altar it kinda looks the same aswell. Although the artwork doesnt even have it. So i've always wondered what that really is
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