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Hazy Skies

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Everything posted by Hazy Skies

  1. ♪ Piiink fluffy unicorns, dancing on raainboows.. ♫ Piiink fluffy unicorns, dancing on raainboows.. ♪ Piiink fluffy unicorns, dancing on raainboows.. ♫ Piiink fluffy unicorns, dancing on raainboows.. ♫ Piiink fluffy unicorns, dancing on raainboows.. ♫

  2. Just saw a funny but cringey video and now i can't get the song outta my head xD ♪ Piiink fluffy unicorns, dancing on raainboows.. ♫

  3. That moment when you need sleep because you have to get up early, but can't fall asleep 'cause your brain's like "Nope!" ... -_-

  4. Once again I got up late again today.. Late as in.. 3:40pm.. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flutterstep


      And I thought I get up too late xD

    3. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      How do you sleep that much? XD I can hardly ever sleep more than 10 hours

    4. Hazy Skies

      Hazy Skies

      Because when you stay up for a long time, you sleep

      for a long time to compensate for the lack of it.. :/


      But this only happens every now and then..

      I've gotten used to ways that correct my pattern ;)

  5. I still don't understand why Bundaberg rum now comes in U.P and O.P versions.. I've always remembered it as just the normal Bundaberg or Bundaberg Red.. Eh, rum's rum :P *Downs another can*

  6. Spent so long playing Civ:BE last night that by the time i started feeling too tired and needed to go to be it was already 6:40am o-o ... Now I'm tired as f***... I can barely keep my eyes open -_-

  7. So I'm Luna and I'm in a planetary war against my sister Celestia.. My initial attack was wiped out, i was helpless against her stronger units.. After my failure i begged to end the war, and Celestia refused.. and so, with persitance, i returned and laid ruin to her capital city.. On the last stage of her best city being burned down she asked to end the war.. to that i said "NAY SISTER! THOUGH DID NOT LISTEN TO MY PLEAS EARLIER! I SHALL IGNORE YOU AS YOU DID TO I" :P

  8. I was so bored i took a part of Darude Sandstorm, Sweetie Belle's "bark" from the latest episode and synced it.. I can't tell if I should be proud or if i should just cringe at myself xD

  9. I quite enjoyed the latest episode ^-^ It had an interesting plot point slash problem with the whole "griffon getting a Cutie Mark?!" idea I like Gabby, but not really that much.. She seems okay but not really somepony.. or.. ... umm.. somegriffin.. I'd hang out with just due to the extreme hyperactivity.. Seriously.. She's like Pinkie Pie on a sugar rush.. but all the time! AND CAN FLY!! I loved that part where Sweetie Belle did a little dog bark/yap followed by a derpy face Another part I liked the part with Scootaloo talking about things that seem impossible when looking at her wings then the sky.. "I know what it's like to want something that's out of reach.. and just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it can't. Maybe trying for the impossible isn't so bad" ~Scootaloo It was so heart warming and sweet, it almost made me happy cry Overall a pretty good episode, not so many laughs as normal, but still has a very nice lesson..
  10. Just realized something about Gabby in the latest episode.. You remember the episode "Ponyville Confidential"? The name of the magazine they wrote for.. "Gabby gums"... GABBY! O.O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Starbright Sparkle

      Starbright Sparkle

      you made me spoil a bit on the new episode <.< i havent watched it yet XD

    3. Deae Rising Shine~
    4. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I think it's just coincidence.

  11. Well looks like my PC does run, but i'm afraid it's a silent one.. You know.. apart from the loud-ish humming from the CPU fan..

  12. To make my PC situation even worse, now a headphone jack is stuck in the audio port and I can't get it out.. I'm afraid I might short circuit my PC if I start it, so I'm PCless now ;-;

  13. How I feel when finding out i can't play some of my favorite games because of Linux: http://i.imgur.com/2DN4jNE.gif

  14. Friends are paranoid about the thunderstorm affecting our intenet so they're going to turn off the NBN for the night.. *sigh* Oh well..

    1. Hazy Skies

      Hazy Skies

      Guess they changed their mind xD

  15. Feels wierd using brand new OS xD But at least my computer is alive now :P

    1. RealityPublishing


      At least you're not using XFCE4... *chills*

    2. Hazy Skies

      Hazy Skies

      Hahaha, that looks ssooooooooo low-end xD

  16. RIP my 64bit Windows Operating system.. It is now officially inoperable.. :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hazy Skies

      Hazy Skies

      I don't even think it's possible to system reset it anymore it's that broken.. :/

    3. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Could be that your hard drive has failed. My old one started acting up last year and it caused all kinds of problems with files unable to load and such. I ended up having to replace it.

    4. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      Ya it does sound like a hard drive problem pal,If you can load windows from another hard drive you may be able to save most of your stuff (you shouldn't have a problem with ownership if you load it from another hard drive)

  17. Haha, Love my new profile pic :P ... It's buckball time xD

  18. This episode was BUCKING AWESOME!! I didn't really expect much of this one, but it turned out to be cool ^-^ Now I feel like the episode turned me into a buckball fan Also, seeing snails again is great It's nice that a lot of this season has used a lot more background or less used characters and I also love now they also turned Snails into a ninja But it is nice that even a character like Snails get their chances to shine Looking forward to what they end up doing with Snips But yeah, Overall an absolutely awesome episode ^-^ Guess they've finally drop- i mean.. what?
  19. So I just tried Fish fingers and custard, as a reference to the 11th Doctor from Doctor Who.. OMG, I didn't realize it'd actually taste pretty good! O_O Yum! :P

  20. Just saw the latest episde.. It was AWESOME!! ... I'm also now a Buckball fan xD

  21. My PC is dying :( ... Seems it is infected with.. something..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hazy Skies

      Hazy Skies

      Multiple times..

    3. Snow


      w8.. what are you using right now?

    4. JeyWiz


      And that awkward moment when your gaming consoles are still working well after 10 years. XD


      Still, sorry about your PC. I hope you can get it fixed. :/

  22. Firefox is playing up -_- Keep crashing for some reason whenever I try to start it up :/

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