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Vampira Heart

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Everything posted by Vampira Heart

  1. Vampira Heart

    request shop Vampys shop

    Yeah I thought it was about time I reopen a shop ^w^ Thank you! Anything for a friend! >w< Sure thing, I can draw this for you right away
  2. Is it bad I burst out laughing when I accidentally stepped on my brothers lego car and smashed it? XD I thought it was funny cause he screamed from up stairs cause he heard it! Omg I'm a terrible person!! I need to stop laughing!!! Aaaahhh!! XD XD 

  3. Vampira Heart

    request shop Vampys shop

    Glad you like it well I tried to put it all over but it kinda looked off and not as nice in a way so I just put it in the collar! I hope you like it anyway
  4. Vampira Heart

    request shop Vampys shop

    The first two are done!! OwO I hope you like them! ^w^ @CinnamonPop I hope everything is to your liking ^w^ @Techno Universal sorry I cut your mane a bit! I was trying to draw it long but I kept messing up so I cut It short, I hope you don't mind >~<
  5. Vampira Heart

    request shop Vampys shop

    Oh, yes I do :3 Sure thing Coming right up! >w< Yes you may! This is a requestshop of course! I picture would be nice but I can work on discription aswell Sure thing, how can I help you?
  6. Vampira Heart

    request shop Vampys shop

    Sure thing my friend I'll have that done right away! OwO Thank you what do you mean?
  7. Vampira Heart

    request shop Vampys shop

    Ive decided to open a shop once again! for all who don't know me my name is Vampira Heart, I am moderately good at art and enjoy making art for friends and making friends so please follow/ befriend me if you like Anyone can request anything no mater if it is mlp related or not I'll do it so feel free to request anything
  8. Literally my brain right now from my hamster making me have to wake from slumber and fix stuff all night that has now lead to me unable to fall asleep again!! >~< UUUGGGHH!!! Dx

    oh well at least I can do other stuff while I'm awake, how is everyone tonight? :) 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      @Lunar Echo

      morning :3


      it was for me as well at the same time!! MwHahahahaha XD 


      Oh my good luck with your car ride ;) 

    3. Kronos the Revenant

      Kronos the Revenant

      HAHAHAHA, I love this video XD and I love the Markiplier channel, too. ^_^

    4. Vampira Heart
  9. IMG_5538.thumb.JPG.472c210199167eca0f485d4c3cbafd75.JPG

    My cat is sleeping against the wall XD

    How Is everybody? OwO 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Walls are best beds apparently. XD

    3. SolarFlare13


      I'm feeling a little sick, but I'm getting better :adorkable: how are you? :catface:

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart


      heehee yus she is coot! OwO


      Yeah so It seems XD


      oh dear! Not again! My poor ducky! >~<

      *gives you bowl of health soup and your favorite apple pon plush* >w< 

      I'm ok, a bit stressed at the moment though.. ~_~ 

  10. Fun Vampy Fact: The mythical creature "Harpyca"  I find super funny! Makes me laugh everytime I think of it! XD 


    Post in the comment a picture of a mythical creature or made up thing you find funny! >w<

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      That picture indeed looks funny :D it's probably the facial expression xD

    2. SolarFlare13


      I dunno why, but that "Harpyca" sure looks A LOT like this X'D

      (...and this is from Legend Of Zelda btw :catface:)


    3. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      @The Cerberus

      Yeah!!  XD 


      OMG IM DYING!!! X'D

  11. IMG_5415.thumb.JPG.4b3e1f8dd43f47432085c8fcb14f4f4e.JPGIMG_5419.thumb.JPG.f469075635f11b19ca009909201d70a9.JPG

    mind the horrid paint job I'm painting my room and it's not quite done yet :P 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      Thanks you very much! :pinkie: 

    3. SolarFlare13


      What's your cats name? :o I'm really curious :catface:

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      Her name is Khaleesi :catface: 

      and my other cat is named Ima ;) 

      Ima has rhinestones (bling) and khaleesi has roses and a bell on her collar :3 IMG_5814.thumb.JPG.0a5476c12f150432613831bb35266cf0.JPG



  12. Archie's face is so cute!!! :wub::love::yay:


    1. SolarFlare13


      Aww :kindness: that's adorable!!! :wub::catface:

    2. Widdershins


      Hamster? I wanna say hamster, right?

    3. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart


      thanks :catface: 


      yes he is a hamster :):P  

  13. IMG_5468.thumb.JPG.f51d62eb5c645d502c7d5d13f63bbf8c.JPG

    Got a new tank for Archie!! He had a smaller one before now he has more room! >w< 

    It's hard to see him but he's the dark circle in the right corner ;) 

    And I got it for 6 bucks!  What a steal!! :wub: 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      No BUT that can be arranged!! OwO

      *uses magic to replace stuffing with wrapped taffy* 

      i now has a pet Widdershin!! >w< 

    3. Widdershins


      Heehee! Let's hope it doesn't get too warm or things will get really sticky!


        Hmm... Is that a partial collection of the Series of Unfortunate Events books? Not too many franchises number their spines like that! And yeh, I'm quite a booknerd too!

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      Yeah!! I'll have to eat you out !! XD


      Yes I have all the books >w< 

      I also have all the shakspear books! Their my favorites! ^w^ 

      if you look at the books you'll notice they fell over a lot of them fell behind the shelf and I still have to go fish them out XD 

  14. Start at 2:15 to the end!!  Their so cute when their swimming!! :love: 



    1. SolarFlare13


      Welll that was fascinating :o 

      Still makes me wonder how a mouse got into our quail cage when there was hardly any opening :sunbutt:

  15. WTF??!!! I clicked that hoping to see a cute comic but it just creeped me out at the end with the creepy baby laughing! XD 


    1. SolarFlare13


      Well...I dunno if she's more evil than the cake twins / flurry heart :derp:

  16. Im bored what should I do? >~<

    or what should I draw???? >.> 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Johnny1226


      I'm an eldritch abomination as well 

    3. SolarFlare13


      MOAR FWUFFY EARS!!! OWO :catface:

    4. Widdershins


      If only we had an Eldritch abomination that ALSO had fluffy ears?!!? HMMM!

  17. I did a 30 mile bike ride today OwO 

    it was rough! But I did it and I feel pretty accomplished >w< 

    1. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      It was all hills up and down over and over @-@

      but I burned 2646 calories!!!! OwO or at least that's what my weight tracker says >_>

    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      How long did it take you? 

    3. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      My gosh! You must be tired. :o


    matching avatars? Heh heh we will cause so much chaos confusing everypony on who is who!! WAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAA!!! I love it >:3

    (thanks for using the pic I drew I feel honored >\w\< )

    1. SolarFlare13


      Heh...yeah :catface: <3 I just had to put it as my profile pic :lol: it's so adorable and you did such a fantastic job on it :wub: ...and I cant wait to see the amount of chaos we'll cause, now that we've got the same profile pic :umad:>=3

      PS: I'm working on another pic just for you ;) :squee:

    2. Widdershins



      Heh heh we will cause so much chaos confusing everypony on who is who!! 

        Just... You two... I'm so proud!  *whipes away a tear* Your little trolls grow up so fast! Go, go on you little rascals! Strew your confusion & do yer pappy proud!

    3. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart


      Heehee! >w< Thank you! O//O ME TOO!!! Heh heh heh!! >:3

      the chaos we will cause will be grand!! :mustache: 



      I WILL MAKE YOU PROUP PAPPY!! I promise! >,O,<


      i will be replying to the PM as soon as I can!! I have been alittle busy lately >_< 

  19. IMG_5394.thumb.JPG.b09f3a0108c394906466737bcbcf7e9b.JPGAww he's such a cutie, I think I give him too many treats cause now every time I walk by or crinkle a bag he goes towards me and waits like this :) 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      Thank you!! >\w\<


      AAADOOREBLE!! OwO what kind of puppo do you have?! O/w/O


      My cats do to but it's more funny than cute!! XD 

    3. Rikifive


      :catface: If I remember correctly, he's a mix of 'shih tzu' and 'sznaucer'. He's so silly, that he's so cute! :wub: 

      He literally does this:

      No idea how did he came up with that, but aww - it works for him. :P 


      Hah, funny is just good as cute. :D 

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      CUTE!!! OwO


  20. I had to give my gerbil to a shelter cause she kept hurting my family members and destroying stuff and she broke me to my breaking point and I was just done giving her all those chances... ~_~ 

    I hope that doesn't make me a bad pet owner...I just didn't like being around her anymore..she just made me so sad all the time from her neglect and hate against me and other people...  :( 


    My sister wanted to go to a pet store and play with the animals there so I decided I might as well look for a new rodent pet at first I thought I wouldn't find anything worth getting cause I decided I'd never get a dwarf hamster or gerbils ever again cause of all the bad experiences I've had with them and then I saw the cutest fluffiest hamsters I've had ever seen and the shop lady let me hold one and he was so sweet and nice to me so I got him!  :pinkie:

      I call him BubbaBean right now cause I don't know what I should name him yet and he looks like a butter ball, what do you think I should name him? :squee: 


    Look at his FLUFFY BUTT!!!! :wub: IMG_5382.thumb.JPG.02a4f58e24f76e1f0558679f9307992e.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SolarFlare13


      Well…if your Gerbil was causing you that much grief, then you did the right thing :lol: I had to get rid of my Barramundi because they were eating all the fish in my tank :derp: 

      Hmm :huh: …if you’re looking for a rodent, how about a rabbit / guinea pig? :sunbutt: they’re pretty friendly :catface:

      As for names…butter-ball sounds like a good enough name to me :D 

      (looks at the pictures)

      wait:o ...is that a hamster or a mouse I'm looking at? :P 

    3. Widdershins


       Naaah, Hamster. Yup, yup. Definly, Definly Hamster.

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart


      I acually ended up naming him Archibald, but I call him Archie for short :squee: 

      Yeah i know how you feel.a gerbil isn't as bad compared to getting rid of a dog but we had to get rid of a dog too cause she attacked my brothers :(  Yeah I would never do that to a pet just because I didn't want it! if I didI would make sure it found a home that would love it more then dumping it at a shelter or in the wild!! ^w^ 

      Acually, when I was younger my parents got rid of these two kittens I found that they said I could keep and a few weeks later they dumped them off at my moms friends farm when I was at school cause she didn't want them anymore cause they only liked me and only stayed in my room and they siblings were mad and when my mom took me to visit them the lady said the black cat I had ran off into the wild and the calico was killed by one of the older barn cats and I was pretty mad about that so I don't beleive in dumping animals it's a horrible thing many people do >:( 

      I know it's so fluffy!!! >w<


      I named him Archibald, Archie for short!  OwO


      Yeah... I just feel a bit bad.. >~> 

      lol your fish at other fish, my gerbil ate finger tips and my happiness xD

      I got a really fluffy hamster OwO

      I had guinea pigs when I was a little girl! Their cute but stinky!! It'd love to get a rabbit but my mom doesn't want one cause for some reason she's afraid of them! O_O I think their adorable >:3

      Its a hamster ^_^ 

  21. I speed sketched a mini comedy comic XD



    1. SolarFlare13


      WOW!!! :love: that's pretty cool :catface:

  22. I drew more ~w~ 

    *shape shifts into duck* 



    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Barpy


      I like vampire stuff >u<

    3. Widdershins


      Not sure if making Angel a vampire makes him any more scary than he was before.

        Think I do a pretty good Fluttershy. Of course its been a while since I've practiced my drawing so my only one of her is a good while ago & she's a little long in the face. 

       Gosh, usually takes me some twenty just to do one. That much detail in that little time? Well, then again I rather prefer doing full body shots.

    4. SolarFlare13


      @Vampira Heart You're MY special kitty cat OWO (who can also transform into a bat pony and a duck :icwudt: :D)

      Now that's a pretty cool looking comic you've got there :wau: are you gonna make that into a series? :derp:

      @Widdershins "I see Solly has been doing his neck exercises!"

      Well, to be fair...I need to have a long neck so I can eat all the fruit that grows on the trees :wacko:

      "Can we add Giraffe onto his title of now the local Alicorn Duckeraffe?"

      Uhh...you want me to be part-giraffe as well? :derp:


  23. I did some art of @Vampira Heart (me) and @SolarFlare13 OwO 


    I imagine him saying: Give me the fluffy ears!!!! XD 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart


      Thanks >w< 



      *Watches the widdershin ship train * >//w//<

    3. SolarFlare13


      @Vampira Heart OMG :love: that is SO adorable!!! :wub:<3

      ...and yes, I do want some fwuffy ears :derp: OWO :catface:


    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart


      * uses Vampy magic to give you fluffy ears * OwO 

      HeeHee!! Ducky so cutie!!! O//w//O   

  24. Awww this broke my heart when I saw this, it even made me cry alittle bit.    :,) 

    my little brother left this on my bed while I was down stairs watching a movie :,D 


    1. Johnny1226
    2. Widdershins


       Aww... I can see artistry runs in the family! Does my heart good to see a loving family! ...





  25. This literally made my day XD XD


    1. Widdershins


      ...cannot... brohoof... hard enough!

        Farts AND puns?!!!? 

             Just... just link this to anyone who ever gets sad! There's "Try not to Laugh" compilations, and than there's THIS work of art!

          OR SHOULD i SAY! A WORK OF FART?!!?

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