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Status Updates posted by Partialgeek514

  1. Fluffy pony in socks? Yes please!


  2. Why's she so sad? :(


    1. DivineMist1000


      :( Don't cry, Fluttershy! *hugs her tightly* 

    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Maybe she can't find Angel :(

  3. I'm at 500 posts now, so have some more Fluttershy!!! :squee:


    1. DivineMist1000


      Can I request some more Fluttershy please? 

    2. Tacodidra


      Congratulations, my friend! :mlp_yay: More Fluttershy is always a good idea! :squee:

  4. Fluttershy is adorable. I repeat, Fluttershy is adorable.


    1. Tacodidra


      Nopony can argue with that! :mlp_yay:

  5. Have the forums been really slow for anypony else recently? :mlp_huh: I seem to be fine on all websites except this one today.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Burning Dusk

      Burning Dusk

      I was told that they were down on my end from a server is down page. I do not know what is happening right now.. 

    3. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      I thought I was the only one experiencing that problem. Good to know it isn't just me. :-D

    4. Burning Dusk

      Burning Dusk

      Same here Lucky Bolt :ph3ar:

  6. So, kind of funny, or maybe just annoying story. My province back home is having an election today, and since I'm away from home at school, the only way I could vote was through a special mail in ballot. I requested one the day the election was called, but I didn't get my ballot in the mail till just barely a week before the election. I went to mail it back as early as I could, but I still had pay 44 bucks to get it back to the electoral office in time. Probably a bit much for a single vote, but I was already at the post office, so I just did it. Seriously though, be grateful if you can just vote on your way to work. :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Partialgeek514


      @Tacodidra If I were home, all I'd have to do is walk into the polling station and show my ID, since I already got registered to vote a while ago. I just wish there was some way to vote online, but I also see how that could have some security flaws. :yuck:

    3. Mellow Mane

      Mellow Mane

      @Tacodidra It's the same over here. Last year I could even vote in my high school because it was a polling station, couldn't have been easier!:D

    4. Tacodidra


      @Mellow Mane I had the same during my studies! :D And even now, the nearest one isn't that far away. :ticking:

      @Partialgeek514 Online voting would be nice. :) I'm afraid we won't have it here in the near future, though – the last time they tried electronic voting here was a complete mess, they had to redo the election in the cities that did that... :derp:

  7. Well, I finished the first third of my new PMV today. At this rate, maybe I'll actually finish a video for once! :P Then I can actually feel like I contribute something to the fandom!

    1. Tacodidra


      Great job, my friend! :D As for contributing to the fandom, I'd say being here also counts as that! :mlp_yay:

  8. I think I had a dream last night where I changed my profile pic. I remember nothing else, just that. :mlp_huh:

    1. Tacodidra


      Not the most eventful dream, then! :P Do you have any plans to do so? :ooh: The current one is adorable... ^_^

    2. Partialgeek514


      @Tacodidra I still don't think I'll change it for a while yet. I've had the same one for three and a half years, so why change it now? :-P

    3. Tacodidra


      Yeah, I can imagine it's quite easy to grow attached to an avatar in that time! :rarity: I've had that happen after a few weeks (in spite of me changing avatars all the time)! :P

  9. Does anyone here ever go on Ponytown?

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      I do! I play it all the time! :squee:

    2. Partialgeek514


      @Lucky Bolt Cool! I've never really been on there much, but I'm thinking I might check it out a bit more this week. :mlp_grin:

    3. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      We should play together sometime! :squee:

  10. Maybe someone should remind me to work on my new PMV tomorrow. I haven't made one in ages, and I really want to finally finish one. With all the time I have these next few days, I want to do something with it! :sneer:

    1. Tacodidra


      That sounds like a good idea! :D PMVs are fun to watch – I hope you have as much fun making it! :mlp_yay:

  11. This was a bad idea. I felt a bit tired, do I decided to lay in bed for a bit. Now I'm buried in ponies and can't get up. ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      @Tacodidra I hope you get one, my friend. Someday I will have a Luna plush. :LunaMCM:

      Hopefully you can go to Bronycon and get one there, :mlp_grin:

    3. Tacodidra


      @Twilight Luna I've seen pictures of Luna plushes, and they're amazing! :pinkie: I hope you get one soon too, my friend! :kindness:

      Sadly I don't think I'll be able to go, as there won't be more after this year... And most of the plushes are unfortunately a bit expensive, though that's understandable given their quality. But maybe someday! :grin:

    4. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      @Tacodidra Thank you. I have my Luna daki to hold me over until I find a plush. I saw one at Bronycon last year but it was $900. :dry: I hope that you find a Coco plush soon. :kindness:

  12. So half my roommates are gone for the week, and the two that are still here are off doing their own thing a lot of the time. Guess it'll just be me and my plushies till Babscon. I also might be on here a lot more than usual. :twismile:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Cool!! Have you ever been before? 

    3. Partialgeek514


      @Lucky Bolt Nope! The only ponycon I've ever been to was Everfree Northwest last year, and I didn't have the best experience due to a bout of depression, so I'm super excited for Babs!

    4. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Awesome! I hope you have fun! 

  13. Must post ponies! So many cute ponies! :muffins:


    Art by Mirroredsea.

    1. SolarFlare13


      Yes :wacko: we need MORE ponies :catface:

  14. How are the skies these days? :D


    1. Phosphor


      Sunny days and stormy nights  :scoots:

      It's supposed to be clear for the next several nights tho. Luna is near the zenith this time of year which is great for hi res lunar imaging  :fluttershy:

  15. 2 more brohoofs ponies!!! :ticking:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PoisonClaw


      It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!

    3. Tacodidra


      Congratulations, my friend! :mlp_yay: The first thousand of many, I'm sure! :ticking:

    4. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      Have another one! :)

    1. Tacodidra


      She looks so guilty... :laugh: But so cute at the same time! :wub: Twilight's expression says a lot! :P

      All in all, a very nice drawing! :D

    2. Castle Bleck
    3. Woohoo


      She ate Twilight's cookie! :bea:

  16. So, it's the end of my semester at school, and even though I'm not going moving out of my apartment, my roommates and I still have to clean it almost as though we were all leaving, meaning I have to put all my stuff on my bed and in my closet, and have all my food bagged and labeled. Then everything else has to be hotel clean. Otherwise, they'll throw out anything we leave out without a label and fine us for it. On top of that, I never got my entire check-out packet for the clean check, and even the staff don't know what happened to it, so I'm not sure how that's going to go. Also, when I took my pony posters off the walls, the "removable" poster putty peeled some of the paint off, so now I assume I'll get some extra charges for that.

    Just needed to vent a bit. I've had a stressful day. :lostit:

    1. Phosphor


      Free sample of paint from the hardware store should fix that spot.  :-P

       I think you'll be ok. :fluttershy:

    2. Tacodidra


      That makes no sense – I'd understand having to do all that if you were moving out, but not when you're staying there... :lostit: I hope everything goes well, my friend! :kindness:

    3. Partialgeek514


      @Tacodidra I guess they just want the place to have a regular deep clean. This is my first time staying at this place, so I don't really know how strict they are yet. :sealed:

  17. I only just noticed I'm a pink fluffy unicorn! ^_^

  18. Yay. I got my calculus homework done for the day. At 11pm. :lostit:

    1. Tacodidra


      Great to hear that! :D Apart from the time of course... :adorkable: But at least you didn't have to pull an all-nighter! :kindness:

    2. Phosphor


      Wait til ya take Differential Equations!  :yuck:

  19. Yipee!!! I'm registered for BABSCon! :mlp_yeehaa:

    1. Tacodidra


      Yay! :mlp_yay: I hope you have fun there, my friend! :mlp_yeehaa:

  20. I just realized that I have nothing green to wear today.:mlp_lie:

    1. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I don't either, but I pinched myself in advance so it's all good... :adorkable:


    *dances around the room like a child*

    1. Quinch


      It compiles, it compiles...


    2. Passion


      It's just luring you into false sense of security.

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