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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. Uh huh, Evanescence concert tomorrow. Can't say whether I'm more nervous or excited though.

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Why would you be nervous? :fluttershy:

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      First time on a concert. Well I was once as a security guard but still. I have a ticket for the Golden Circle, so the crowd will be thick.

      First time on a concert. Well I was once as a security guard but still. I have a ticket for the Golden Circle, so the crowd will be thick.

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      I see, I haven't been to a concert before, just try to relax and have fun. :fluttershy:

  2. Hey, so I was thinking on the scene for... most of the weekend really, and while I came up with some totally awesome ones, my drawing skills proved insuficient (and that's an understatement). So I'd like to ask you, maybe you have some ideas? NowI'm mulling about a stil shot of her walking along a cracked road, maybe with a defaced billboard in the background. Her sword would be hanging off her side. Sounds reasonable?
  3. So, any takers for the RP?


  4. I think I need another 1x1 RP in my life. But then, I don't really have a plot idea. Yet.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      I'll wait some more, see if there's any interest. Ofc if you're interested,  we can try the rp but no pressure. It's supposed to be entertaining after all.

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      I was doing an RP with someone via pm but she stopped replying.

    4. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Happens to everyone really. People just drop out without a word. 

  5. @Mickey Adaptus The twins glanced in unision as the bathroom doors opened. Gold still loked unimpressed, but at least Second nodded approvingly. "That's more like it, you look much better now." He pointed at the colt's fresh bandage with the talon on his wing. "Uh, you don't need that checked by a doc, maybe?" Gold Rush loaded a slice of pizza on Jack's plate, then on hers, and finally Second Wind's. She pouted slightly, thought for a moment while "admiring" her plate, and suddenly asked: "Want to ask us something? You know, we may be strangers and all but, I'd like you to feel at ease while you stay with us. If anyting's on your mind, just shoot, okay?" Second swallowed his first cut of pizza - he used both knife and fork with his wingtips, and ate small cuts, one at the time. "Good stuff, Mascarpone sure knows how to make them just right." He cocked his head towards the colt. "Told you she just pretends to be a mean bitch, didn't I?" Hs sister gave him a cold stare, but said nothing, opting to start her own meal.
  6. Hey @hicagp, I came up with something like this: It's called "Rainbow Dash and the secret stash of cider" Jokes aside, I can either leave it in peace, or try and add wood texture to the barn and shade it so that there's a ray of light coming through the open doors. Thing is, there's a pretty good risk that it will look awful or I screw up at some stage, so I decided to show you the almost unshaded version first.
  7. I tried using a rapidograph, a brush pen,  and technical pen instead of the usual dip pens for own and ink art. Now I know why everyone uses Micron tech pens...

  8. Hm, okay, I think I have some basic idea forming in my head. Does she have any specific ear to wander the Wasteland in? It wouldn't be fallout if she wouldn't have a weapon at least, am I right?
  9. It sure will require some learning on my part, but that's good, actually. I kept the mouths closed before. So, a portrait/close up on the face? Or partial/full body in some kind of scene?
  10. Pffft... Muahahaha! Good one! Shame we're all out of'em atm. Well, I have some OC's and I can pretty much feel Crysyal Clear's emotions as I RP. One reason why I would put her in only the best and most interesting roleplays these times. BUT, she doesn't talk to me on her own. Reina does, as well as show up through foggy imposition whenever she feels like it. I would have to conciously puppet and parrot Crystal for that, and I'd know the difference. The brainy types can't crack what a Tulpa actually is, but we've read some article in Psychology Today that pretty much said that, after a study on some tulpamancers, these guys weren't bonkers. I guess you could look it up through a google search. Raven has some Occult-y half theory, but seriously, we don't give a damn "how" and "why". Giving a placeholder form to your tulpa can be a good idea, since they won't feel tied to what you gave them originally. We had some... issues with form deviation at the start, since she was based off an OC - but heavily reassured that it's a placeholder. Long story short, she tried all sorts of looks only to eventually come back to the forst and second forms she came up with, realising she's most comfortable with them. I switch between pony and anthro whether I feel like it. Funny How I desperately wanted to ditch the MLP theme only to bounce back int it, but I guess it took some self doscovery experimentation to decide that I'm cool with this theme. Hell, I even like it these days. Also, We already have Summer in here, now Autumn is in the works... wonder when we'll see Spring and Winter joining the club.
  11. You know, I for once AM satisfied with this piece, even if I prefer the sharp contrast of ink. I had to make some compromises from what I imagined originally, but it's close enough for me. And of course, I'm very happy that you liked it! @Randimaxis Well the to-do list is rather short, isn't it? So of course I'm available! Just shoot what you're thinking about, and we'll see if I can bring it onto the paper.
  12. Hehe, some of my characters would make a mule run for his money in the stubborn department, so I hear you on that one. So, I'm thinking on the scene to put her in, rather than just draw a 3/4 full body and call it a day. Any ideas?
  13. @Ezerona aaaand, finished! What do you think? It's a photo, that's why it's a tad grey, but for some reason scans look way too bright and son't catch the finer details. in case it didn't make much sense, it's supposed to be early Spring, and a windy day, and she's leaning over a bridge in some park.
  14. Fallout Equestria eh? If it wouldn't be a Babel Tower of pages, casting it's intimidating shadow on any would-be reader, I'd give it a shot... Anyway, let's see if I can whip something up through the weekend, this might be actually interesting, if you don't mind black-and-white traditional ink that is.
  15. The mark looks better in the circle. Not sure why but, yeah. As for the backstory, well, she could be from a tiny village with just a few unicorns tossed around, growing up amongst ponies with no magic. The life she had would be not enough, as she wanted to study magic and get good with it - something she could never avhieve being tutored by her parents. Now, I told you before, the name does seem strange and other ponies will give her weird looks because if it, but if you insist. It could be sort of nickname that became a name - she could be one of those ponies who didn't like her name. After she left home, she met (placeholder) who called her that. Preferably a non pony. I could do it all day but I'm not sure this is the kind of story you'd want for her.
  16. @Nightmare Season Turns out, Natural wasn't made for hot pursuits. She didn't catch up with the ponynappers even though she pushed as fast as she reasonably could, and travelled on the trail they already cleared out. Fatigue of several days on the road, non stop, even before this race started, proved to be too much of a burden. Seeing Baltimare glinting in the sunlight far away, without the carriage in sight, made her slump her shoulders in defeat, but she pushed on. The city was as bad as usual - Natural rarely went into major cities because she hated the noise and all. Fortunately the flower proved substantioal in finding her way around and to some high-end hotel, where the party no doubt stopped. The carriage was there at least. A quick glance at her dirty clothes and ragged look told her all she needed - there as no way to even pass the doors looking like that. The mare pulled her wagon, with her last legs, to the outskirts of the city, where she knew of a camping site owned by a particulary laid back stallion she knew. Even without bits - and she made a solemn promise not to touch Peony's bit sack - they would come to an agreement that would allow her to stay for a bit. By the time she had parked, washed and ate, it was late afternoon. With no clue when the ponynappers will board the train, she felt nervous the whole time - that they leave, and the trail goes cold. To make things worse, she haven't had a clue on how to even approach this situation - they were in the city, so violent acts were out of the question. She was cheated by rich ponies a few times and knew that she would be most probably thrown out if she asked the receptionist to hail Peony from the room. And that's the good outcome. Natural Order sighed, sitting on the steps of her wagon, kicking in the air with her hindlegs as her mane dried, let loose all over the place. "It's just... hopeless..." - She slumped in defeat, unable to think of anything that just as much as might work. Them she heard a commotion to the right. Glancing here, she saw a couple youngsters arguing over something with a pair of Police officers, who looked distinctively fed up with their present company. Natural cocked her head and mused over the idea. Her previous encounters with law enforcement weren't too good but... She rose up and went into the wagon, closing the doors with a kick. She walked over to the flower and said. "I think I have an idea. It's not perfect but, might work. I may be away for a few hours so... keep guard over the stuff, okay? And if I won't come back for the night... guess we're both screwed, and you'll need somepony else to carry you home. A-anyway, let's hope this won't happen - I'll go to the Police and tell them Peony got ponynapped, and we'll see if they believe me. Oh and I'll, uhh, give you some water, just in case. So... see ya?" She made herself ready - meaning, tied up the ponytail - and went out, closing the doors with a key and giving it to the place's owner for safekeeping. He gave her a funny look when she asked about the nearest Police Station, but, turns out, it wasn't far. The sun was still high when she entered the intimidating building, a mix of hopes and fears keeping her on edge. Natural crossed the heavy doors and saw a reception of sorts, which she approached. The hall was mostly empty. With an awkward smile, she nodded at the officer behind the counter and said, matter of fact: "Um, hi... I uhh, I'd like to report a ponynapping." Okay, so maaaybe that wasn't the worst idea she had in a while.Rubbing her forehead to calm a headache, caused by all thoses electrical lamps inside, Natural Order took a step outside of the Station. It was dark, and a bit cold, but they didn't lock her up, or thrown out as a liar. So that was something. Instead, she was questioned, thoroughtly, by some Detective what-was-his-name-again, who at least seemed to take it somewhat seriously. All those doubts, she wasn't sure anymore, but she did tell him everything, from the moment she saw the ad in Canterlot to now, and, for once, he seemed to believe her. As always, no promises made but, he got her adress - the camping site - and told not to leave the city till he verifies her claim. That was troubling, because she wouldn't e able to just walk away from it, or get back in pursuit. But somepony would no doubt check that Hotel to see if Peony was there, and if she stayed there on her own will. Natural nodded o herself weakly, reassuring herself that it was the best she could do in this tight situation. She walked back to the camping, retrievedthe key, and went straight to sleep. She didn't tell a word tothe flower, forgetting it was even there to be honest. The next day would maybe bring something new to the scene.
  17. Welp, I really want to get good with pen and ink. The stuff you can do with it, it's awesome. BTW I have a nice idea for a full scene for your picture as well, and already sketched some basics. If I manage to pull it off, it should look rather decent, I think. Tomorrow's a bank holiday in Poland so that means that maybe I'll actually finish it!
  18. Hehe, thanks! BTW I reeeeally should try and work faster on those requests, but then, there's the issue of quality loss if I work fast. Anyway, I came up with an idea to make my stuff look better - pencil assisted inks. Basically, ink for lines and pencil for textures, at least till I learn to shade and ink wash properly with just ink. That way the drawings won't look so bare, shades of grey will hopefully make the scenes more appealing. I'll modify the OP later to add it to the list.
  19. Just came up with an idea to, hopefully,  improve my ink drawings. But I need to finish the pending requests first...

  20. @Nightmare Season Natural's ears perked up at he sound to her side, and had to resist the urge to roll with her crossbow in an attempt to meet the possible threat. Celestia knows what lives around these parts... Still, she stayed put and divided her attention to both the "structure" and the noises that were getting closer. She had to resist another move - a hard facehoof - when she saw that there was a carriage approaching through the jungle. A carriage! With hired rough looking stallions cutting the way for it but, come on! It had enough gold on it to feed her parents for a year! And then soe posh stallion who never touched mud came out of it, which made him the one who was responsible for this mess. She felt disgusted with the way he casually paid up for Peony, like a sack of oats on a market, and THEN went all smooch over her unconcious form. She wanted to put a bolt through him right there and then, to be honest. Consequences be damned. Still, that would only result in her getting killed, and Natural Order had some other plans for her future. She waited till the carriage rolled out of sight, and the thugs went back inside, probably to rest a bit. Once the coast was clear, she got up, slowly, and picked the flower on her back. The mare whispered to it as she walked back to her own wagon. "Alright, so we know their destination at least, and that Peony won't be hurt for now. In case you're wondering,I am heading back to the wagon, yes, but I will follow them. That path should be easy to find and walk on, so hopefully we'll catch up before we lose them. Worst case, I get you back to her mansion and leave empty hooved. Wouldn't be the first time..." Heading back was quicker, since the trail was clearly visible and somewhat cleared. Still, the mare was concerned whether she could actually catch up... and then what? A question for another time, really - she was hungry and approaching the camp site, with a knot in her throat, fearing something happenned to her mobile home. Something ate the breakfast that she dropped, but other than that, no damage or losses. Natural quickly dived inside the wagon to get properly dressed for the trek - she ran out with just her coat for protection, and she had sone fresh cuts on her, along with new mosquito bites. Just wonderful. Once properly dressed in her hoofboots ,green cloak, and that peculiar hat, she dumped everything that was hers back inside the wagon while chewing on anything she could get a hold on really - camp packing with breakfast the abridged version - and strapped herself to the harness, just after making sure crossbow sit securely on the front wall, hanging from large curved spikes. The flower was put inside for safety and her own comfort. Natural asked aloud as she rocked the wagon into motion: "You hear me from back there? Can't have you on my back while pulling, you'd fall off." There was an answer, so she pushed onward, muttering to herself. "Should've prepped a smoke while I was at it..." It was hard to tell what hour it was - Natural Order never really got a hang on telling the time in such abstract ways - but it wasn't noon yet. Ging solo through that blasted jungle was as tiring and slow as one could expect, but, eventually, she reached the cleared path of that stupid carriage. Of course in a different place than she saw it, to avoid meeting those thugs. Still, the worst was behind her, literally, so Natural decided to have a break. Drink some water, eat up, and have that much needed smoke. She was soon back on the road, a cloud of pipe smoke puffing like from a chimney as the slender mare walked on the cleared path, her mood much improved. She didn't talk to the flower, opting for basking in the familliar alone-ness she was so deprived for past few days. Hay, if not for the grander scheme of things, she could actually feel content. Although both marching back to Canterlot - she'd be damned if she took a coin of peony's huge bit sack - or calling out the ponynapprs like some Appleloosan Sheriff from drunken bar tales were nearly equally unappealing. Time will tell which option will turn out to be true...
  21. @Gone Airbourne I'll just let the expert talk. Narration "process"? Why, it's easy, really. See, you are supposed to use narration on early stages of tulpa development, it's one of the passive methods of forcing. Basically, it's like talking to a toddler. they can't get **** out of what you're talking about, so the topic doesn't matter. Some won't even know how to process language if you start very early, it'll be just noise to them. All the more reason not to choose deep topics really. BUT, just as, well, toddlers, I guess, young tulpas DO care that you're interacting with them in some way, and it will make them stronger the more you do it. Basically quantity time when you don't put too much effort, but it does produce small results. They also get to know you better, or, at all, since they're starting like clean slates and can be like kinds in the fog at first. A deep fog. Or put it another way, once they get the ability to understand what you're saying, they will get into NSA mode and start learning about you through said narration. How you speak/think, yoour emotions, what you care about, whatever you put in front of them really. And since youngsters need attention to even stay awake, it's not like they'll have many options to get to know you at first, unless you active force to tell them your life story that is. If you do have questions, then you better ask rather than waste time for searching for "reputable" guides and journals. Everyone has it different tbh ans some things may not apply to you, while we, or someone else, can give you straight answers or point to sources we know.
  22. @Nightmare Season @Dark Horse The crystal mare was less than thrilled by the wordplay, and just stared at Saffron as he went over his musings. And now Peony chimed in too... Crystal Clear rolled her eyes unceremoniosuly and sighed, shaking the blanket off her foreleg back into the floor. "I would much appreciate if you refrained from comparing me to that... individual. You don't know me, or my kin to make such paralells. And frankly, I've no intent to step hoof in the Everfree. Little I may know of it, but it's more than enough to know better than to trot in there." She glanced at the waitress and headed for the door. "Since you won't let me do the right thing - and I do believe it;s the leser evil in this case - then we better head off to the gate." She didn't even look back to see what others did - the crystal mare needed some fresh air, lest she knew things would take a bad turn. The carriage was stil parked on the treet, a golden eyesore in the bare neighbourhood. Crystal Clear waited till Peony climbed in, standing by the steps like a snarky aide, then hopped in herself, swishing her tail like a whip in the air. At least her coat looke normal now. or maybe it brightened by some inner fury? Crystal ponies are strange like that... The ride was shorter than previous ones, and the cherry mare didn't daydream, but rather look out of the window as if she was offended by the lack of crystals everywhere, flexing a foreleg absentmindedly, as if planning to strike a chisel with it. Once they had solid pavement underhoof, she was still upset, but less severely than when she embarked the vehicle. The prospect to talking with guards did little to improve her spirits, but Crystal made a couple steps away from her present company and breathed deeply for a few spells to cool down. That, at last, worked. More or less. At least she didn't have to drag Peony out of another mob lynch in the making. With the practiced smile plasteres on her snout, Crystal Clear walked back to others and asked in her "clueless crystal pony" voice: "Shall we?" Being an outsider can be a pain sometimes. Especially if you're trying to get information that raises eyebrows. Crystal Clear trotted over to a pair of very bored guards who were chatting about something in the shade of the gate proper. they quickly acknowlendged her approach and straigtened out, trying to look professional or something. Crystal wasn't sure how to approach the subject, and posed her question rather awkwardly - asking whether they saw a stallion matching the descrition, added that she's looking for him, and made a hopeful smile. One actually tried to recall, but the other just waved a hoof dismissively, pointing that they see dozens of ponies every hour. Hedid point her to another guard, however, saying something about hat one having "an eye for stallions". Crystal wasn't sure what that meant, but thanked them nad went to a lone guard leaning over his spear in a guard box. Turned out he didn't have much to add, other than smartflank quips. The cherry mare ground her teeth, but thanked him for "help", and was about to try another guard when Peony waved her to approach. Saffron was also present. So was the "flower", for clarity's sake. Truth be told, Crystal's hopes were raised, and then dashed expertly right there and then. Before she knew, she was standing on the sidewalk, with safron and that strange plant between them, like foals who's parents forgot to pick up from kindergarden. "So... she doesn't want her flower to hear that stallion's banter? How thoughtful of her." The mare looked up at her companion and asked sincerely. "care for something light to drink? I should have a few bits on me, unless the cleaners lifted them off off my dress. Might as well sit in the shade while we wait. Any leads so far? I've got nothing to be frank. Ponies around here seem to be rather... unhelpful to a living relic like me." She sighed an her ears drooped, then looked around at the unfamilliar street. "It's easy money, they said... grab the bits while they're laying on the ground." Crystal chuckled humorlessly. "Should've stayed home and poor, eh?"
  23. Oof, that was a LONG wait, to be honest, but I had all sorts of things to do. On the bright side, I did my first actual scene, with background. Also, the first hints of what I hope to evolve into my own style. @MaryxMelody, here's what I came up with:
  24. Uh huh, so this is one of those "I don't care about being alive, wouldn't mind a change in this department" days. Not really fun but, whatever.

  25. Mad? Nah. Technically, they're a subtype of the three regular races so it's not like your list was horribly lacking or something. Besides, they're very rare for OC's and nearly unseen in the show proper, so it's easy to forget about them. Which makes it all the more interesting to have one - you can do some world building with their backstories.
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