Hi, I'm Twiggy. I identify as a CIS male, human-kin, omnivore, and my sexual orientation is heterosexual. My pronouns are he, him, and sometimes they (for example if you're referring to my buddies and I). My triggers are: being punched in the face, being shot, or any other sort of physical harm done to me for no reason. On my blog, I WILL tolerate all forms of free speech, and if you try to offend or poke fun at me, I won't hesitate to just laugh it off.
Avid vidya enthusiast of the PC master race.
I enjoy Anime from all genres, as well as western animation. Except for MLP:FiM. That show sucks.
Calling for the murder of police is not protected speech. And do you like the Bill of Rights? It is "literally" relavent because you mentioned the Constitution.