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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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About Twiggy

  • Birthday 1991-06-21

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    California (pls help)
  • Personal Motto
    If I die, I die.
  • Interests
    Hi, I'm Twiggy. I identify as a CIS male, human-kin, omnivore, and my sexual orientation is heterosexual. My pronouns are he, him, and sometimes they (for example if you're referring to my buddies and I). My triggers are: being punched in the face, being shot, or any other sort of physical harm done to me for no reason. On my blog, I WILL tolerate all forms of free speech, and if you try to offend or poke fun at me, I won't hesitate to just laugh it off.

    Avid vidya enthusiast of the PC master race.

    I enjoy Anime from all genres, as well as western animation. Except for MLP:FiM. That show sucks.

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Single Status Update

See all updates by Twiggy

  1. >Be against President Trump

    >Type up """witty""" comment about how his typos make him unpresidential

    >Make a typo in the criticism

    >The President makes it one of his few liked tweets so everyone can laugh at what a dumbass you are



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ra1nbowCrasH


      >He doesn't want to make america great again

      >He doesn't believe in meme-magic

      >He doesn't want to make anime and equestria real

      Why are you even here?

    3. Libra


      I'm not in the damn mood right now.

    4. Ra1nbowCrasH


      Yet here we are, going back and forth on someone else's status update.

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