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Status Updates posted by Twiggy

  1. EU once again BTFO by Based Nigel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_3qv3rxRdc

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Nigel is unbeatable. And dat guy holding a sign saying he is a liar? Sad!!

    2. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      I know he says he wouldn't make a good PM, but I think England would benefit with him as PM greatly.

  2. Glad 8chan is getting shut down. Boards like /a/ - Anschluss, /gif/ - Gay Intifada, and /ck/ - Child Killers all need to be taken down. Everything about the site and it’s users are evil. It doesn’t matter that they’ll simply congregate elsewhere please don’t use logic in my safe space. 




    1. Mini


      yeah didn't u know, everyone on 8ch is an avid contributor to /pol/

    2. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      Well, good. I never heard of it but I am glad its getting shut down.

  3. Monthly reminder that JonTron did nothing wrong.

    1. N.W.
    2. Celli


      You're damn right.

  4. These verified journos need to learn to chill and have a laugh. This is peak Trump, and it's hilarious.


    1. JonasDarkmane


      pffffffffffft hahahaha

      Jesus Christ! :'D 

    2. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Aren't those movie, and television award shows just the same thing? The categories are made up, and the trophies don't matter.

  5. I remain skeptical, but we'll see what comes of it. If Kim is smart, he knows that the only way he dies an old man in his bed is to liberalize and play nice with the west.


    1. Twiggy


      If you showed this to someone in 2015 they would think it was shopped.

  6. Thank you for the birthday wishes frens. Sorry I wasn’t online for the past couple days lol. Kid and work are keeping me busy. 

    1. EpicEnergy


      I'm a little late in saying this, but happy birthday! :yay:

    2. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      A very belated Happy Birthday, hope you are doing well

  7. E3927C70-F5DA-4CDA-B6FE-054B12242895.jpeg.10362e8190408bccd25bf9aa9ddfe6c9.jpeg

    1. JonasDarkmane


      I see they took out delighted/laugh again from this website~

    2. ZethaPonderer



      Yeahh my money's on the Palestine version. Israel version is pretty boring all things considered. In the Israel version you're already decked out with all the Pokemon you need to complete whatever objectives the game throws at your face. Not the same at all with the Palestine version where you have to catch whatever Pokemon you come across just to get by and complete your objectives. Not to mention the Pokemon in the Palestine version are pretty difficult (wild or trainer doesn't matter) compared to the Israel version all things considered.

      So to sum up: Israel version is Stupidly Easy as Final Fantasy XIII to the point that everything's on auto-pilot. Whereas, the Palestine Version is Insanely Hard comparable to NES games like Dragon Warrior 2. Pick your poison. I pick Palestine Version.

      Man these Pokemon games are getting complicated as time goes on.


  8. Always bet on Buttfeed to be wrong.


    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      Me: *Is a paragon of maturity.*




    2. JonasDarkmane


      Just the fact that the BBC even reported on this is a testimony of the MSM's failure in being partisan activist sites. 

  9. Oof


    1. Yoshi89


      I feel for those 50,000+ people who planned on taking that advice...

    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      "Great Businessmen"

  10. Man found guilty of telling a joke in the UK. Sentencing deferred to the 23rd of April. I would call the UK a joke, but those are illegal now.

    >The Marxist cries Fascism as he strikes you



    1. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      I would comment, but I'll get arrested because I'm in Scotland

  11. Good Trump


    1. JonasDarkmane


      Good Idea Bad Idea - Animaniacs and Sea of Thieves - YouTube


      tbh though, not enough. UN should be next. They just added China to the human rights council lmao


    2. Yoshi89


      Terrific move.

  12. hHErusB.jpg

    1. JonasDarkmane


      I'm not sure about this one. 

      I've always been a staunch supporter of Assad and Putin, over the United States. 

    2. Twiggy


      Same here, except for the "over the United States" part, for obvious reasons.

      Not trying to target you or anyone here with this, I just thought it was funny. It's a representation of /leftypol/, who are currently part of the 4 way free for all shitstorm currently going on on /pol/. Here's the one from the /r/The_Donald side of the shill war, which is also accurate. Redacted so as to avoid getting b&.


  13. H7o2Oqj.jpg

    1. Sir Cal Stonehoof
    2. Drunk Not I Am

      Drunk Not I Am

      This. You sir have earned TWO gold stars. 

  14. I have questions...


    1. Megas


      Pornhub continues to do more work to help people than Congress

    2. ZethaPonderer


      Sad that the porn industry is making the necessary economic impact across the globe compare to other nations’ incompetent government NOT fully utilizing Virologist or Bio-Lab Doctors researching an “anti-viral cure” of the Coronavirus for pursuit of future economic growth. 

  15. The Virgin Press vs. the Chad President.


    1. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Hearing the screeching from across the country is music to my ears.

    2. Libra


      More of "bias vs bias that makes midnight want to go into a come for the next 8 years"

  16. I’ve decided that I’m voting for Joe. 


    Joe mama


  17. Question. What makes Bakugou prime husbando material for you? I really like him too (in a platonic way), but what specifically makes him stand out to you? Just curious.

    1. Venomous


      I became attracted to Bakugou as soon as he was introduced in the anime. At first, I thought he was just cute but I fell for him much harder the more his character came to the surface. From his looks to his demeanor to his goals; I fell in love. I realized that he could do no wrong and that I would supoort him no matter what. I admire his determination. He is just perfect in my eyes. I have come to love everything about him. I know that he has quite a bit to learn but I want to be with him throughout that journey.

      He is perfect and I will always love him.

    2. Twiggy


      Pretty much the same reasons that I like him too. Just more in a bro way for me.

      The eventual team up with Midoriya to take out a giant wave of villains on their own to this track is going to be the most satisfying moment in modern anime to me.

  18. Sorry to keep you waiting folks, complicated business. http://i.magaimg.net/img/1kx.png

    1. Whirlwind
    2. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Indeed. That was a great comeback.

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Not president!... Though I still get all does money from the government, right?

    2. trademark2


      It would be mean if trump doesn't declare the emergency though

  19. Hi MLPForums. Twiggy here bringing you another cursed image. 


    1. Shiki
    2. ZethaPonderer


      Meh 5/10. Not THAT ugly. Just fishface looking. I like fish. Both as pets and food.

  20. I love how Trump can do something as benign as post a meme and it causes massive butthurt throughout the internet. 


    1. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      Trump posted something? Oh my no god he is Hitler!

    2. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      if president.current.party = Republican then

      print, president.current.name + " is literally the worst person ever! Ahhhhhh "

       set myResponse = responses("outrage of the day")

       myResponse.level = 11

      print, myResponse

      end if

  21. Every day we stray further from God's light.


    1. JonasDarkmane
    2. Phosphor


      I hope she does. It's gonna be epic when Trump wins in 2020!


    1. JonasDarkmane


      "White Pill"? :P


      Btw, did you do a video on the Virginia elections? On the extreme propaganda used there against the Republicans? 

    2. Twiggy


      white pill

      1: being aware of a difficult situation or position and having a fighting "can do" attitude and not giving up, plus accomplishing said thing(s) within the difficult situation

      2: being optimistic, not merely through gut feelings but via having thought about a situation enough to understand how to get through it successfully

      And no. I meant to at the time, but life got in the way.

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