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Thermonuclear Kitten

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Everything posted by Thermonuclear Kitten

  1. MLG Alchemy duh. I bet there is a book on it in Central.
  2. Ello! Quick Q, what is your favotie anime? Alright, now have you heard of GUNSHIP? I love their songs, one of theirs had a stunning pixel animation to go with it! https://www.google.com/search?q=gunship&oq=Gunshi&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0j5j0.8479j1j4&client=ms-android-sprint-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#q=gunship+band&mie=e%2C%2Cgunship%20revel%20in%20your%20time%2CH4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLWz9U3MDQ2S07LyVLi1U_XNzRMsigxtyjIS9YS9C0tzkx2LCrJLC4JyQ_Oz0sHAHu16RgxAAAA Let me know what you think. SAO is best.
  3. About to do create our core project for our FRL Nationals! I am the only one who can use the tools needed though....eghhh.

  4. Make it look nice if you can. Message me if you plan to work on this.
  5. EYYYYYYY! Man, Sword Art Online really gets to you doesn't it? So sad.... So good...... Yui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the main reason Like the show is because it can actually be a reality. The concept of it is not actually that far ahead of current Vr tech. It interests me so much knowing that this may actually be possible in the future! Edit = Odd, I don't remember that being the title of the topic.
  6. Ello! I was wondering if you could try this one. If you do message me about it! Thanks!
  7. This is very interesting, Bowie had a gene that changed the color of his eye to a silver/grayish color. I have the same gene, but instead it affected my hair, causing me to have a small blond/grey spot.
  8. Eyyy, talk about all stuff Titan here! Just watch out for major spoilers. If you don't know what AOT is, just uhhh... Watch this.
  9. Revel in your time. Wonderfully done.
  10. Mine tells me that I like Exotic things, unrivaled and unusual things.
  11. I know exactly how you feel. I also can tell you the time of when Minecraft was in it's Alpha and Beta stages, before yo would get the "Shut the hell up" look from others when you talked about it.
  12. I just whip out the phone, watch vids about stupid stuff. Bam, works like a charm.
  13. Nice! I like it! I think its interesting, how the new system works.
  14. Ello! If you could do an Adult Female for this, That would be amazing! It really only needs some touching-up and finishing to make it look better. Thank you so much!
  15. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: A good Friend. A good damn friend. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Reasons..... Ello! I hail from a distant Universe called New Eden. Now, the one thing you need to know about me is, Don't let me catch you in Null.
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