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Everything posted by NightmareLuna800

  1. Could you make one of my OC? Here is a picture of her. If you do make one, any base is okay, you can pick whichever you want. Unless you need me to pick one, then I can. Anyway, look forward to hearing from you!
  2. Hey, thanks for the follow! :P

    1. NightmareLuna800


      Sure, I’ll follow you. :)

  3. Just got up from bed. Good morning everypony! :P

    1. Mirage


      Good morning. :D


    2. NightmareLuna800


      @Nightmare glim, I’m pretty good! Thanks!

  4. This is cute. :mlp_rarity:


    1. Sparklefan1234


      That's the PoP (Power of Ponies) at work. 



    2. Chrylestia600
  5. Hey! You okay? You haven’t been around in a good while.. Oh, btw, I just started following you. Realized I wasn’t, haha. Thought I was this whole time. XD

    1. Mirage


      Of course I'm okay.  :D

    2. NightmareLuna800


      Great! Sorry I didn’t get back sooner, I’ve had a busy life lately, haha. :P

    3. Mirage


      It's okay - I know all about the busy. :mlp_gag:

  6. Going out for a two hour and forty four minute drive to another city. Then going back home for another two hour trip back. It’s gonna be a long drive. I’m really looking forward to it. It’s been a good while since I’ve been on a trip even this long.

  7. Hiya! Thanks for the follow! :D

    1. DivineDefender1000


      No problem, and thank you for following me. Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon appreciates it a lo:orly:

  8. Whoever is responsible for this Detective Rarity theme, you can tell them I like it. It’s really neat. I like how it made everything black and white. Detective Rarity for the win! :D

    1. Patty Thundersnow

      Patty Thundersnow

      I love the Film Noir feel that the forums have today. Love it.

    2. NightmareLuna800
  9. Hey Jeric, you don’t happen to be responsible for the Rarity invasion, do you? Haha. Not that I mind, cause I love Rarity. :D 

  10. Pouring down rain outside right now. And I’m still trying to figure out what sounds fun. :adorkable:

  11. Happy Birthday, Barpy! Sorry if I’m a bit late, haha. Didn’t get my WiFi back until a few hours ago. :balloon:

  12. Was mowing the yard last night, and I found this huge spider. :adorkable:


    1. NightmareLuna800


      Yeah, he was cool. And very fast too.

  13. Wow, I haven’t been here in a while.. What’d I miss? And how’s everypony been? :)

  14. It’s officially my second oldest sister’s birthday today! She just turned 9 years old! She’s got gifts, and we’re going out to the restaurant she chose for dinner. Golden Corral!

  15. Well, the 1234 brohoofs curse is past from me... Unless someone removes one. DUN DUN DUN!

    1. Br O N Y

      Br O N Y

      I gave you another one, so that you don't have to worry about that anymore.

  16. Happy Birthday, Pripyat! You are a talented person! Thank you for everything you’ve done for me! You definitely deserve a day! :D:balloon:

  17. 1234.. Can’t get away from it. First, I walked into a room, and saw the clock at 12:34 PM, and now my brohoofs.. This is getting weird. XD

    1. NightmareLuna800


      Maybe.. but what if.. IT IS A SIGN OF BAD LUCK? Somehow.. Not really sure how or why though. XD

  18. Well, turns out, to help the family save more money, I’m moving to my uncle’s old house. It’s actually only a little ways down the street. It’s a pretty nice place. I’m sure I’ll be alright there. It’s definitely going to be an interesting change though after all these years..

  19. Another early morning.. And man I’m as tired as.. I’ve got nothing. I’m too tired.. Good morning everypony!

  20. Well, I’m here early.. Good morning everypony! :P

    1. Johnny1226


      Good morning Luna 

    2. Sparklefan1234


      Good Morning, My Friend! :squee:

  21. Happy Father’s Day to all dads on the forum! :P


    1. Mirage


      Thank you my friend!

  22. Well.. I feel better now. Not how I did last night. Bet it was cause I had too much caffeine. XD

    1. Nyankee-No4


      caffeeine is bad 

  23. Right now I feel very bored.. unenthusiastic.. And not like myself.. Not sure what’s going on, heh.

  24. I've been wondering, what exactly does the Teacup reaction mean?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CypherHoof


      There definitely ISN'T a teacup conspiracy; and if there were, trixie's false teacups would not count (even if they are the same as the ones Starlight makes in ELTSD)

    3. NightmareLuna800


      @A.V. Ooooh, thanks for the answer.

    4. Widdershins


      Well... this does go a great way towards proving my theory that magic is entirely based on focus, thereby relegating "Chaos" magic as a sort of focusless, "wild" magic.

      ...on the other tentacle.....WHY TEACUP?!!? WHAT DOES IT MEEEEAN!??! AUUUUGH!!  

      *flees screaming into the distance*

  25. It always seems very quiet when I stop by here lately.. I wonder why.

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Because you are the night. :orly:



    2. NightmareLuna800


      True.. Lol. * Hugs back*

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