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About TheWhiteBowser

  • Birthday 1993-04-29

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  • Location
    Inside a Sharknado
  • Personal Motto
    There is no greater genius than knowing the smartest way to be stupid
  • Interests
    Video Editing, WWE, Sharknado, Marvel, DC, MLP, Gravity Falls, Left wing Christianity, Comedy, Oreo Milkshakes.

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    Everfree Forest

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  1. I'm not sure how I feel about this episode. On one hand there's no reason to dislike it. It has continuity, character development, and a great morale/life lesson. In fact there should be very little reason to not like this episode, and yet I still can't figure out why I didn't like it. Perhaps its the timing? Yall can't argue that out of all the mane 6 RD evolved the fastest as a character. She is the most changed. Seriously I'm just now getting a new friend into the show and we're watching MLP together and its blatantly obvious the two most evolved character of the mane 6 are RD and Twilight. Rarity and AJ have had their moments too I'm not denying that. And if we exclude Glims from here because it's obvious that if she were in this equation she would be the most evolved character but let's focus on the mane 6. Lately Pinkie Pie seems to have stagnated as a character completely. She hasn't had any development since Pinkie Pride. In fact I would dare say she back-pedaled and lost some of her original charm for me. Now Pinkie is just lol random and that can get annoying when I look at the rest of the cast. Flutters on the other hand is a mix bag. She had little to no character development for 4 seasons. Hell it was only just last season when she finally had a big moment in Flutter Brother. Maybe that is the reason why I don't like this episode. The timing. It took Fluttershy 7 seasons to finally have her moment and it wasn't even that grande, comparing the multiple RD, and Twilight episodes were they have their moment and accomplish their dreams, this one seems underwhelming to say the least. It's like we reached the finish line and realize it was only a 1 mile long race instead of a great big accomplishing marathon. The payoff for waiting seems forced when the goal was so simple. Even though RD has accomplished her dream she still has a long way to go in her journey, as does Twilight, Rarity, and Starlight. But much like Applejack I don't see where Fluttershy can go from here. Then again, Fluttershy wasn't always known for having "big dreams". So in essence there is no reason to dislike this episode in my opinion because it still has everything a great episode needs, continuity, character development, and great lesson/morale, its just the timing of this whole thing seems forced and there's little telling what's next. Still I have to say way better than last week's episode.
  2. Just thought you would like to see this. It's my new Youtube and Twitter header. Thanks again for drawing my OC!
  3. Thank you. I love it. Keep up the good work
  4. I think people fail to realize something. The difference between ignorance and arrogance. Ignorance is honestly harmless. It simply means you have no intuition about a certain topic or situation, so that when you try to act on it with assumption you will get yourself in trouble. It's simply a lack of knowledge, i.e. what we seem to be arguing over. Arrogance is when someone purposefully picks on someone knowing full well they are sensitive to the topic or situation. Bullies are arrogant because they don't care to know who they hurt with their words or actions. I was not trying to be arrogant, but I think it was ignorant of you to assume I was being arrogant. That's why I called you such a term.
  5. ... -_- There are a billion other things that are much more rude to say about any piece of art in this world besides just "the contrast is horrible". Please bruh you have NO IDEA how harsh some people can be critiquing art. And we artists have to take everything in stride no matter how brutally honest it may be. Because that's how you get better. I've been told much much more malicious and rude things about my pieces of art in the past and I didn't run away to a safe zone because of it. I worked harder and harder and got better and better. Now I'm a fulltime freelance video editor that spends every single dang day in Adobe Premiere. I don't even play video games anymore I'm so dedicated to my craft. Next time try not to be so ignorant please. Thank you.
  6. Oh wow geez... I'm all of a sudden getting crucified over suggesting a very minor tweak in the coloring. I've been in contact with this person for a long time now and I assure you I have told them that they are doing a fantastic job as an artist. And I know this is a free request. That doesn't mean it is immune to improvement. Lastly. I said nothing in my quote that was mean. I merely suggested an improvement on the aforementioned drawing. Please point to where I said something malicious because it sounds like you're just pointlessly painting me as a bad person. I don't appreciate that at all. I myself am an artist. And if I was doing a free request for someone I don't think I would mind making a simple color adjustment to the piece. I've talked with this person, her and I are on good terms. Why you have to make me sound like I have ill will against anyone is beyond me.
  7. could you perhaps use a much much lighter and opaque shade of red for the magic sparkles? The contrast is horrible.
  8. Well I'm back. I finished my next music video a week behind too. Something I'm not entirely fond of. But that's okay. I also found material for an Equestria Girls PMV. Guess I gotta get back to work again. :P

  9. TheWhiteBowser

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Also another shameless plug for the music video I just finished.
  10. TheWhiteBowser

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    It finally happened. I have given in to the cancer...
  11. I'm going to be super inactive on all platforms of social media for the next few weeks. I am super behind on my music video production schedule and need to crack down and get busy. Sorry guys.

  12. Basically why I've been so inactive. Been working on this constantly.

  13. Yo I just finished my kinetic typography AMV of Steven Universe! Check it out guys!
  14. TheWhiteBowser

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    SHAMELESS PLUG WARNING!!! This is why I've been so inactive lately. Been working so hard on this.
  15. TheWhiteBowser

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Bruh listen there is no insect on this earth that can win against those giant beetles of the animal kingdom. Trust me watch those insect fight videos on youtube. Besides being hilarious the beetles in the fight 95% always win.
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