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About Cheerilee

  • Birthday 2003-06-26

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Personal Motto
    I no longer listen to what people say. I just watch what they do. Behavior never lies.
  • Interests
    Astronomy, Alternate History, Cryptids, Ufology, Politics, and Cartography

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Everfree Empire Roleplay

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Diamond Tiara
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Crystal Pony
  • Best Princess
    Spoiled Rich
  • Best Mane Character
  • Best CMC
    Sweetie Belle
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
    Silver Spoon
  • Best Episode
    The Perfect Pear
  • Best Season

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242,389 profile views

Cheerilee's Achievements

Element of Harmony

Element of Harmony (23/23)

  • Smoothie Scavenger Search
  • Creating Forums Unity
  • Letters for Hearts n' Hooves Day 2024
  • Sharing Kindness 2024
  • Moon Party 2023

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  1. I can't wait until I get home from school, and then I can brush the thought of school away, at least for 2 days.

    1. Iam


      I have the same feeling. Thought my school ends at 4 PM today (the latest ending time in a week, I'm happy that my two last hours are ethics, where I can talk and discuss many moral dilemmas, for example.

    2. Kevin Tang

      Kevin Tang

      Me too!

      But, 2 days are short so use your time wisely. :bea:

    3. Tacodidra


      I hope you have a nice weekend! :kindness:

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