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Stone Cold Steve Jobs

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Everything posted by Stone Cold Steve Jobs

  1. Interview tomorrow. Wish me luck.

  2. The latest in a long stream of insults to your intelligence.

  3. It isn't such a big deal to me. Every christmas is a sparse christmas here.
  4. IMG_4038.GIF

    1. Rainy_days


      Dark, but funny

    2. Widdershins


      "Last Chance Orphanage" Heheh, good ol' rubbin'-it-in humor!

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      I think I know what to get you for Christmas this year @Widdershins: how about a middle aged orphan from the "It's Never Too Late Adult Orphanage"?

  5. The only way to beat writers block is to just write. Sit yourself down and force yourself to. It may not come out how you want at first but it will be something. Be sure to have an outline of what you hope to accomplish in each chapter. Proof read. And don't worry so much. I don't know much about that website but it won't be the end of the world if it doesn't come out how you were hoping. Just keep trying. You will improve regardless of whether you do well or poorly on your story.
  6. IMG_4722.JPG

    1. Widdershins


      "He did always think that I couldn't out-benchpress him.."

  7. This is why i hired Buddy The Elf. *sacks @Widdershins, @Fluttershy Friend, @Woohoo*
  8. I'm going to make a new Call of Duty game called Call of Duty: Stone Age. It will boast all sorts of classic weapons, like Rock, Stick, Rock with a slightly sharper bit on one end, small Rock for throwing, and Fire. Except nobody can use Fire because everyone is terrified of it. Killstreaks? Oh you bet we have those. If you get a killstreak, you can use the power of Malaria, where you get really sick and too weak to use your Rock anymore, but instead you can walk up to enemies and cough on them to make them sick too. But you have to hurry because you won't live for very long.

    Downloadable content ? Sure there is some. You can pay $3.99 for some dye made from berries and you can use it to disguise your Rock as the legendary Rock with some dye on it.

    Also there is an excellent chance you will be hunted by wild animals just as often as your enemies in game. So you need to watch out for that.

    Call of Duty: Stone Age. Let us take you back. WAAAAAAAY BACK.

    1. Libra


      And IGN will still give it 9.7/10

    2. Widdershins


      Calla Dooty: Shootaman!

      Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure they already did a Stone Age revamp of the, whattayacallit, Assassin' Greed or somethin'.

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Also you don't have to worry about that bothersome story mode either. Because writing was not quite invented yet.

  9. *attempts to hit snowball back at @Fluttershy Friend with baseball bat but being me, I fail tremendously*
  10. I dreamt last night that I woke up coughing up blood. And apparently my subconscious values sleep over anything else because I proceeded to roll over to sleep more and deal with that shit in the morning.

    1. Widdershins


      That's prolly one of dem dar symbolic dreams or somethin'. I used to have repeating dreams of my teeth falling out.

    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      How many quarters did the tooth fairy give you?

  11. Stevie Ray Vaughan. No further description required.

  12. I hired a man who claims to be a king in his country to ensure these snowballs do not contain rocks again. If any of them do, forward all complaints to him, not me. *throws balls of snow at @Widdershins, @The_Gobo, @Trotteur Sauvage, @Storminess, @Fluttershy Friend, and @Someguyinablazer* Wait, hang on...
  13. Hope you're doing well, man.

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      I'm fine, thank you. :)

  14. I'm told today is some holiday thing. So happy holiday thing. I like your antics and kindness.

    (Drink whiskey)

    1. Le Trotteur Sauvage

      Le Trotteur Sauvage

      A holiday ? :blink: On the 26 of november ? :confused: What holiday is this ^^ ? :D

      But hey, thank you  ! ^_^

  15. Without a doubt my favorite guitarist of all time. RIP Stevie Ray Vaughan.

    1. Widdershins


      That's... I thought he was playing with his palm there for a moment! Lookit him just drenched in sweat from his preformance! That's... that's creative freedom there. That's happiness... think I just blew a blood vessel in my nose from blushing so hard from the awesomeness!

       Sooo awe-some!:wub:

    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stevie Ray Vaughan may have been one of the greatest guitarists of all time, though he considered himself to be behind Jimi Hendrix in talent. Hendrix, to be fair, was known for playing his guitar with his teeth!

      Shame they both died young. Stevie's brother still plays though.

  16. Roses are grey

    Violets are grey

    Everything is grey

    I am a dog

  17. IMG_4758.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Better to have the guy with the emotional maturity of a 12 year old than the murderous hag with the emotional maturity of a 5 year old.

    3. Widdershins


      Either way, I'm surprised my family somehow made it into the white house!

    4. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      "Keeping Up With the Widders"?

  18. Anyone in retail, we wish you luck in the battle tomorrow. Or tonight, depending on your schedule. Remember to wear armor and a helmet.

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