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Lonely Fanboy48

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Everything posted by Lonely Fanboy48

  1. No thanks about the Discord thing. I can only do that kind of stuff when I'm 21 or older because I still don't know how to do that stuff. Anyway after I watch the Season 7 premiere I make a YouTube video of skits of scenes I react to in the episodes. This of course is my first time so please take it easy.
  2. I thought they will end it with the movie because to me there running out of ideas on MLP and EG.
  3. I want to react to MLP just like Bronies do and FlightForce makes MLPForums reacts so I want to be part of his react videos. I do sub to his channel and I'll make a skit of clips me reacting to the premiere. Now just to let you know I'm not skilled of editing my videos so I might make some mistakes on my skits, This is my 1st time doing this so respect of what I do. Anyway if he lets me to do it I'll try my best in my skits (I know season 7 isn't released, I'm just getting ahead with this). Can someone email this to him?
  4. It's almost been a year since Flurry Heart made her appearance in The Crystalling and her appearances in The Times There Are A Changeling And Where And Back Again. And since season 7 is about to air soon, my predictions of Flurry might be unexpected. We all see what she can do when she first introduce. She's an alicorn and make shocking magic powers. Now I get she lives in the Crystal Empire (where we get limit of character appearances) But she should have more of a purpose then being a baby. They should have an episode of her of how she gets more character with her magic. 2017 should be unexpected for MLP.
  5. Now I get she's Maxed out as a character but seeing the Season 7 info we got recently Twilight is getting less and less weaker. In my Top 5 Reasons Why Human And Princess Twilight Should Interact In The Specials (heres a link) EG Top 5 Reasons Why Human And Princess Twilight Should Interact In The Specials I said of how Princess Twilight is getting useless. And the episode I watch in season 6 she doesn't have anything to do expect doing her thing. I hope she gets more episodes in season 7.
  6. I just hope That in the Equestria Girls Specials they will at least do what I want them to do otherwise this will get dump down for me.
  7. Bet that everything will change for MLP this year, same goes to the Equestria Girls Specials and the movie.
  8. Here's a link My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Season 7 Episode 1 "Celestial Advice" [Teaser] I bet things will change a lot for this year of MLP just by looking at the teaser, same goes to the Equestria Girls Specials and the movie.
  9. Now we can all argee that Equestria Girls Specials can only have 3. But if you have the power to make Equestria Girls a TV Show what will you do with it? I know this is kind of like the wishlist topic but I only made 3 ideas because there's going to be 3 Specials is year. (I have little ideas on this being a TV show so I can only think of 3 and if there's going to be a EG 5 movie, it will probably be the last movie of the series in my world) What will you do with the development of the characters, the story arks, and the human world itself?
  10. I know this is not canon because they just sometimes want to have both series apart since after Rainbow Rocks. Rainbow Rocks was the last movie to feature Princess Twilight as a main Character and after that she's only in delete scenes, cameos, and mentions. If they keep doing this way I probably get burned out from this spin off series. I get people prefer to have both series apart because they either hat EG or prefer it that way but for what I see in the ending of Legend Of Everfree it shows to us that this is really canon. I bet in future EQ projects (Like the specials) will have both series come to gather (Like Human Twilight and Princess Twilight talking to each other). I know it might cause chaos but just looking at the ending this Spin Off series might be close to come to an end and they should have people (Like the Mane 7) are shocked that the statue by the school is getting out of control.
  11. If they ever going to do that it will probably be Princess Twilight Taking Starlight with her in the Human world. That's what I see because seeing a Human Starlight Glimmer doesn't make any sense for the Equestria Girls spin off series.
  12. In my Opinion, the best Season Finale from this show. We get new characters, a fun story, and the songs are great. My Favorite new character from this finale is Princess Cadence. She has a charming personally and her relationship with Twilight is sweet. I wish we get to see more of her young self in the future so we get to find out why she left Twilight. My favorite song from this is Love Is In the Bloom, its a great ending theme to this finale and for this show. My Rating: 9/10
  13. If you guys are just disagreeing this just because she's in EG or hate EG then no. I don't think Hasbro is trying to have both Series away I just think they trying to give Sunset more development and trying to find new ideas. Also she's a pony even she's in the Human world a lot. Besides I want her to be in the movie, not as a main character but helping the mane 6 for a little since people call her one of the mane 7 in EG (even if it's a difference).
  14. Image this: Sunset helping the mane 6 (In the Pony World) to save Equestria. I know she's always in Equestria Girls but her in this movie will be great. Maybe will get to see her meeting Starlight Glimmer for the 1st time or other characters she hasn't meet in Equestria Girls. What do you think? I know shes in EG but she's a Pony Counterpart and I herd rumors that she will return to Equestria. Its almost been 4 years since she's in EG and never been in FIM.
  15. Here are the top 5 reasons why in the Specials that Human And Princess Twilight should interact with each other. I also made videos like this and other rants with reviews on a playlist. Heres a link down in the paragraph for you to watch them on my channel. I know your not here for that (even though I want you to do it) but I decide to type down in paragraphs. So I hope your you will understand what I'm coming from. Reason Number 1 Less Princess Twilight In Equestria Girls Even Since after Rainbow Rocks Princess Twilight is seeing less and less in EQ. She only appeared in Deleted Scenes, only make a minor appearance in Friendship Games in 20 seconds, and is mention a couple times in Legend Of Everfree. Now we all can Agree that she's busy in Equestria and it did work for FG when she had problems with Starlight Glimmer but thats because I was fine with it. In Friendship Games I have mix feelings will that movie, I found it half good, but also half weak due to weak villains and some songs. But my problems with Legend Of Everfree is that she didn't appear in the movie. Now I get she didn't need to be in that movie but to me I want her to help Human Twilight to confront Midnight Sparkle (The same she did to Nightmare Moon And Sunset Shimmer) Now It won't help for Sunset's development in LOE but I'll get to that later. My point is Princess Twilight being in less Equestria Girls is kind of sad for because she hasn't been in the Spin Off series for 2 movies. And the portal she made was really pointless since she use it 3 times and the 1st time was serious while the other times are just minor. Later in this you will understand why Princess Twilight should return in the Specials. Reason Number 2 Spike The Human Worlds Spike is nothing special. When he got the ability to talk in FG he didn't do anything helpful and just like LOE, but more useless then the last movie. I get there making him more different then the Spike in FIM but the reason why the Equestria Spike is better is because he has a lot more Development in the show. In EG and RR he did helpful things for the characters and had great lines in the movies. This Human World Version of Spike is really weak. He has less develipment in the movies and doesn't to anything for this Spin Off series. My point is that both Spikes should have scenes together so the Spike in the Spin Off series might get Development. But by the looks of this, the only things I can think of for the Soike from the Spin Off is doing Dog Things (Still no excuse for this development for him), Probably has a crush on Fluttershy (In my opinion), And lastly he gave Midnight Sparkle the puppy eyes look in order to get Twilight Sparkle to snap out of it (probably the only useful thing he ever did). Reason Number 3 Flash Sentry's Character Development Now I get all the Flash backlash it got after the 1st movie but I don't hate Flash at all but his Development is just sad for not only me, but for the people who Ship this. Now I'm not a shipper of this but I'm in the middle of Hate and Ship boat on this. After the 1st Movie we see less and less of Flash Sentry, to the point where his relationship between Twilight is getting less and less development. And Human Twilight finds him less Interested in him and in LOE he's in love with Timber. Sunset tells him about tough love and... I didn't like it because Princess Twilight wasn't in that movie to see this. Now I get that Flash and Twilight can't be together because there in different worlds but my problems is that the Flash Sentry in Equestria is WAY MORE useless then the one in the human world since Princess Twilight never talk to him (even if he lives in the Crystal Empire). The thing I don't like for Flash haters is the backlash of this Development. I get he's predicable but still, Princess Twilight never talked to him since RR and wasn't okay with the sort of reunion on Sunset and Flash. All we get from them is that they broke up and thats it. And the next reason should explain more about this. Reason Number 4 Sunset Shimmer's Relationship In the 1st movie she's a villain until the end of the movie, and after that she a protagonist and one of BOTH Twilights friends. Now I'm talking about her Relationship will Princess Twilight. In RR we only get one scene between the two in Pinkie Pie's slumber party and... thats it. After this we got nothing but a delete scene and Sunset writing to her in FG. We never get Any development between the 2 since RR (again with RR), and to me it makes the movies a little dump down for me. I get they might separating the two series but the relationship got weak because of this. Just because Sunset can handle friendship on her own doesn't mean Princess Twilight shouldn't come back. As for Sunset's Relationship with Human Twilight, she's basically Princess Twilight but knows the Human world. Thats something I don't like in LOE is the Sunset's Development is what I want see Princess Twilight do for Human Twilight. I know Sunset needs a reason to be in LOE but I think she learns more about friendship that she should come back to Equestria. Now before you say anything I get some people say she's a costume to Canterlot High, however she's a pony counterpart from Equestria even she wants to be alone. Thats why in the Wishlist topic I said this: When Sunset thinked about staying at Canterlot High. Human Sunset tells Sunset Shimmer that when your out of Canterlot High and back home things will go back to normal even if she missed her Human Counterparts friends. She now realized she belongs to to the Pony world and says goodbye to everyone in Canterlot High. When Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer came back to Equestria Princess Twilight tore up the portal so nothing bad will happen again. Sunset meets Twilights friends and even Princess Celestia who really miss her for all this time. Now I'm not sure that theres going to be a Human Sunset Shimmer but if it did happen that should be the way to end the spin off series. I hope Princess Twilight have talks with Sunset about the Flash Sentry thing because She wasn't aware of that since RR. Reason Number 5 The Unpredictable Paring Story Ark On my god this was something I want to say in a LONG time. In case you don't know Pinkie Pie did mention that theres a Human Twilight Sparkle to Princess Twilight in the 1st movie and in the 3rd movie she did the same thing expect she talk to Human Twilight about Princess Twilight. And at the end of FG Princess Twilight meets Human Twilight (Kind of) and thats it. I get that was sub-posts to be funny but it also had us thinking on what's going to happen next for the 4th movie. Look I know in Twilight Sparkle Sleepover Surprise they kind of interact but only Princess Twilight Liking her Human Counterpart shoes and Sunset Talking to her about what happen in FG. My point is that the Counterparts Pairing with each other, in LOE what I want to see in that movie was having Princess Twilight Helping Human Twilight. Now I get it, she didn't needed to be in that movie but for everything that go'd in LOE it made me depressed and almost thinking of myself, whats the point of this movie? But that isn't until the end of this movie when the Stature by the school, magic is leaking from it. Now I didn't like that movie because of everything that's exacuted. But do you know what I want to see from this? There Paring relationship. All the reasons I said should be fixed and the Interactions between the two will be unpredictable. Like knowing each world and working together to fix the magic from the stature. I hope they will do this for real. Anyway thats my Top 5 Reasons. As for the info we get I'm getting less worried about this. I don't think it can work, Like Starlight Glimmer. It kind off works with Daring Do but Starlight, not so much. Heres what I think, I don't think we will get a Human Starlight Glimmer. I think Princess Twilight might take Starlight will her to the human world (thats all I can think of from this idea) Hopefully the Specials might do what I want to see otherwise this will get Dump down for me if it kelps going. Equestria Girls Rants and Reviews 15 videos Play all Play now
  16. What about Human And Princess Twilight Interacting? (Please can someone respond to this.)
  17. I'm hoping they will finally have Human And Princess Twilight interact with each other since Princess Twilight hasn't been in a lot in Equestria Girls in the past 2 years.
  18. I made rants about this on YouTube almost a year ago and that was something I really want to see in Legend Of Everfree even it didn't happen. And now that the Specials are in the works My 1st Wishlist of the Specials was this Here's my list: 1. Princess Twilight and Human Twilight interacting with each other I made rants about this because I love to see this. I know that they kind of interact in Twilights Sleepover Suprise they kind talked but they barely know each other. Also I want Princess Twilight to be in Legend Of Everfree because I want to see her help Human Twilight with her magic. (I know it won't work for that movie but I didn't like Legend Of Everfree because of the problems in that movie. Heres my links review of that movie, Lonely Reviews: Equestria Girls Legend Of Everfree (Part 1/2) REUPLOAD and https://youtu.be/KDLQlDIi1PU)Its one of my top wishlist to wish that might happen. I know its kind of out of place but like I said I made Rants about this on Youtube on my channel of Lonely Fanboy48. Anyway they try to talk to Flash Sentry about Princess Twilight not being in Canterlot High and Twilight says she really loves him but she refuse to say that but Flash understands because Sunset told him about tough love and even thought she really miss Princess Twilight she will always be her friend. Human Twilight really likes her Pony counterpart and feels interest on what she really is. Princess Twilight tells her what she does in Equestria and Human Twilight tells her about the events of Friendship Games, Legend Of Everfree, and also Midnight Sparkle. The other characters try to figure out whats going with the Magic coming from. When Human Twilight and Princess Twilight meets there friends and they had a great day with each other and they glad they hing out in Canterlot High Now I know that Princess Twilight didn't need to be in Legend Of Everfree but I didn't like the 4th Movie because of her not appearing. I made a revisit of that movie on why I still didn't like it and here the links of the revisit I Made https://youtu.be/GQ--0AOq2I8 https://youtu.be/G9fDsoKQJDY (My Predictions changed so my wishlist is my real Predictions) Anyway I hope Hasbro will have the both Twilights have scenes for after 2 years after Friendship Games.
  19. I make MLP Reviews on my Youtube channel by the same name and this April I'm doing MLP Month again. The last time I did this was in December.

  20. I Make MLP Reviews on my YouTube Channel on the same name along will other material.

  21. Here's the playlist of MLP Month 2016

  22. We will see what happens then. Whats your opinions on my other 2 wish special ideas?
  23. Here's my list: 1. Princess Twilight and Human Twilight interacting with each other I made rants about this because I love to see this. I know that they kind of interact in Twilights Sleepover Suprise they kind talked but they barely know each other. Also I want Princess Twilight to be in Legend Of Everfree because I want to see her help Human Twilight with her magic. (I know it won't work for that movie but I didn't like Legend Of Everfree because of the problems in that movie. Heres my links review of that movie, Lonely Reviews: Equestria Girls Legend Of Everfree (Part 1/2) REUPLOAD and https://youtu.be/KDLQlDIi1PU)Its one of my top wishlist to wish that might happen. I know its kind of out of place but like I said I made Rants about this on Youtube on my channel of Lonely Fanboy48. Anyway they try to talk to Flash Sentry about Princess Twilight not being in Canterlot High and Twilight says she really loves him but she refuse to say that but Flash understands because Sunset told him about tough love and even thought she really miss Princess Twilight she will always be her friend. Human Twilight really likes her Pony counterpart and feels interest on what she really is. Princess Twilight tells her what she does in Equestria and Human Twilight tells her about the events of Friendship Games, Legend Of Everfree, and also Midnight Sparkle. The other characters try to figure out whats going with the Magic coming from. When Human Twilight and Princess Twilight meets there friends and they had a great day with each other and they glad they hing out in Canterlot High 2. Meeting Human Sunset Shimmer At the end of the 1st Special they ran into Human Sunset and in the 2nd Special they were all shocked and they need to find a way to fix this. The mane 5 hing out with Human Sunset while the others need to think about the people at Canterlot High about this problem. Sunset decides to tell everyone the truth that she wasn't belong in the Human World and she was from the Pony world. I think this might happen consering that people want a Human Sunset Shimmer and I bet that characters like Flash Sentry might be shock about this. When Flash meets Human Sunset she's kind of nice and wants to be with boys. (I don't know I have little of thinking here) At the end of the 2nd Special they finally saw the portal stature going out of control because of Midnight Sparkle destroyed the top of it. 3. The End of Equestria Girls When the magic going out of control 2 new villains (Who I can't think of right now) are about take over the Human world. Due to there magic be very strong Princess Twilight needs more help, so she need her Mane 5 (Witch will we get more interactions of the pony and human counterparts) to end this madness once an for all. When they stop the 2 villains they come to the realization that stuff will go more heywire if 2 portals will still stay the same with magic going through the portals. Most of the Special just contains of a new Song and they try to make another Horse Statue to prevent the magic going out of control again and they succeed. When Sunset thinked about staying at Canterlot High. Human Sunset tells Sunset Shimmer that when your out of Canterlot High and back home things will go back to normal even if she missed her Human Counterparts friends. She now realized she belongs to to the Pony world and says goodbye to everyone in Canterlot High. When Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer came back to Equestria Princess Twilight tore up the portal so nothing bad will happen again. Sunset meets Twilights friends and even Princess Celestia who really miss her for all this time. And thus the Spin Off series comes to an end! So there's my Wishlist I hope you respond to me so I can see your thoughts on my personal wishlist.
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