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Lonely Fanboy48

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Everything posted by Lonely Fanboy48

  1. I'm here. before you ask no I won't be able to join the Discord Server if that's not a problem with you. Also what's a PM? Because I really don't know what that means
  2. All I have to say is that's probably going to be my dream home in Ponyville.
  3. I upload this just today to end my MLP Marathon. Anyway enjoy this review.
  4. Probably going to fix the portal or wait for a little longer to use something powerful to fix it. Anyway I hope my hopes will happen in this special and maybe it will be the best out of the specials. It might have Human and Princess Twilight interacting and fix all the problems I have with Equestria Girls.
  5. This was something I made almost a year ago, About Human Twilight and Princess Twilight interacting in LOE. I'm new so my video isn't really that good and this was 3 months before LOE came out. I know it's old news but I'm still talking about this topic even to this day. I made this video on my iPad and the app I use to put everything together is Splice (and Soon I did some editing with it)
  6. Hey Flight Force. I made my reaction skit on the season 7 premiere of MLP on YouTube.


     I did my best effort.

    1. Flight Force

      Flight Force

      Awesome! Thanks so much for being in this! :D

  7. Well thanks for making this even more dumb down for me. no offense
  8. I know the spin off series is getting better, but I feel dump down after watching these movies. Because of the things are changing and Princess Twilight not appearing at all. It just feels empty since LOE came out. I made Reviews of this on Youtube and LOE is the weaker in my opinion. Look, I get that there trying to make EG getting better with it's identity but that's the problem for me. The 1st 2 movies were find but after that, it feels sad. Especially that Flash Sentry got over Princess Twilight even that Princess Twilight isn't aware of that. Why that's a problem? Because it just feels hammered in. I know it's supposed to be a good scene but it just feels cruel when the 2 never talk to each other about this. If there suppose to make the 2 series apart they should fix stuff before the tough love thing. This really made me feel bad for Flash now. Now I'm not a shipper between Twilight and Flash, but I don't hate Flash, He's just a something that EG have for original characters. My ideas in the specials is that Princess Twilight should know that Flash move on. If that happens with them talking, I would be fine with that. I know there's little info we have in the Specials but they should fix everything that happen in LOE. But if it doesn't happen, then this will get dumb down.
  9. If your into Fanfics, I made a Fanfic about Human and Princess Twilight. It's called The Counterparts Hang out and its on Written Fan Works. I'm not spamming, i'm just being friendly. 

    1. Silver Note

      Silver Note

      Sounds amazing, I'll definitely check that out. I love writing Fanfics also, but I haven't finished any of mine yet. :P

  10. We should support this guy and his family.
  11. Look guys the reason why I perfure Pony Starlight is because of the portal in front of Canterlot High. Now I get everyone Counterpart can be different, but that's no always the case. Like the Mane 5, They may have some tweets with their character but they are mostly the same in the show. Human Starlight just can't work in the Specials, I mean Human Daring Do might but the same can't say with Human Starlight. Even if she's going to be a different character, it won't work with the situation with the portal leaking Magic. Here's my thing with Pony Starlight, I think Princess Twilight can't do this even with her friends so she needs Starlight for some help. I know that's not enough material but the Portal needing a stature can take a very long time. Also Princess Twilight Should come back so everything like the Flash thing can be fixed since Sunset told him about tough love (that scene could of been better if Princess Twilight knows about that) Maybe they will settle this because of Princess Twilight not appearing in CHS and Human Twilight not into Flash. If there going to have 2 series split apart like this it will probably get dumb down for me. Here's the thing, I thing the Spin Off series might get weaker if this keeps going with no resolution. I like the 1st movie, 2nd movie is better, 3rd is less better then the 1st, but 4th, even if people think it's the 2nd best, I'm sorry I found it the weak of the films. The plot was predictable, The Flash interacts is just sad and cruel, The songs where great thought, but the person who gets corrupted with Magic makes me believe that Magic are now Drugs in these movies. Also the thing that will I'll never get over is that Princess Twilight not appearing in LOE. If there going to keep this series going they should aleast pick up what LOE end off with.
  12. I saw the Season 7 Premiere and Starlight gets to stay with Twilight. I think the info we got from Equestria Girls might be the Starlight Glimmer as her Pony counterpart. Here's the thing, I don't think we are going to get a Human Starlight Glimmer because I don't think it will work. It will probably be kind of dark in the Human world and it will be impossible that Human Starlight will do all of that. Even if the Spin Off series and the TV show isn't supposed to be taken seriously all the time but still. I hope Princess Twilight will come back to the Spin Off Series to not only interact with Human Twilight, but show Starlight Glimmer the world where Sunset Shimmer is. I bet people want to see Sunset and Starlight interact as well.
  13. A very decent premiere. Celestial Advice is my favorite from the 2. I bet Starlight Glimmer (Pony) might be part of the Equestria Girls Specials just by looking at the end of the episode.
  14. Final Chapter 2 Worlds Becoming Normal In The Future Twilights, Spikes, Starlight, and Flash went back to the Everfree forest. “It’s up to us Spikes. We have to snap out of Gloriosa and Timber.” Flash Sentry said. “I will try to get your friends out of their spells. I’m sure I can pony up somehow”. Starlight said. “Then me and Twilight will take down the Dazzlings. And I will get those Gem Pendants away from them because they might get more magic again and they will prepare them again.” “And after that there going back to Equestria.” Princess Twilight said. “Why?” Human Twilight question. “Because they are also from Equestria. You want both worlds normal, than you will get it.” Human Twilight smiled and they began with their plan. The Dazzlings continue to torture the Mane 6. “You won’t get away with this!” Sunset said. Sonata Dusk said “Oh yeah? Who’s going to stop us?” Twilight’s group are behind of the Sirens. “Ok Spike, go distract the Dazzlings, I’ll go help Gloriosa and Timber.” Spike (Equestria) said. “I’m ready to do my thing!” Spike (EG) said. Flash tries to keep the 2 Spikes safe as sound by keeping an eye on them. Meanwhile Starlight tries to save the Mane 6. She tries to pony up but she doesn't know how to. Human and Princess Twilight try to use their counterpart magic to take down the Siren’s. Human Twilight still has her geodes and Princess Twilight needs to use singing powers in order to stop the Sirens. “Ok, time to take the Sirens once and for all!” Both Twilights said. Human Twilight try to use her geodo to stop the Dazzlings but she can’t. “You gotta do better then that Twilight!” Adagio said. Human Twilight said “ I will not fall!” Princess Twilight tries to use her counterspell on them by having Human Twilight trying to take down the spells but Human Twilight is still failing. “Starlight you have to get are friends out of there!” Princess Twilight said “I’m trying! This is way too hard.” Starlight said. Then Princess Twilight said “Do it! Yes you can! This is not hard at all. Magic doesn't only come from Equestria, it’s always everywhere!” “But Twilight-” Human Twilight interrupted Starlight “Please Starlight! Your are only hope!” Flash stays away from the Sirens and the 2 Spikes are failing to stop the spell on Gloriosa and Timber. Princess Twilight said “Do what your cutie mark does to everyone!” Then Starlight manage to pony up and stop the spells on the Mane 6 and they all pony up. They use their super power to get their geodos back their necks. Princess Twilight got pony up and the Sirens are in trouble. The spell on Gloriosa and Timber is broken and everyone whos pony up with all the Mane 7 using their geodos. “You may have the magic to get your Gems back to repare.” Princess Twilight said where all of them use their powers to get the Pendants away from the Sirens. She finished “But it will never happen again! Your going back to Equestria where you belong and you will never come back to this world again!” Then the girls vanishes them back to Twilight’s world. Everything in Everfree Forest is Siren spell free and Princess Twilight with her Counterpart hug together. “We did it!” Human Twilight said “I think we know each other already.” Princess Twilight said with both of them laughing in joy, but the Mane 6 are looking in worried in shock. The Counterparts are confused but they realized that Gloriosa and Timber are looking in surprise. Human and Princess Twilight are scared in speechless. Human Twilight said “Timber it's not what it looks like.” but they get close to Princess Twilight in a close look. “Did I just saw you yesterday?” Timber said and Twilight awkwardly said “Yes.” Then Sunset fills in on Timber and Gloriosa on everything. They finally go with it and keep it as a secret like Flash and the others do. “I just wanted to thank you for saving us again.” Gloriosa said “Even if there’s 2 Twilights, I’m still best friends with you.” Timber talking to Human Twilight who’s now blushing when she gets a hug from Timber. Princess Twilight and the others are laughing at Human Twilight. “Still adorable.” Rarity said Back at CHS Flash Sentry waving goodbye to Princess Twilight who also waves back. “I’m going to be fine now” Princess Twilight said. Then Sunset sees that the Stature is leaking magic. Princess Twilight said “Sunset, I know this is hard to fix but I have to get back to Equestria soon. I’m going to take The Dazzlings somewhere they can’t escape. Maybe you should put something up there so magic won’t go anywhere.” Sunset said “I can’t it will go throught something and might break the portal.” “Well I got nothing right now. Maybe I can find an idea to fix this solution.” Princess Twilight said. “So was this weekend a waste of time for you?” Sunset said. Then Princess Twilight said “No it really wasn’t, I had a fun weekend to hang out with you and your friends, We stop The Dazzlings, and I finally know my counterpart now. I know we never got along at first but she’s now my friend.” Human Twilight happy to hear that. “Maybe if you come back we can get to know each other better.” she said. Princess Twilight said “Yeah, and I promise I’ll be more serious to know you better”. “(Sniff) I’m going to miss you do dragon Spike.” Spike (EG) said crying in tears. “I’m going to miss you to my friend.” Spike (Equestria) said. The Mane 5 say goodbye to Starlight Glimmer. “We are never going to forget you!” Pinkie Pie said while hugging Starlight. Starlight then said “Don’t worry, I will never forget all of you.” Twilight, Spike, and Starlight go through the portal back to there world. “So what are we going to do now with the Portal going haywire?” Applejack said. “Twilight has to think about this. Maybe soon she and us will fix this, but in the meantime we just have to go everywhere and save the places that have magic during our free time. We should go to places just to make sure we get magic away from them.” Then Rainbow Dash said “Oh!, can we use are geodos to get there?” Then everyone said no to Rainbow Dash. “We’re not using our powers out in the open.” Sunset said “Come on!” Rainbow upset “I just want to be like a Superhero.” They all walk off to places while the sunsets on their future journeys. The End
  15. Final Chapter 2 Worlds Becoming Normal In The Future Twilights, Spikes, Starlight, and Flash went back to the Everfree forest. “It’s up to us Spikes. We have to snap out of Gloriosa and Timber.” Flash Sentry said. “I will try to get your friends out of their spells. I’m sure I can pony up somehow”. Starlight said. “Then me and Twilight will take down the Dazzlings. And I will get those Gem Pendants away from them because they might get more magic again and they will prepare them again.” “And after that there going back to Equestria.” Princess Twilight said. “Why?” Human Twilight question. “Because they are also from Equestria. You want both worlds normal, than you will get it.” Human Twilight smiled and they began with their plan. The Dazzlings continue to torture the Mane 6. “You won’t get away with this!” Sunset said. Sonata Dusk said “Oh yeah? Who’s going to stop us?” Twilight’s group are behind of the Sirens. “Ok Spike, go distract the Dazzlings, I’ll go help Gloriosa and Timber.” Spike (Equestria) said. “I’m ready to do my thing!” Spike (EG) said. Flash tries to keep the 2 Spikes safe as sound by keeping an eye on them. Meanwhile Starlight tries to save the Mane 6. She tries to pony up but she doesn't know how to. Human and Princess Twilight try to use their counterpart magic to take down the Siren’s. Human Twilight still has her geodes and Princess Twilight needs to use singing powers in order to stop the Sirens. “Ok, time to take the Sirens once and for all!” Both Twilights said. Human Twilight try to use her geodo to stop the Dazzlings but she can’t. “You gotta do better then that Twilight!” Adagio said. Human Twilight said “ I will not fall!” Princess Twilight tries to use her counterspell on them by having Human Twilight trying to take down the spells but Human Twilight is still failing. “Starlight you have to get are friends out of there!” Princess Twilight said “I’m trying! This is way too hard.” Starlight said. Then Princess Twilight said “Do it! Yes you can! This is not hard at all. Magic doesn't only come from Equestria, it’s always everywhere!” “But Twilight-” Human Twilight interrupted Starlight “Please Starlight! Your are only hope!” Flash stays away from the Sirens and the 2 Spikes are failing to stop the spell on Gloriosa and Timber. Princess Twilight said “Do what your cutie mark does to everyone!” Then Starlight manage to pony up and stop the spells on the Mane 6 and they all pony up. They use their super power to get their geodos back their necks. Princess Twilight got pony up and the Sirens are in trouble. The spell on Gloriosa and Timber is broken and everyone whos pony up with all the Mane 7 using their geodos. “You may have the magic to get your Gems back to repare.” Princess Twilight said where all of them use their powers to get the Pendants away from the Sirens. She finished “But it will never happen again! Your going back to Equestria where you belong and you will never come back to this world again!” Then the girls vanishes them back to Twilight’s world. Everything in Everfree Forest is Siren spell free and Princess Twilight with her Counterpart hug together. “We did it!” Human Twilight said “I think we know each other already.” Princess Twilight said with both of them laughing in joy, but the Mane 6 are looking in worried in shock. The Counterparts are confused but they realized that Gloriosa and Timber are looking in surprise. Human and Princess Twilight are scared in speechless. Human Twilight said “Timber it's not what it looks like.” but they get close to Princess Twilight in a close look. “Did I just saw you yesterday?” Timber said and Twilight awkwardly said “Yes.” Then Sunset fills in on Timber and Gloriosa on everything. They finally go with it and keep it as a secret like Flash and the others do. “I just wanted to thank you for saving us again.” Gloriosa said “Even it’s to believe there’s Twilights, I’m still best friends with you.” Timber talking to Human Twilight who’s now blushing when she gets a hug from Timber. Princess Twilight and the others are laughing at Human Twilight. “Still adorable.” Rarity said Back at CHS Flash Sentry waving goodbye to Princess Twilight who also waves back. “I’m going to be fine now” Princess Twilight said. Then Sunset sees that the Stature is leaking magic. Princess Twilight said “Sunset, I know this is hard to fix but I have to get back to Equestria soon. I’m going to take The Dazzlings somewhere they can’t escape. Maybe you should put something up there so magic won’t go anywhere.” Sunset said “I can’t it will go throught something and might break the portal.” “Well I got nothing right now. Maybe I can find an idea to fix this solution.” Princess Twilight said. “So was this weekend a waste of time for you?” Sunset said. Then Princess Twilight said “No it really wasn’t, I had a fun weekend to hang out with you and your friends, We stop The Dazzlings, and I finally know my counterpart now. I know we never got along at first but she’s now my friend.” Human Twilight happy to hear that. “Maybe if you come back we can get to know each other better.” she said. Princess Twilight said “Yeah, and I promise I’ll be more serious to know you better”. “(Sniff) I’m going to miss you do dragon Spike.” Spike (EG) said crying in tears. “I’m going to miss you to my friend.” Spike (Equestria) said. The Mane 5 say goodbye to Starlight Glimmer. “We are never going to forget you!” Pinkie Pie said while hugging Starlight. Starlight then said “Don’t worry, I will never forget all of you.” Twilight, Spike, and Starlight go through the portal back to there world. “So what are we going to do now with the Portal going haywire?” Applejack said. “Twilight has to think about this. Maybe soon she and us will fix this, but in the meantime we just have to go everywhere and save the places that have magic during our free time. We should go to places just to make sure we get magic away from them.” Then Rainbow Dash said “Oh!, can we use are geodos to get there?” Then everyone said no to Rainbow Dash. “We’re not using our powers out in the open.” Sunset said “Come on!” Rainbow upset “I just want to be like a Superhero.” They all walk of to places while the sunsets on their future journeys. The End
  16. Chapter 3 Princess Twilight’s Tough Love and The Sirens Revenge After the girls are done watching the movie, they all went to sleep in Twilight’s room. Meanwhile downstairs in the basement Human Twilight is showing Princess Twilight her lab. After she finished her tour, Princess Twilight tells her counterpart about on how she acted since she came back to this world. “Twilight I’m sorry I was acting weird. It just that I feel uncomfortable being here with you. Things just hasn’t been the same since you came here.” Princess Twilight said then Human Twilight said “Princess, I know things were not fun since we meet again but things are serious. There’s magic coming from somewhere in this world. Sunset needs you because I’m not that good with this. I know I saved Camp Everfree but it was my friends who help me and your the only person who can fix this.” “Yeah” Princess Twilight said “But that's not the point. You see when I saw you the first time. I was being nice, I ever have any real opinions on you because this is so strange, I’m speechless to do anything here anymore.” Then Human Twilight walks towards her Princess counterpart. “Twilight” She said. “You don’t have to stay away from this world just because of me. I know Princesses are busy and you are paranoid about this and I can understand that. But the friends you have here are still your friends. That's like you got replaced but you didn’t. I know we didn’t have things we like but that’s something people have. Also you need to know something.” “You know that guy Flash Sentry?” Human Twilight questions while Princess Twilight blushes for a bit. “Yeah a lot” She said but Human Twilight said. “You have to get over him” Princess Twilight overreact again but Human Twilight calms her down. She said “I’m sorry about this but this will make both worlds feel safe. I know you like her that much but he isn’t in your world. Also Sunset told him that you won’t stay here all the time and he got over you.” Princess Twilight is in tears of what she’s hearing. Human Twilight said “Look I’m sorry things changed ever since you left but it wasn’t my fault. I know you didn’t deserve this but we can work this out. Is there a Flash Sentry in your world?” Princess Twilight said “Yes but he's in the Crystal Empire. I just spend most of my time in Ponyville and sometimes Canterlot. I only go to the Crystal Empire for any problems they have. I never have any time to hang out with him.” “Geez that's sad.” Human Twilight said then Princess Twilight reacted for a bit and said. “I’m a princess not a ordinary pony anymore. I was planning to stay instead of coming here. You may be me but you have no idea on what’s like being a princess. It’s not that easy!” Princess Twilight cry’s on the table then Human Twilight puts her hand on her shoulder. “Were fix this tomorrow, we will get Flash here so you will talk to him again and maybe you can hang him one more time I guess.” Princess Twilight agrees and they both go back to sleep. The Next Day Sunset calls Flash Sentry to come to Twilight’s house this saddle this. Flash came to the girls and everyone but Princess Twilight welcome. “Twilight you have to talk to him!” Sunset shouting at Princess Twilight who’s in Human Twilight’s room. Then Starlight Glimmer came to Twilight and talks to her. She said “Twilight you have to do this right” “sigh… OK” Princess Twilight depressed while she slowing gets downstairs. She meets Flash again which she blush and cried at the same time. “Twilight what’s wrong?” Flash said nicely. Everyone fill in Flash about everything that happen this weekend. He then comes close to Princess Twilight. “Twilight, it's okay” he said. “I know we haven’t hang out a lot but I get it now. Your a Princess from your world and we can’t get pass this”. Princess Twilight gets even more depressed that she has nothing to say at all. Everyone feels bad for Princess Twilight, and Human Twilight and Sunset cheering her up but she doesn't feel any better. The Flash talks to her again. He said “Don’t cry Twilight. Just because were not going to be together doesn't mean were not friends. You were something I want to hang out because you are sweet, smart, and nice. We can be friends if that makes you feel any better.” Then Princess Twilight smiles and they both hug it out. “Hey, if it makes you more happy, we should hang out, by doing shopping, go to a restaurant, and maybe watch a movie. But just for today.” Flash said. Princess Twilight agrees in happiness and they both go outside being gone for awhile. “Well at least things will better after this” Sunset said. “So what are we going to do with the magic going to places problem?” Pinkie Pie said. Sunset said “I don’t really know. Hey, Twilight can you make a invention that raders Magic?” Human Twilight said “Sure. I did that before when I came here but this time, I’ll be more careful this time.” She gets to work on her next device. 3 Hours Later Twilight finished the Radar device and the girls go outside. But they ran into the Dazzings who are standing in front of Twilight's House this hole time. “Did you miss us?” Adagio said then they use their Gem Pendants to take out the girls. 1 hour later The girls wake up and there in Everfree Forest but there all trap in a bubble of siren magic. “Get us out of here!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Forget, all of you will never get out of here” Adagio said. “Why are you doing this?” Starlight said. Sonata Dusk said “Because you girls ruin everything we had after the Battle of the Bands. We had to talk jobs, find food, and find to take showers in the city.” “Do you ever take anything seriously?” Aria Blaze argue. “Hey! How did you get those Gems back together? We shatter them!” Applejack said “There were magic flying all over the place and it made are Pendants back to repare.” Aria said. Sunset said “Wait so you don’t know were the magic is coming from?” “WE DON’T!” said all The Dazzlings. “Now were you stop talking and listen to me!” Adagio yelled. “Before we take over the world, we need to get rid of you so you will never help anyone again! We decide to do that in the forest so no one will see us” “Think again Darlings” Rarity said “Gloriosa and Timber will find out about this and will call someone to stop this madness!” Sonata Dusk said. “Oh no! What should we do?” They then show them Gloriosa and Timber under the siren's spell. “NOOOO!” Human Twilight shout in tears. “You leave them alone! And let us go!” She yelled but the Dazzlings refused. “Shout all you want, you will never win this time. You and all your friends are helpless to break our spells. Even your Princess friend.” Adagio said the came close to Twilight. “Speaking of that, where is your sister? Did she go back to her world because she got rejected?” “No she didn’t” Rainbow Dash shout. “And there’s one more thing you don’t know. Things change since the last time we saw you. We have these!” the girls use their geodes to break the spell bubble. Human Twilight, the 2 Spikes and Starlight manage to escape but the Mane 6 got trapped again and the Dazzlings take the geodes away from them. The Siren’s spells are too strong to take down so The Dazzlings take the geodes away from them so they are powerless against the Siren’s “I will never let you beat us again! You will be gone forever!” Adagio yelled at the Mane 6 who are stuck in Sirens spells. The Location Revealed Human Twilight and Starlight Glimmer ran fast as they can. “Girls can we slow down!?” Spike in Twilight's backpack said. The Equestria Spike in Starlight’s backpack said “Yes I think we're far away from them!” They slow down and they need to find out how to stop the Siren’s. They need to find Princess Twilight so she can stop the Siren’s Princess Twilight and Flash Sentry got out of Flash Sentry’s car with new clothes that Twilight is wearing. Then Human Twilight and Starlight Glimmer get to them and tell them everything. Twilight and Flash are shock about this. “What are we going to do?” Starlight said. Then Princess Twilight said. “Maybe I can make a counter spell on them again but we need are friends. Those only 6 of us.” “Maybe we can get more friends.” Spike in Twilight's backpack said. “No it’s really not the easy” Spike in Starlight’s backpack said. Then Starlight saw something. She said “Um Twilight, you really need to take a look at this. They saw that the Stature is leaking more magic. “Oh no!” Princess Twilight said. “Thats must be why the Siren’s got their gems repared.” The group need to think fast about this and Starlight has the idea to get 2 Twilights to work together so she can use the spell against the Siren’s. Flash and the dogs will try to snap out of Gloriosa and Timber from the Siren’s spell. “Wait” Princess Twilight said. “What if it won’t work, I don’t think it can work this way.” Then Human Twilight said “Twilight, I know we didn’t get along as best friends but this is serious. We can worry about the Stature after we save are friends. If there’s anytime to stop this with your help it’s now You have to help us!” The Princess Twilight came to the realization that she should will help. She said “I know I don’t belong here, but were friends and friends always work together.” They all work together and they make the plan to save their friends and stop the Sirens. End Of Chapter 3
  17. Chapter 2 The Return Of Everfree Forest And The Sleepover Party at Twilight’s House They go to Sunset’s home which is a motel. “So this is where you live in this world” Princess Twilight ask. “Yes” Sunset answered. “I really don’t have much to offer but I’m okay with it” Sunset explains about what in their trip at Camp Everfree. “So your saying that there's magic everywhere in this world?” Starlight question. “Well yes but we really don’t know why and where it's coming from. I thought it was in Everfree Forest but Sunset thinks it came from somewhere else.” Human Twilight explained. “I looked everywhere in Canterlot High to see any magic but there very hard to find.” Princess Twilight said “Maybe in your right Twilight” “I’m right?” Human Twilight question then Princess Twilight continued “In our world there’s the Tree Of Harmony where that’s how me and my friends save Equestria. If there's magic in Everfree Forest then there's also magic in this world.” Starlight Glimmer then said. “Maybe we should go to Everfree Forest if she’s right. I don’t think this isn’t right at all.” “What do you mean?” Spike (Equestria) question while Starlight continuing her sentences. “Both worlds might be similar but I really don’t think magic just came there for no reason. I know I didn’t learn about Everfree Forest but I can help you to find if there’s magic there.” “Maybe your right.” Spike (Dog) said. “I mean we got the geodes but that wasn't the reason why Everfree Forest had magic there. We should go there again to see if there's still magic there”. People thinked about it and decide to go with Starlight’s advice. They get prepared for there 2nd trip to Everfree Forest while Sunset talks to Princess Twilight about getting caught with 2 Twilights out in the open but Twilight got ahead by having a hood so she won’t get notice. Back To Everfree Forest “So this is what Everfree Forest look like in this world?” Starlight ask. Then Princess Twilight Said “Yeah I really don’t know a lot in this world. But Sunset Shimmer and… Twilight knows this place.” Human Twilight then looked at her awkwardly while Princess Twilight Awkwardly looked at her too. “I still can’t get use to this” Princess Twilight whisper to Spike. Sunset shows them the Crystal Cave on where the magic was, she tells them on what happen when she, Human Twilight, and her friends did during there Camp Everfree trip. “Are you sure magic came into this cave?” Princess Twilight being Serious. Then Sunset said. “Yes I know it was hid in this cave when we got here. I really don’t know if we can find anything here anymore.” Starlight said. “I think we should go everywhere in this forest. Maybe there might be something you miss during your trip so, we should check everywhere if there's some hidden magic.” “Good idea” Sunset said. “We should split up. Princess Twilight And Spike will go search in the forest. Me, Starlight, Spike and Twilight will go to camp to find any magic. We really don’t want Timber and Gloriosa to see two Twilights”. The group split up to find more magic in Everfree Forest. Sunset’s group goes to Camp Everfree and they ran into Gloriosa Daisy. “Well hi” Gloriosa said. “I really didn’t know you were coming to visit so soon.” “It's great to see you again” Sunset said. “You see there might be magic in the forest so we think we should check around the camp if that's okay?” Gloriosa is okay with them checking the camp since they save Camp Everfree from Filthy Rich and save her life from getting corrupted by magic. Meanwhile Princess Twilight and Spike are checking the forest and the Spike Tells Twilight “Your know, Sunset should give us a map on where to go in this forest” “You think?” Twilight said. “I’m just feel that this is a bad idea. Even with this hood, I can’t take this stress.” Spike then tells Twilight. “Twilight it’s gonna be fine. I know we didn’t do anything since we came back but we might find something about this.” “Ok but I still don’t think I can handle hanging out with Twilight because of everything that happen when I was gone. And…” Twilight stopped for a second and then finished. “Flash Sentry.” “Maybe we can talk to Sunset after this.” Spike trying to cheer Twilight up. “I hope nothing gets out of hand” Then a loud chop happen witch scared Twilight and she grabs Spike to run away. It was actually Timber cutting some wood. “Ahhh!” Twilight screamed as she ran as far away from Timber. Sunset and the others can’t find anything in camp so they try to find Princess Twilight. On the way there Sunset then talks to Starlight. “So your name is Starlight right?” Sunset asking Starlight. “Yeah” Starlight answers. Then Sunset talks to Starlight about her time with Princess Twilight. Starlight said “It was better then I thought. Before I meat Twilight I really thinked that Cutie Marks ruined my friendship with Sunburst. A pony who abandoned me and I made very personal mistakes when Twilight came to my little town.” Sunset is surprised and she tells Starlight about something. “Geez I didn’t know you were in this kind of wrong between your friend. I was a former student with Princess Celestia but I didn’t get what I want so I decide to go on my own by going in this world. But now I’m learning more about Friendship and getting better. I really didn’t know better that there were other ways in friendship when Princess Twilight help me after she stop me from making things worse. Now I know a lot about this but you, really surprised me about your past.” Starlight then said “I guess my past really hurts me that I don’t want to remember what I did. Also Sunset are you ever going to come back to Equestria?” “I really don’t know” Sunset said “I know thats where I came from but I never made any friends when I changed. I made a lot of friends in this world because I know the better, Princess Twilight is the only pony I can be friends with since she can only be in this world. But… Twilight in this world transfer to CHS so I really don’t think our Princess should be around and she also spends her time there since she knows her friends more.” Sunset finally stops then Starlight saids this “Well maybe you could think about. Because things won’t be the same if you won’t return. Celestia from Equestria really misses you and even if you didn’t get what you want, but you can still do it again” Starlight gave Sunset some advice about coming back to Equestria. Then Human Twilight came to them telling them that they looked everywhere and there’s no magic in Camp Everfree. They stop and about to find Princess Twilight but Spike warns the group that Timber is in the forest and they freakout. They rush to the woods and try to find her before she gets caught. “I’m really getting tired of this lets just go find our friends Spike” Princess Twilight said as she walks in the woods tired of finding no magic. Spike said “Twilight! you might get caught, get back in the woods maybe our friends might find us.” Twilight said “Spike we ran away from someone I’m sure they-” Then Timber bubs into Princess Twilight then Twilight is shocked in place that she got caught from someone she doesn't know. TImber is happy that she meets Twilight again but he doesn't that Twilight she see’s is a Princess. He saids “Twilight! Its great to see you so soon. And where’s your Glasses?” Timber is confused but Twilight is scare to say anything since she knows that Human Twilight knows him but she doesn’t. She tries to say something but she's very shock to talk. But Sunset see’s what's happening with Princess Twilight and Timber, She tells Human Twilight and Starlight to get Princess Twilight out of there. Sunset calls Timber so he will get distracted. Starlight the grabs Princess Twilight and pulls her behind the trees. Then Human Twilight then got into Princess Twilight position and talks to Timber. “Hi Timber” Human Twilight being awkward but Timber is confused because of Twilight’s outfit since Princess Twilight is wearing a hood. Timber said “What? What happen to your hood and other clothes? She said in a thinking way. “It was one of my clones that I want to mess you for a little.” “But where's the smoke? If your clone is gone then she should disappear with smoke.” Timber explain then Twilight said “Minor experiment set back?” Then Timber laugh a little for Twilight messing with him a bit. Sunset then explain to Timber why they came back to Everfree forest. He said that he might help them soon just to hang him out a little. He gave them his phone number and say goodbye. After he left Starlight gets Princess Twilight out of the woods. “I think I have leaves on my clothes” She said wheel everyone laugh. “Did we find any magic?” “No” Sunset said. Human Twilight Said “Don’t worry Princess, We'll find the magic, maybe we should call our friends and hang out at the Coffee shop. You can still wear your hood there. And maybe after that we can…. have a….. Walk.” Human Twilight talking to her Princess counterpart still feeling weird. Then Princess Twilight said “It will be fun.” and walk to Sunset “Sunset do you think this is going to work out? Can me and you just hang out instead?” “Come on Twilight” Sunset said. “You have to know your counterpart so we can find the magic. This is very serious please, get to know her so things will be straight’n out here. And… about Flash Sentry” “What do you mean?” Twilight question. “I’m going to be sorry but I told him to kind of get over with Twilight.” Twilight overreact until Sunset and the other’s calm her down and tell her, they will work this out. They leave to go to the Coffee Shop to join the others. At The Coffee Shop “So what are we going to do?” Spike (FIM) said. “I Don’t know” Sunset said. They get inside the Coffee Shop and Sunset Friends were there waiting for them. “Hey! Princess Twilight is back!” Pinkie Pie shout in excitement but her friends are covering her mouth. “Pinkie! Don’t let everyone know this!” Rainbow Dash warned Pinkie Pie. Sunset and the others sit down with her friends and talk about the situation going on. Applejack says “So you need Princess Twilight to help us since there's magic coming somewhere and you can’t find it?” “Yes this is hard for us to find it. We had to come back to Everfree Forest to see if there’s magic coming from there if I was wrong about coming from somewhere else” Sunset explan. “But darling who’s that by Twilight?” Rarity said pointing at Starlight Glimmer. Princess Twilight said “I need some help because even I can’t find where Sunset is looking for. And if the magic gets more powerful then I don’t think we can handle it so I need Starlight to pony up to help us.” “Pony Up?” Starlight question. Rainbow Dash said “It’s something we do in this world.” “But how am I going to do that?” Starlight said. “It’s the magic of Friendship.” Human Twilight said. “We do that by embracing are magic and we have these geodes when were in the crystal cave so we have super powers.” Princess Twilight is amazed with the geodes the mane 7 have and said. “Wow these are beautiful. These must be the Elements of Harmony in this world.” “Yeah and no only that” Rainbow Dash said. “I can go way fast than anyone. I love my super powers!” “You sad that like 3 times” Fluttershy said. “Twilight, we really don’t want anyone to know this.” Sunset said. “Unlike your world, the people in this world are more normal and smart to see us.” It cuts to Derpy trying to full up a cream with her ice cream but she misses. Then Sunset saids “Well only the people who us. But not everyone in the city, I just don’t want the popularity that way since I’m from Equestria as well.” “Well thats something we don’t have in Equestria” Spike (FIM) said then Rarity picks up Spike. “It’s great to see you again you adorable little dog.” Rarity said while Spike is in love with her. Then the other Spike who’s on Fluttershys knees looking confused. “So you love Rari-” Then Spike came off of Rarity’s hands and covering his counterpart mouth. “Please don’t say that in front of her!” Even though everyone pretty much know that Spike has a crush on Rarity. “Geez! You don’t have to be personal.” Spike said. “I have something to say” Fluttershy said. “Princess Twilight, are you getting along with our Twilight?” They all look at both Human And Princess Twilight. I really don’t think we can handle this. I’m still in struggle with this and I can’t even say anything to her because this is the most strangest thing that ever to me.” Princess Twilight said. The girls look at each other and Pinkie Pie has an idea. “We should have a slumber party at Twilight’s house!” She said. “Oh no! no! no! no! no!” Human Twilight said. “I can’t have a girl who’s like me in my house! What if some of my parents or siblings might see her?” Then Fluttershy has a plan the resolve this. “Maybe I can bring my friend Tree Hugger to distract your family and you can take Twilight in your room. My friend can take care of this.” Fluttershy said. “Well I guess it could work so I can show Twilight my books and lab” Human Twilight said the everyone cheered for the slumber party at Twilight. And then Princess Twilight said “Why do I always get in myself in this predicament?” The Slumber Party Everyone is having a great time at Twilight’s house. Fluttershy and Rarity are playing with the 2 Spikes. “Those 2 Spikes are cute even if there Counterparts” Fluttershy said then Rarity said “I know there very adorable Darling.” She then Scratches Spikes ear and he's in love in her again. Spike who’s by Fluttershy said “I’m I supposed to be with Rarity?” “No you don’t have to” Fluttershy said. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie teaches Starlight how to use her hands by playing a video game. “Ok so these are your fingers, you use them to touch something.” Pinkie said then Rainbow Dash said. “Pinkie she knows how to do that in Princess Twilight’s world.” She then shows Starlight the controller on teach her how to play the game. “Don’t worry, I’ll take it easy on you” She said and then Pinkie whisper to Starlight. “Don’t trust her, She hates losing!” Applejack, Tree Hugger, and Sunset Shimmer are showing them their laptops and Human Twilight is showing Princess Twilight her books and inventions. “That’s look really impressive. In my world, I have a lot of books because I love reading and I do spells to save Equestria. I even have a Castle.” Princess Twilight said. “That’s actually pretty sweet that your a Princess in your world. I wish I was a Pony like you so I can do all that.” Human Twilight said. Then Princess Twilight said “Yeah If only”. Meanwhile The Dazzlings are spying through a window. “That’s them alright.” Adagio said “Tomorrow we will destroy them in the woods before we take over this world” Then Aria Blaze point at 2 Twilights. She said “Hey, there’s 2 of them” “Interesting” Adagio said “We should get those Twilights away from her friends so she won’t help them. And use are Pendants to end the Rainbooms.” Sonata Dusk says “Can we go now? You said we will get Taco’s after this.” “OK were done for the night let's go.” Adagio finish as The Dazzings walk away from Twilight’s House. Human Twilight then said “Hey, do you want to see my lab?” “Sure!” Princess Twilight said but Rainbow Dash is upset. She said “Uhh come on! We were about to watch the Daring Do movie.” “Okay after the movie we will go to my lab if we have time” Human Twilight said. They both agree and watch the Daring Do movie. End Of Chapter 2
  18. I making a Fanfic about this (It's not finished) something that I want to see in the Specials. Its called The Counterparts Hang Out and Its on Written Fan Works
  19. Chapter 1 Human And Princess Twilight (With Starlight Glimmer) Meet again. Princess Twilight wakes up from bed and she’s about to do her more research on spells but she saw that one of her books is reacting which is a message from Sunset Shimmer. She reads everything of what Sunset wrote and she thinked about coming but has second thoughts. She then wakes up Spike and tells him about what’s going on in the other world. “I know Sunset really needs my help but I can’t go because I have a lot of stuff to do this weekend” she said. “They took care of themselves in Friendship Games so I don’t understand why she needs me in a weekend off thing”. “Twilight” Spike replied “I get we were in a time travel loop with Starlight Glimmer and they didn’t need us when they went to camp, but during that time magic appear there. So I guess we should go instead of you studying on spells”. “Spike that's not that!” She interrupted Spike. “Look just because I got nothing to do as a Princess once in awhile doesn't mean I should go hang out with Sunset all the time. I have other hobbies I want to do in my free time and there might be solutions in Equestria that might happen again.” She finished as she saids one more thing. “And lastly (sigh) I meant my doppleganger.” “Your what?” Spike Confused while Twilight is a little annoyed about her counterpart. “Spike when I got back to my castle I got a lot of messages from her and I had to come to her and then…” She stopped talking. “Then what?” “I MEET TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND YOU!” She yelled as Spike was reacted and even more confused at the same time. “Wait, you meet your counterpart from the other world? And there was another me too? Spike asked. “Yes” She answered. “I just can’t believe that really happen when I came to saw the other Twilight that I didn’t expected at all. And her dog Spike… I don’t think I can remember him because he really does thing what dogs do I guess. And I really think I should stay away from the other world”. “How Come?” Spike questioned. “Because I don’t think they need me anymore since they handle this when they went to camp. Plus what if someone see’s me and the other Twilight exposed out in the ope n? I can’t even walk around there anymore because of Twilight being there. And if that happens, there will be more chaos and both worlds will get worse.” Twilight gets more worried about this until Spike gives his advice to Princess Twilight. “Twilight, I get what your going through, but Sunset doesn't live there. She just doesn’t want to come back just let and she’s getting better in the future. You keep her there because she wasn't ready at all. And not only that, she’s a pony. We only came back to help her and her friends. Remember The Sirens who were also from Equestria took over the school? Yes I get you and your friends were not getting along as a band but people were under The Siren's spell and they were close to get broke your band apart, even if your friends want to do what bands do there for all I know. You really need to help her to fix something that she can’t handle even with her friends and her new friend Twilight. Also you can wear a disguise when your there so don’t get overreacted about this. Your friends in this world didn’t come with you when you came back to the other world. Also about Twilight being there, you can get along with her and maybe we can keep this as a secret from anyone there.” Spike finally finished as Twilight makes her decision. Okay, we're go there to help them.” She said. “Maybe I can learn more about the their world and maybe Twilight and I can get to know each other so we won’t have this problem anymore. But I still don’t know where the magic is coming to their world.” Spike then tells Twilight. “Maybe you should take someone with you so things will be easier for you and you can teach her about the world itself.” “Yeah” She agree with Spike. “But what pony should I take that I didn’t see a counterpart in Canterlot High?” She question. Then she had an idea and started to write a message to her student Starlight Glimmer. 10 Minutes later “Twilight what do you want? And why are you wearing that?” Starlight questions to Twilight who is now wearing a hood. Twilight tells Starlight about everything and really wants her to not tell anyone about this. “Starlight I know your on your own but your the only one who can help me in this predicament. Sunset can’t do this by herself so she needs my help and about the word help, I also need your help as well.” Twilight finished. “Twilight I really like to help you but the other world you said, I don’t think I can cooperated with it.” Starlight said. “Don’t worry Starlight” Twilight continued. “I can teach you how to walk, use hands but not use them to write I never got that to use personally, and you to get to know about Sunset Shimmer.” Starlight then agrees with Twilight and Twilight, Spike, and Starlight goes through the portal that Twilight made. But Starlight stopped for a second. “This is going to be the strangest thing that's ever going a happen to me”. She saids then finally goes through the portal. Starlight then agrees with Twilight and Twilight, Spike, and Starlight goes through the portal that Twilight made. But Starlight stopped for a second. “This is going to be the strangest thing that's ever going a happen to me”. She saids then finally goes through the portal. Meanwhile At Canterlot High “Sunset” Human Twilight speaked to Sunset. “We’ve been here for an hour this morning. Did we really had to wake up at 6:00 to get here?” “Yes” She said. “Your counterpart may be a Princess but she never sleep most of the time in her world”. “Yeah kind of what I do when I make my eventions. I’m still feel odd about this” Twilight depressed. Then Princess Twilight and Spike came out of the portal surprising both Sunset and Human Twilight. “Twilight!” Sunset surprised with a more confused Counterpart. “Hey that's my counterpart!” Spike (EQ) shaking his tail. “Hi” Spike said awkwardly. “Yeah I have the same feeling to” Princess Twilight said. She also sees her doppelganger face to face for the 2nd time. “Umm? How is your time being a Princess at your world?” Human Twilight speaked to Princess Twilight. “Great and how is Canterlot High and Flash Sentry been?” Princess Twilight Questioned. “Canterlot High is fun but not Flash Sentry, he's not my type but Timber is.” Human Twilight finished while Princess Twilight now got really awkward about this. “We’re talk about this when we get to my home”. Sunset said to Princess Twilight. Then Starlight Glimmer came out of the Portal surprising everyone. Princess Twilight will tell them about Starlight later. She put on her hood so she won’t get notice. The group then goes to Sunsets home. Then the Stature leaks more magic. The magic then goes to the city of the Human World. Meanwhile In The City The Dazzlings are by the back buildings of the city. “Errr!” Adagio Dazzie furious. “We tried everything to be adored but are Gem Pendants are destroyed because of the Rainbooms beating us in the Battle Of The Bands!” She finished with her holding the shatter Gem Pendants. “Yeah, now no one will love us again.” Sonata Dusk upset. “Will you two knock it off already!” Aria Blaze shouting at them. “We’re never going to take control to anyone without our Siren magic. It not like magic is coming in our way”. Then magic came crashing into one of the empty trash cans. The Dazzlings come close the magic and the magic make the Gem Pendants repaired. Which means The Dazzlings are back to Sirens. “Yes (Laughing evil) YES!” Adagio said evilly. “Now we will sing again and again!” Sonata thrilled. “That’s right, but first we should get our vengeance on the Rainbooms who ruin our adornment.” The Dazzlings then walks off in the city and using there Pendants End Of Chapter 1
  20. No because LOE was released during the Fall season not Summer so I guess maybe in June, July, or August, The Specials will be released.
  21. I guess this will be Disappointing to me when specials get release.
  22. Only if theres going to be one next year. There probably have a few more ideas so they turn them into specials instead of a movie.
  23. This is basically my predictions in one of the specials coming out this Summer. A FanFic about Human & Princess Twilight finally meet each other and hang out to know each other. I'm not going to make a lot of FanFics because I don't make story's a lot when I got older so this will be one of the only FanFIcs I will ever make. Anyway I hope you're enjoy this. Prologue Return To Canterlot High The students came back from there Camp Everfree trip and they will late to return because of Pinkie Pie destroying the dock witch they have to fix again. The students get off the bus and Principal Celestia talks to her students. "I'm very sorry we had to come back at 6:00 PM. Even we saved Camp Everfree we still had to fix the dock" she said. "Again!" Trixie yelled "But" Celestia Continued, "We are finally done and back to Canterlot High, We will go back to are School Schedules this Monday, I hope you have a great Weekend!" She finished as everyone goes home expect the Mane 7. "ugh!" Applejack a little annoyed, "I mean we all had a great camp trip, save the day, and save Camp Everfree but I'm really in pain of fixing that dock again." She talks to Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie Pie why did you use your powers to destroyed the dock?" Pinkie Pie said "I didn't mean to! I just want to celebrate that we fixed the dock for the 5th time." "Make it 6 times but I lost track" Rainbow Dash speaked. "And I'm like Applejack here, not only am I sick of fixing the dock again, but I'm getting very tired." she finished. "Now darling's" Rarity tells everyone. "Just because we have powers doesn't mean we can use them more often. The students may know we have powers and the guests at the Crystal Cave but everyone in this city doesn't know this" "Yeah" Fluttershy speaked "I really don't want that to happen. I rather take care of animals instead of being a hero of the city." "OK girls" Sunset tells everyone while she got her book "We really did make some mistakes at the camp like the dock reparing again and again but it's all over with. And like what Rarity saids, we don't want everyone in this city to know we have powers. The people of Canterlot High and the people at the Crystal Cave may know but we should go keep this to ourselfs". "Good Idea" Spike replied. "I really want to be with Twilight forever" "Thanks Spike, thats why I made you" Twilight respond while everyone but Sunset and Twilight goes home and say goodbye. Sunset still wonders on why theres magic in the Crystal Cave. "I guess I can't finger this out" She said. Twilight asked "What are we going to do?" Sunset thinked about it for minutes, and then she thinks about getting Princess Twilight for help since this is hard to fix. She talks to Twilight "Twilight remember that you meant your counterpart from Equestria?" "Yes" Twilight respond but still confused about her Princess counterpart. "Twilight, before you came to Canterlot High I was popular but not this kind of popularity." Sunset continue as she tells Twilight everything that happen between her and Princess Twilight when she get to the point where she talks about Flash Sentry. "I know he's not your type but Princess Twilight does. I talk about him to kind of get over you." "What do you mean by kind of" Twilight ask. "I didn't want to hurt Princess Twilight feelings, but she really really had something for him. I just don't want both worlds go out of control but this serious. There's magic going haywire and I can't find it. If theres anything that I need her help, its now even if she's have problems back at Equestria. She didn't help me in the Friendship Games because she was in a time travel loop and we didn't need her help when were going to Camp Everfree since we took care of it by our selfs. Also if you meet her, she will probably have the same way you feel when she meets you." Sunset Finished. "Can she bring her counterpart of Spike from her world?" Spike thrilled. I really want to know about my counterpart." "Maybe" Sunset replied. Then Twilight saids "I really don't know Sunset. When I first meet her I feel more uncomfortable" "Don't worry" Sunset talking straight to Twilight. "everyone won't know this but our friends and Flash will. Maybe during the weekend you 2 should get to know each other while we fix this problem. You just go home and come down about this because this is something only me and Twilight can do this. You may save Camp Everfree but Princess Twilight knows magic way more then you" "OK" Twilight speaked when she and Spike say goodbye to Sunset and go to there home while Sunset Shimmer is about to write in her book for Twilight. "I hope she doesn't have anything to do this weekend" Sunset hoped while she's ready to write. "Dear Princess Twilight," "I know your busy but we have a situation. When me, my friends, and your counterpart went to Camp Everfree and it was fun. But there was magic there that came out of nowhere. I really don't know where it came from, but I really need your help this is something I can't find by my own so maybe during this weekend we can hang out and fix this problem? Maybe you will get to know about your Human Counterpart and what we did in Camp Everfree. She still feels awkward about talking to you but it should be fun weekend for both of you. Also can you take Spike with you? I hope you don't have anything to do this weekend." "Your Friend, Sunset Shimmer" She finished while she leaves Canterlot High to go home, the portal leaks more magic out of the stature. End of Prologue
  24. I knew Flurry Heart will Get an Episode like this.
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