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Everything posted by K.Rool Addict
How the heck have you never heard of Wolfenstein >.>? That's almost as bad as "Oh, I never heard of The Legend of Zelda" -.- I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this... buuut...imo: Fallout 3 (Great! Amazing, immersive and overall awesome!) Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (^Ditto) Fallout New Vegas (Bleh. Was ok I guess. Didn't get me hooked at all. Seemed much more boring than Fallout 3; the characters, the open world, and the enemies just fell flat for me) Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Bleh. Was better than F:NV, but a big disappointment coming from Oblivion. Was too focused on being a "big blockbuster hit" than being a deep and rewarding RPG. Many elements felt dumbed down, and just overall much easier. The setting was also vastly inferior to Oblivion, although I'll admit that is a purely subjective thing lol) Fallout 4 ( https://youtu.be/B2vLQJc17UU?t=2s ) Elder Scrolls 6: ??? (???) ^Judging by that, the odds don't look very good for ES 6, at least not for my own personal enjoyment -.- Hopefully they'll take the negative feedback they received from FO4 and make certain they don't make the same mistakes. ^Sums up most of my problems with the game, if you have the time to listen to it xD
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
K.Rool Addict replied to heavens-champion's topic in Media Discussion
Shadow of the Colossus 2 would be pretty rad Q.Q http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2017/05/18/team-ico-next-game-could-go-back-to-shadow-of-the-colossus-type-open-world/ -
Lol, I didn't watch it either. Who the bloody hell even cares about Bethesda? After playing Fallout 4, I have completely lost my faith in their integrity as a developer. Elder Scrolls 6 will probably be a disaster too when it eventually comes out -.-
^I agree with pretty much everything you said in your post until this point xD I definitely see Sony bringing out a ton of new exclusive games. If they don't they would be missing a golden opportunity here. I personally couldn't give 2 shits about God of War, Spiderman, The Last of Us 2, Days Gone, Uncharted 4 DLC, or (worst of all) Detroit Become Human. So they better have something to captivate me in their E3 conference... or else! I also anticipate a $50 price reduction to the Ps4 Pro's pricetag in order to stay competitive with the Xbox One X. Oh and speaking of staying competitive, they should try and secure console exclusivity to Tera Online (as En Masse entertainment said they would FINALLY release it for consoles this year). Since Microsoft got an exclusive deal for Black Desert Online (the absolute best-looking MMO available to date!), Sony's gotta bring the goods with another heavy hitter. Either Tera or Blade & Soul would be good for Sony, methinks /)^3^(\ Oh, and if they somehow managed to get Revelation Online, along with fully functioning western based servers exclusive to their platform, I don't think I would be selling my Ps4 Pro any time soon
Let's go by your approximation of it being an AMD equivalent to a GTX 1060 then. So what exactly are we looking at in terms of potential performance / visuals as opposed to a PC? Obviously the fps is compromised due to the CPU, but what about graphical settings and consistency at 30 fps? As a long time console gamer, something I have noticed is that 30 fps can feel quite nice... as long as it is a 30 fps LOCK with PERFECT frame pacing. Forza Horizon 3 (on XB1) and Ratchet & Clank (Ps4) felt wonderful to play despite being locked at 30 fps, whereas something like NieR:Automata (quality of the game's content aside) was a stuttery mess even on the Ps4 Pro running at 45-60 fps
Holy shit, did I say "1080 Ti" LMAO I meant a 980 Ti xDD I can't believe I said 1080 Ti... Q.Q The shame! But still, a 980 Ti would be slightly more powerful than a 1060 (or basically a 980 lol). Do clock speeds matter that much for GPUs? I was always under the impression it was more or less the Cuda cores and... you know, other technical shit that mattered as opposed to clock speed.
Why Xbox E3 2017 was GREAT
K.Rool Addict commented on Kyoshi Frost Wolf's blog entry in Kyoshi's Lounge of Extreme Randomonium
If you really have 300-something Xbox One games, Kyoshi, I see no reason why you shouldn't pick up the X. You are clearly loyal to the brand, why restrict yourself from getting the best experience they have to offer. I just wish they showed off Sunset Overdrive 2 and Forza Horizon 4 lol. Even if they were late 2018 releases, it woulda been so freaking cool to see em. I await Sony and Nintendo's conferences with bated breath~~ -
Microsoft E3 Press Conference 2017
K.Rool Addict replied to K.Rool Addict's topic in Media Discussion
Well, the base Ps4 and Xbox One are most assuredly good value consoles at this point. I got my Xbox One about a year ago for $250. It was new, 1TB hardrive, came with Halo 5, Gears Ultimate Ed., Rare Replay, and Ori and the Blind Forest and a $50 Gamestop gift card. And it wasn't even a black Friday sale. Within the pc space there is simply nothing that offers that level of value. With that new 1TB Gold Ps4 Slim, my guess is the base Ps4 will take on a similar value soon enough (ofc you gotta pay a little extra for that library full of awesome exclusives ) But yeah, I don't think this new Xbox One X will sell well at all. People will look at the Fat Xbone prolly selling for $150-200 and the Xbox One S for $250 and think to themselves "Hmm, why the hell do I wanna spend double the price?". xD -
It has not only a 6 Tflop GPU but also a physical DX 12 implementation within the box itself. For newer titles that support DX 12, it increases performance exponentially. I'm not saying the system will be as good as a pc with a 1080 Ti + an i7 skylake- kaby lake processor LOL. That is the main issue, the abysmally inadequate CPU is holding back the (surprisingly powerful) GPU But yeah, if you're a consumer who is fine with 30 fps on most of your games, I'd say the Xbox One X is a definite bargain (once you go 60 fps tho... well, its hard to go back xD) Also this: ^If only it was 12GB of VRAM xD
Microsoft E3 Press Conference 2017
K.Rool Addict replied to K.Rool Addict's topic in Media Discussion
I mean, I find the console pretty disappointing too, but to call it "slightly" upgraded is a gross understatement >.> The Xbox One X has practically 3x the power of the Xbox One S. I'd say that is a pretty tangible difference. Also, as an owner of both a Ps4 Pro and a 50'' 1080p tv, I can most assuredly tell you there is a substantial upgrade in visuals you receive on the Ps4 Pro as opposed to a mere base Ps4: ^remember, the Ps4 Pro is only 2x as powerful as the Ps4. The Xbox One X is 3x as powerful as the Xbox One -
I mean, the Ps4 Pro has a mere 2.1 ghz Cpu which is even worse than the Xbox One X's. So its hardly only a Microsoft issue. While Ps4 Pro was on par with a GTX 970, the X seems to be more or less around a 1080 Ti 980 Ti (fixed lol -.-) But the Cpu is going to limit what the machine can do by soooo much! Even if the reason these companies skimped out on the Cpu is purely due to corporate greed, it doesnt make sense for Micro$oft to put so much effort and money into the GPU side but completely neglect the CPU side :/
Lol. Here, check out this thread. It has all the info you'll need. Just watch the videos I linked and read my wall of text and you'll have all the proof you could ask for xD https://mlpforums.com/topic/164758-xbox-scorpio-microsofts-belated-april-fools-joke/
They actually completely skimmed over the CPU department in this conference LOL. And yes, it really is that cheap. It's the exact same 8 core Jaguar CPU used in the original Fat Xbox One. And the CPU used in that console was old tech from around 2011 iirc. So... it's basically a "supercharged" version of the old chip which was obsolete even back in 2013 when the original Xbox released -.- I have no bloody idea why they would invest so much money into making all the other components of this system really competitive with high(-ish) end pcs while simultaneously not giving any shits about the CPU. They could have put in a $50 CPU with around 3 - 3.5 ghz base clock speed and called it a day; they woulda had pretty much all their titles 60 fps locked no compromises... *sigh*
Microsoft E3 Press Conference 2017
K.Rool Addict replied to K.Rool Addict's topic in Media Discussion
^To be fair, we already knew Xbox would never have exclusives again (this generation) as it was explicitly stated by Microsoft on multiple occasions -
The Xbox One X quite literally has a CPU in it that's worth less than $30. I would hardly call that "good value".
Microsoft E3 Press Conference 2017
K.Rool Addict replied to K.Rool Addict's topic in Media Discussion
I wish they would have elaborated on the whole "Original Xbox" back compatibility thing :T I mean, if you could stick an old disc from 2004 into this thing and it'll automatically download a crazy enhanced version to you hard drive, that would be hella impressive. Not so much if its just the same format Sony used for their Ps2-Ps4 releases on PSN :/ Speaking of the hard drive... they didn't mention the amount of space it'll have, right? Like 1 TB or whatever? Correct me if I'm wrong but I did not notice it at all "Xbox One Exclusive"... I got rather confused by the wording. They showed alot of games with this: as well as this: My question... what the bloody hell is a "Launch exclusive"? o.0 Does it mean a timed exclusive? Or an exclusive to only the Xbox One X? idk... its just confusing to me Q.Q -
The purpose of this thread is to discuss Microsoft's latest Xbox Press Conference. Please keep your civility and maturity in mind as you post below. Thank you very much~ Now, onto business >.> This press conference was "ok" imo. They hardly showed anything I could really and truly see myself playing (on an Xbox console) and I didn't really see much to get me hyped. The console costs $500 which is an absolute travesty if you ask me. $400 would have been the sweet spot to properly compete with Sony's Ps4 Pro and Nintendo's Switch consoles. It was pretty cool just how dang small they managed to make the box though. Now, while disappointments were certainly abundant in this conference, I have to say, I actually quite enjoyed my time watching it. It was "better than expected" from the perspective of jaded console gamer (lol). So, Crackdown looks like garbage, quite literally. Very very disappointing from both a graphical and gameplay perspective. Sea of Thieves actually impressed me quite a bit, although I was kinda thrown off by the seemingly unbalanced graphical detail. The waves and the water in general look absolutely fabulous; dare I say better than Uncharted 4's water effects But the character models, and interior environments looked like complete trash. Now I was also impressed by the actual islands themselves, on the surface mind you. Very beautiful lush greens and so on. I remember at one point whilst watching this section of the conference I thought to myself "DAMN why the hell can't Nintendo make a Wind Waker 2 with this level of graphical fidelity!? >.<" State of Decay 2 looked horrendous. Awful graphics, awful animations, awful scripting, etc, etc. Forza Motorsport 7, one word "meh". Not my cup of tea at all, but I can see how others would like it. I'm more a Forza Horizon guy myself. The Minecraft 4k texture/ lighting pack caught me off guard; looked pretty cool tbh (despite me not playing Minecraft... like ever lol). I'm guessing this is not exclusive to Xbox One. Cuphead September Yay; but no gameplay >:T Super Lucky's tale looked like a straight up rip off of Super Mario 3D World on the Wii U (but with somehow even more lackluster graphics). Admittedly, it actually looks like it could be a fun game, and I found myself particularly enamored by those cute ghost npc's designs ^///^ Some really cool multiplat Japanese games shown off here. I loved the new DBZ 2D fighting game. Looks really cool (although I would have greatly prefered an open world DB MMO with the same graphical nuance but eh whatever. That Project Vein game or w/e the heck it was called looked hella awesome. I srsly cannot wait to play that. the enemies looked badass, the character models looked weird af, with some super high detailed celshaded visuals, and overall it just gave me NieR:Automata vibes (which is awesome considering how badass that game turned out). Black Desert Online on Xbox One EXCLUSIVELY (for consoles ofc). That was like HOLY SHIT. I couldnt believe that! That's like a dream come true tbh. I just don't understand how the bloody hell a game like BDO is supposed to run properly on a console with a HUGE freaking bottleneck like a 2.3 ghz CPU -.- Anyway, thats pretty much all my impressions; everything else was either too minor to mention or just atrociously bad lol. Oh that Bioware game they ended on looked hella badass; wish it was a Single Player experience tho >:T Overall this conference gets a "solid" 7/10 from me Anyway, what do you guys think? Anyone agree with me? Disagree? Share your own impressions below. /)^3^(\
Jesus christ this conference is bad so far. It started off "ok" but its been getting progressively worse and worse as it continues -.- At first I was thinking it was like a 5-6/ 10 presentation, but now its like 3-4/10 :/ Well gotta keep watching. That Minecraft "super duper graphics pack" that I just was shown as I typed this looked pretty cool despite me not giving a shit about Minecraft lol. Anyway see ya later Holy FUCK, Black Desert Online console exclusivity!? o.0 Looks like I spoke too soon >.>
What do you THINK I'm thing about!? E3 OF COURSE!!! >.<
Less than 30 minutes left!!! ^All aboard the HYPE TRAIN!!!
general What were you doing just 10 minutes ago?
K.Rool Addict replied to Lisa's topic in General Discussion
Do not attempt to nap when one of the big three E3 conferences is being streamed in less than an hour! >.< Not to say I am particularly fond of Micro$oft, but I am still excited to see what they will potentially reveal! Supposedly, the conference is going to be longer than 90 minutes Here's hoping for Sunset Overdrive 2, Forza Horizon 4, and Banjo-Threeie / Conker's Bad Fur Day 2 (all of which running at native 4k resolution, 60 frames per second, with HDR support! Yes, I know I am probably setting myself up for disappointment Q.Q) If that Xbox Scorpio is over $400, I will proceed to riot, btw. No consumer should be forced to pay so much money for a gimped P.C. with a freaking 2.3 ghz CPU. But I DO really wanna see the Scorpio and also what it can do for all of the existing Xboner library. I'm not expecting much considering the CPU, but possibly they can pull off a miracle (after all, Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted 4 were somehow able to run on a complete piece of trash hardware, ergo the base Ps4) -
Well, EA's conference was a dud (as expected) A Way Out looked somewhat decent. Kinda reminded of of Army of Two which was a fun game albeit objectively mediocre. Star Wars BattleFront 2 impressed with stellar graphics and large scale maps.... but not much else. It's not the kind of game I can get excited to play as Star Wars has never interested me in the slightest. Also, why the hell is it called Star Wars Battlefront 2? I thought we already had a game with that exact same title: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51DJ5Y7GQQL.jpg Now I eagerly await Microsoft's conference >.> 3 hours left... I wonder how big of a trainwreck this'll be lol Or maybe they'll surprise everyone and knock it out of the ballpark? I honestly really, REALLY want it to be one or the other; lukewarm E3 conferences are always the most boring -.-
Thoughts On The Anime Sword Art Online?
K.Rool Addict replied to OmegaBeamOfficial's topic in Media Discussion
Shitty animu with bad characters, bad writing, mediocre animation, and generic music. I rate 2.5/10 D: -
Sounds like somebody doesn't want to go bowling I'll have you know I took the high road. Coulda posted this too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7P5zd_s8fk