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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. I like Star Wars, but I would recommend children to avoid Star Wars subculture, it's always been an extremely toxic fandom, and now even more so.
  2. Pinnochio, the very first Equestria boy
  3. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    the best pirate I've ever seen this is beatifull
  4. My Little Pony: Common Sense is Magic...


    Nah. thats doesn't sound right

  5. 2:08 he is so lucky

  6. An electric guitar without amplifier, now that's shocking.
  7. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    When you watch too much anime you start to see things. The same person
  8. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    They have made an Iron Man body suit into a anime, that's the only comparison I have for this
  9. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    You are sad, stange little mare and you have my pitty. Farewell.
  10. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    I can picture in my head Applejack yelling this at Rainbow Dash Because their roles fit in that movie, and Rainbow choosed to wear a space suit on a Nightmare Night
  11. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Oh, um, okay. Good morning to you too.
  12. Hm, that tail kind of gives it away. Oh wait, she can't be a spider, so here free of charge.
  13. Does uncle Ben actually exist, or she always been single?
  14. the-euthanasia-coaster-is-a-concept-for-

    so the story behind this deadly marvel of engineering is that it designed to accelerate you under 10G of force, Its the most humane way to kill the human being

    1. The_Gobo


      But... but why though.


    2. RDDash


      assisted suicide in the most fun way possible?

      until yesterday i forgot this paper-coaster existed

  15. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    MLP FIM S8 E06 Surf and/or Turf (work in progress version, source Dailymotion)
  16. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    It is, its just leaked version won the popularity with the Google search engine
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