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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Hasbro returning back to the old ways?
  2. Equestria is the future Earth fanfic Twilight Sparkle displacement story That book about vampires That story where ponies act like speciest douchebags and invade Earth for some reason That story where Princess Luna rebels and Equestria splits into Solar Empire and Lunar Republic That story where ponies went to war with zebras That story where everything is reversed. Princess Celestia is a bad guy, Princess Luna is a good guy and Trixie is the element of magic. That story where Trixie and Twilight are related.
  3. Rainbow Dash: There is this really cool rollercoaster in Las Pegasus but I kind of can't go because I already promised Twilight to teach friendship at her school. Spitfire: Well can't you just take vacation days? Rainbow Dash: No, that didn't crossed my mind. Spitfire: Why don't you just go and hoof it as part of the small group of Soarin's marefriends. I am sure he would be happy to be acompanied by you. Rainbow Dash: That didn't crossed my mind ether Spitfire: So what then are you going to do? Rainbow Dash: I dunno, probably going to embarrass myself as the worst chaperone possible, while at the same time destroying my chances of riding that said coaster, and then at the end of it a bunch of old mares will feel sorry for me and then I will ride this coaster anyway. Spitfire: sounds complicated Rainbow Dash : Yeah, yeah it is
  4. 968c4f333b1d85b90c54464bc6a0705e--fallou

    I feel like this game is absolutely insane with how much unnecessary junk it forces you to carry at any given moment. I remember playing a zombie survival browser game which was similar to that but its now dead, and I always carried only what was useful to me a gun, a sword, few grenades, I don't remember if it did had meds, and a ton of ammunition. The money wasn't the issue because the job was easy to get and they pay me cash for my supplies. There was aliens too but the alien blaster is just a paperweight to me because of how rare the ammo was for it.

    And then in the Fallout 4 they've made it even worse. oh you like hoarding in the previous games now we will focus an entire game on crafting gear from your junk and as a bonus will code your companions to make fun of you hoarding. Its like hearing yourself making sarcastic comments at the hoarder players.


  5. Your own government spying on every step of your life? Cant get anymore creepier then that.
  6. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Tsk, Tsk Can spiders fly?
  7. latest?cb=20130428143435

    Welp, I now had seen everything.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RDDash


      Yes, wouldn't even notice it, unless you know this exist

    3. The_Gobo


      I am very confused about this lmao


    4. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      I wonder what the other "Princess Bubblegum" would think...



  8. no of course not, Rarity you are not a marshmallow
  9. Nier ___ Really difficult to find something different
  10. Now go there and awe them with your beauty
  11. Would try to convince him to absorb me as a host.
  12. It's difficult choice, I am going to choose Trixie because she is the best girl, and I always loved the bitchy bad girl archetype. I don't know, they felt like the most honest.
  13. As long as I get to choose who is going to drink it and as long as she is hoofing the bill I'll do it, heck I might as well send the tea back to Celestia. If she is going to double cross me, I am going to take my shotgun and rip her guts out. That's fair.
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