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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. rainbow_dash_by_mite_lime_dfeeavy-pre.jp

    Rainbow Dash :P


    1. Megas


      Rainbow Dash but she's your anime waifu

  2. Opaline is so funny in this episode. She's more crazier than ever
  3. Please watch new episodes first :P



    She is just standing there.... Menacingly 


  4. rainbow_rocks_live_by_hazzelwood_d8pf992

    Twilight is really into it :P


  5. Sheriff Hitch has finally lost his mind? Maybe Misty will finally see her own cutie mark

    Rarity'a industry made completely obsolete :please:

  7. my_little_pony__make_your_mark_by_fantas

    Cool :P

    1. J.J


      Opalines improved and I'd love to see the get up they got on Izzy

  8. Who knows? Netflix is famous for keeping the show episodes in literal jail releasing all the episodes in one go instead of simulcasting 8 episodes for 8 weeks
  9. large.jpg


    We don't judge Sweetie Bell. 

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Well, I guess if Scootaloo can't fly on her own having a car that can fly is the next best thing. :Daydreaming:

  10. I feel like the main show is that YouTube 5 minute long episodes. The Netflix series is an afterthought spinoff with the antagonist alicorn. The 3d animation is not that ugly, but at the same time its ugly and I don't feel like I care about the baby dragon. It's like, sometimes MLP generations had dragons so now the G5 has a dragon too.
  11. "Yes, so kind of you to do that, now pay me a real salary or I quit" a unicorn minion in the new Netflix show. I am glad thati got to watch the first episode was on YouTube and my hanch was correct the ponies found an old holographic recording from Twilight Sparkle

    Applejack is the most practical of the ponies. 

  13. lucky_clover_by_scribble_potato_dfe5x8f-

    plant magic

    1. Sparklefan1234


      It's plant magic, once you have it
      Let your body move, step into the music
      It's plant magic, and it's electric
      Let your body move to the music
  14. large.jpg

    Rainbow Dash you are drunk 

    1. Sparklefan1234


      I wonder how many competitions Ashleigh Ball has to referee in her head between

      Applejack and Rainbow Dash. :mlp_wat: :dash:

  15. kirinflower_by_theratedrshimmer_dfe1l47-

    It could probably work.


    1. Sparklefan1234


      Is she talking about musical numbers? :confused:

    2. RDDash


      @Sparklefan1234 popularity numbers 

  16. G1 abridged episode is so silly.
  17. minako_and_rei_by_ariyufox_dfdyqcu-pre.j


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      I feel bad because I don't know who they are but I feel like I should. :please:

    3. RDDash


      @Sparklefan1234 Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars. You mean like English names or Japanese names?

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @RDDash I meant I didn't know who they were in general. Thanks for telling me, BFFFF! 

  18. large.png

    Or was it one day ago? 

    1. Tacodidra


      Happy Best Human Day, my friend! :awwthanks:

  19. twi_and_sunny_by_shaslan_dfdwlvi-pre.png

    Across generations. 

  20. my_little_honses___s1e04_by_julunis14_df

    Applejack is having fun 

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