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Everything posted by Gabriel

  1. I would shoo her/them out with or without the help of a shotgun. First off, it's freaky as all damn and I would panic, especially if they came in around nighttime. Seeing that stuff would throw me in an instant survival mode for sure. In case they happen by at daylight hours, I would probably freak out less and just nicely turn them around. I bet there are thousands of little girls praying every night to see them and still they somehow managed to end up at the wrong ass address.
  2. I have a select few things I want to do as a job after I have finished the mandatory army service and education, a relationship is only a liability in all of them. What is it good for if I am always on the other side of the globe and in a constant risk of injury or worse? Send a text message how I miss her now and then? Heh, besides, I don't want to take care of anyone else besides myself, I'm a bit of a selfish prick like that.
  3. I can somewhat relate to the above post, at least the first part. Way back in middle school everyone took it for granted that me and my friend were gays because we were always together. It really did not have anything to do with sexuality, but rather the fact that we were such introverted cowards back then that getting friends was as easy as flying to the moon. It was, however, quite easily defused when some girl came to us and actually asked about it. Then there was this nifty little rumor where I had put a cat inside a washing machine for some reason. I don't know how, where and when it was born but it sure made me the fool of the school.
  4. 9/10 Alestorm is where it's at, not my favorite song from them but still, fantastic.
  5. Gabriel

    Hi All!

    Hello and welcome to the forums! The pony we have here is called Photo Finish, at least according to the attire and cutie mark.
  6. My sister's friend was visiting at our horse farm so naturally as a dumb teenager I had to be a huge show-off. I was brushing one of our trotters after his training session when she happened to walk by, we exchanged some words, me trying to look confident as I leaned against the horse while we talked. Well, the horse apparently didn't like me leaning against his ass so he kicked me, hard. I heard this scary crack emanating from my leg as I fell down, hitting my head against the stable wall made of concrete as I did so. I remember my vision blurring or something when my body felt like this was a good spot to black out. However, the pain from my leg kept me alive enough to let me repeatedly shout "Not hurt, not hurt" or something stupid like that. The girl's face was kind of, blank. Later, after a quick hospital trip I limped into our living room where she was with my sisters. It was all good and well until my mother came in and said "Mat, your shirt is backwards." I remember that same blank look as I limped into my room and didn't come out for the rest of the evening. From that day on I knew that fate is evil and she has it in for me.
  7. I would dig you out from under that mountain of headdresses, lift you up and give you a soul crushing hug!
  8. Solid 10/10 I give it a 9.9/10 because the cool critics never hand full points.
  9. Breaks the chain She's always naked anyways so I guess it would be less of an awkward situation and more of a roll the newspaper and shoo her out of the window kind of situation.
  10. I don't care if you look like Goro from Mortal Kombat, because you will always be my little wombat.
  11. -DEWDROP- This concerned her a little...scratch that, it concerned her a lot, 200 years? The alicorns had been around for only about 15, there was no possibility of them knowing anything about them, right? She scratched her right hoof with her left as she awkwardly shifted around, trying to find a conclusive image of the whole ordeal before it dragged on and on. After a good while of tense silence she swallowed, her tongue getting glued against her palate as the temperatures did nothing but rose. "Alicorns. The...the signal was a bounty request and you just kind of, signed up for it." She responded, giving them a wary look to see their possible reactions, after which she glanced around herself, giving the entire squad a fast scan to see if they were growing impatient. The trench coat covered stallion looked just about ready to beeline straight into Pleasant Valley so she hastily refocused on the pirates. "I...uh...in case you don't need any payment, why...why don't y'all gather up and go check out the trashed caravan site? Maybe my er...friends can fill ya up on he subject, huh?" She leaned towards the ranger that was standing next to her, giving him a confirming nod as he seemed to be slightly nervous about something. She slightly lowered her voice in order to catch his focus. "Yeah, and um...you said there was some place for me to like, kick in? Outpost?" -JUNKER- He was thoroughly enjoying this circus now, nothing slapped a smug grin on his face like witnessing some fragile critters on each other's throats over some less than petty concerns. This made him so happy in fact that he just wanted to ruin someone's day right now. Squinting his eyes under the metal hunk of a helmet his gaze eventually returned to the Ghost. He had talked to some kid on a comm, he was sure of it. His smug grin turned playfully devious as he slightly leaned towards him once again. "Heyy Ghosty..." He started, not really caring if his distorted voice overlapped with the other conversation. "...your kid sounds real adorbs ya know, they got a name?"
  12. The results of these tests are quite contradictory. And here's the list
  13. I would be downed extremely fast, and depending on the situation, with minimal resistance.
  14. I am too human for a magical cartoon land where friendship rules more than currency. My presence there would most likely consist of entering, snatching all the powerful artifacts my backpack can carry and then bolting back to the portal before I get my behind jolted by a well aimed magic blast. It would take...perhaps a week or so? On the contrary, I would be spending the rest of my life there if they manage to 5-0 me. And to answer your second question, I'd just pack a bottle of Gatorade since I would have some running to do.
  15. Blue Öyster Cult? Meaning a song or a full album? My favorite song from them is Beat 'Em Up, hope that is a satisfying enough answer. Favorite video game villain?
  16. Easy 10/10 and right into my playlist.
  17. Salty liquorice for sure. What is your favorite book/book series?
  18. I am not really into the general pop scheme of things since I personally find it a bit generic, only understanding the English chorus doesn't really help the case either. Lastly, it lacks the feeling I generally look for in music pieces with lyrics as it is too uplifting and giddy for my tastes. I will still give it a 7/10 because objectively it is well made and all that, I'm just not the right person to rate it.
  19. Well, it depends. He looks all sorts of cool and handsome so I totally would hug him, however I have the feeling that I would be executed without trial if I stepped too close.
  20. Yeah the noises he makes though, they always get me. Those and the sloppy moves...1:06 mark, enough said.
  21. 9/10 I really like it. The groovy music and pretty lyrics create a slightly melancholic, yet beautiful atmosphere. Could listen to it all day. <3
  22. I don't really "celebrate" Halloween but I do buy some sweets in case the neighborhood kids come knocking. They know I always give them a supply of candy that lasts them all the way to the next Halloween so I do my part and prepare. As a small kid I used to do that every year myself, though nowadays I feel it'd be more cringy than anything to see me walking down the street asking for sweets and whatnot. My friends don't even celebrate birthdays so their lame asses are no help either. What is your favorite animation series/movie if you can't say Mlp?
  23. Long ago, when I temporarily lived at my stepmother's place, I drew a lot of ponies on paper and usually hid them in the drawer. One day I apparently forgot all of them on my desk and once I came from classes I saw all of them nicely arranged to the side of my table. The sheer cringe almost gave me a heart attack. We never spoke about it but every time the toddler of hers tuned in to mlp she gave me that crap eating grin.
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