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Everything posted by Kion

  1. Spoiler

    Easily one of the best scenes and screenshots in the whole series. 






  2. Go Starlight uh huh you know it. E37C32FE-096C-4697-96FD-DDCC85389819.gif.bb6997a88a49b90a26cd1ce82f469aa4.gif

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mirage


      She's  listening to my Trance mix. :D


    3. Kion


      @Mirage oooh and what would that be?

    4. Mirage


      @Easter Dash I'll have start a dance party! I can't until later though.

  3. Hello so while I was going through my PMs I accidentally click the disable button and now there gone. And I can’t figure out how to bring them back. Can one of you staff please tell me how to put it back on if so that would be really nice thanks. I mean I could of swore there use to a way to undisable them. But now it seems like that options not there anymore. Oh never mind I figured it out thanks.
  4. Hey @PathfinderCS I accidentally disabled Private messaging anyway you can bring it back please. 

  5. 10/10 Yumm Chocolate cream pie?
  6. Characters that have performed the best in season 9 so far 1. Spike without a doubt nobody even comes close to taking his spot. 2. Luna 3. Sombra 4. Fluttershy 5. Rarity 6. Starlight Glimmer 7. Twilight Sparkle 8. Pinkie pie 9. Yona 10. Applejack 11. Rainbow dash 12. Shining Armor 13. Silver stream It’s been a fantastic season so far Twilights seven aka Sparkles seven easily tops Slice of life. Let’s hope the rest of the season is as good.
  7. Characters that have performed the best in season 9 so far 

    1. Spike 

    2. Luna 

    3. Sombra 

    4. Fluttershy 

    5. Rarity 

    6. Starlight Glimmer 

    7. Twilight Sparkle 

    8. Pinkie pie  

    9. Yona 

    10. Applejack 

    11. Rainbow Dash 

    12. Shining Armor 

     13. Silver stream 

    Its been a fantastic season to far Twilights seven tops slice of life easily. Let’s hope the rest of the season is as good.

  8. Wow Luna you trickster and spike is really smart also poor. Starlight she has no one to keep her company she’s all alone. Can I call this a spike episode and the best one please because that’s how it feels like. Speaking of Starlight i wonder what her reaction would be to spike winning the crown.
  9. Well how am I suppose to see the beginning when there are no links available to the episode
  10. Besides that problem this episode replaces the premiere of my favorite of the season. My favorites are Finally seeing Zephyr breeze again Spike being confirmed to be part of the sparkle family. Spike actually being called the brother this actually confirms that spike is the mane 7th member the fact that it wasn’t just a Twilight episode like the synopsis said. Fluttershy and spike being spies Score: 9/10 awesome episode
  11. Wait why is Starlight listed in the voice cast of the episode and if she was In it why wasent she helping the mane 6 and spike.
  12. Spoiler

    We finally get to see Zephyr breeze again 

    What the heck is AJ wearing 

    And Fluttershy and spike as super spies to cute.


    1. Kion


      Never mind I found out she appeared in the beginning. Which I missed

  13. Wait she was oh I missed it are you talking about the theme song or the episode. Also I missed the first 3 min of the episode.
  14. Spoiler

    Sparkle seven I thought it was called Twilight seven also as I expected it looks like Starlight will be absent from the episode.


  15. 8/10 A Bacon cheese burger?
  16. Every mane character should appear in this episode even the Cmcs and the student 6. I know it’s a Twilight and shining armor episode. But you can’t really call it a 200th episode without all the mane characters in it.
  17. Only 27 more minutes till the new and 200th episode arrives this episode could Change the Mlp history  forever I truly hope it’s done right.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nightfall Veilwing

      Nightfall Veilwing

      @Mane 6

      But that would make them filler characters and "space occupiers." Just having them there with nothing to do would be rather pointless, you know? :mlp_wat:

      What would make for a very boring and uneventful episode. :yeahno:

    3. Kion


      @Millennium Shadow your right yet again 

    4. Nightfall Veilwing

      Nightfall Veilwing

      Say, how do you have any MLP fics? :ooh:

      I have a unique one in the works, if you're interested. :squee:

  18. Like I would wanna see at least 3 to 4 maybe 5 episodes where they interact.
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