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Everything posted by Kion

  1. Well I just got done eating Easter dinner and it was so good however   I think I overdid it  a little I had thirds of everything and we haven’t even had desert yet and I’m stuffed. I think I might wait a couple hours for desert. And yes there are tons of leftovers looks like we’re gonna be making Eggs and ham all next week. 

    1. Treeglow Flicker

      Treeglow Flicker

      A full stomach is always a positive sign that good times were had. :P

  2. Ah finally it’s time for Easter dinner I’m so excited. 

    1. PiratePony


      What are you having? Do I get leftovers?

    2. Kion


      @PiratePony if you wanna see everything I’m having check the previous 3 status updates I listed all the things that will be there.

      I don’t think so I eat a lot a food 

    3. Kion


      @PiratePony looks like I was wrong there’s tons of leftovers. Here you go gives you some leftovers mash potatoes and ham.

  3. Sometimes I do only on instagram Snapchat and rarely Facebook.
  4. No I hate my house it’s to small and to boring. However i am grateful that I even live in a house since sadly some people are not able to.
  5. Only one more hour till Easter’s dinners ready so excited in the meantime here are some Easter theme pictures to entertain all you guys. 









    1. PiratePony


      Cute pics. I just finished Easter dinner. Roasted lamb with mint rice and broccoli, and a lot of red wine. Buona Pasqua!

  6. Kion

    Rarity Fan Club

    I don’t really have any Rarity pictures. But here are the ones I do have.
  7. Just like with Starlight I have tons of pinkie pie pictures.
  8. I have a good amount of Rainbow Dash pictures.
  9. I have a few pictures of Fluttershy.
  10. I cant wait for Easter dinner in a couple hours it’s gonna be so good. We’re having ham, mash potatoes, stuffing, hot apples, Corn, Sweet potatoes, Hiawiian  rolls,  chocolate cream pie, apple pie, Blue berry pie, Green beans, warm carrots, chips and salsa and so much more yummy stuff. Yummy yummy in my tummy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Wow... I bet that will be delicious! :pinkie:

    3. SapphireStar


      We're re-doing our kitchen/dining room this year, so our Easter was a little thin this year. 

    4. Kion


      @Tacodidra Oh yea it was 

      @SapphireStar Nice sounds fun good luck on getting you mr kitchen and dining room redone.

  11. Just spending time with family and having a wonderful Easter dinner.
  12. Ah best pony fan club well I’ve got plently of pictures of you. And that’s only just some of some there’s more where that came from.
  13. Ah Twily the one who always makes the best freakout and crazy expressions and it best friendship princess.
  14. Happy Easter bro hope your doing okay hugs.

  15. Yes of course it is everything about Disneyland is amazing.
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